Sesshomaru, What is that smell! by Hell Fire775

Chapter 1

Coming to the feudal era never got old, each time I went through the well and saw the large trees overhanging and the sun shining down, I got little goosebumps all over. Though the feudal era was beautiful there were things about it that I had to get used to and I knew I would have to get used to these things. Things like, how young girls married, or the fact that most people we ran into while traveling weren’t educated.

It was all a culture shock for me even though I was still right there in Japan. There were things though that I wasn’t expecting either because I never thought of it or maybe I was a bit naive, who really knows. Some of those things included the fact that Shippo, Inuyasha, and Kirara tended to prefer their meat a bit more on the raw side, or that many villages we went to didn’t appreciate my school uniform because of its short length. One thing I didn’t expect though to figure out after Sesshomaru and his entourage started traveling with us was that…

Sesshomaru feet smelled horrible!

It was one afternoon, we had all stopped in a large field covered in flowers with a small pond right in the middle of it all. Inuyasha went to who knows where, probably with Kikyo, Sango and Miroku went to the slayers village so she could do some repairs on her weapon, and Shippo and Rin stayed with Sesshomaru and I. 

“Let’s go play in the pond!” Rin excitedly said to Shippo.

“Ok! Kagome come with us, get your feet in the water too!” Shippo replied.

“I’m coming!” I turned towards Sesshomaru, who was lounging against a tree. “Want to join us? You just have to get your feet wet.” 

He blinked and turned towards me. “I suppose” he said.

We both got up to join Rin and Shippo. I took my shoes and socks off and waited for Sesshomaru, who was slipping his armour off first. 

Then that’s when it happened, he slipped off one boot. At first I couldn’t smell anything then he took the other off and the full brute of it smacked me clear in the face and let me tell you, I'm pretty sure the grass died where he stepped. ‘ What. The. Hell.’ She thought.

I tried not to make a face and slowly turned towards him, as if merely looking at him would make the smell go away. ‘If only it worked that way’

“S-sesshomaru, um, do you, uh, you know, smell that?” 

He delicately sniffed the air. “Smell what miko?”

There is no goddamn way he doesn’t smell that!’ She almost shouted.

“Miko” His thin patience had worn out waiting for my answer.

“Huh, oh, um, nevermind, could’ve been my imagination.” I chuckled nervously

“Hn” Then he walked towards the pond.

I watched as he got closer to the pond and realized, neither Shippo nor Rin seemed to react. 

Then it hit me, this...this was normal! Hygiene wasn’t much of a thing. Sango only started bathing daily because it was our girl time, then she eventually started to because she actually liked it. Miroku wore sandals so his feet were always in the open and he wore those heavy robes which probably covered a lot, and Inuyasha was always dirty so she was used to him.

Sesshomaru though, wore leather boots. LEATHER boots, while walking in the heat constantly. He never looked like he was hot or sweating but his feet apparently sure as hell were.

I should say something’ 

What the hell am i thinking!? He’ll throw me to kingdom come if I go up and just say... “Hey Sesshomaru your feet smell like a dead squirrel fornicated with them”. She blanched at the imaginary scenario. 

‘Yea I should probably just keep my mouth shut’. Then she got an idea. ‘That doesn’t mean I can’t do something about it’

So Kagome joined the kids and Sesshomaru in the pond for the afternoon.By that night everyone was back and the next morning kagome decided to borrow Kirara and make a quick trip home.

Jumping over the well back into the feudal era after her quick trip back. Kagome looked at the small gift back in her hand with a small smirk on her face. She didn’t just get any old pack of socks. She got thick, odor protectant socks. ‘Only the best for a Lord, right?’

“Well this can go one or two ways: he’ll simply take these and hopefully use them or realize why I’m giving them to him and thump my head off like a Pez dispenser. Only one way to know I guess” So with that she hoped back on Kirara, who had waited for her, and made her way back to the group.

Kagome arrived back to the field and immediately hopped off Kirara, thanked her, and walked right towards Sesshomaru. 

“Is there something you need miko” He questioned as she stood right in front of him.

“Here, it’s a gift” She replied handing the bag over.

He took it from her hands and opened the bag pulling out the contents curiously. It was a package of some sorts with folded material in it.

“What are these miko?” He questioned

“Um, well, their socks, Lord Sesshomaru” She desperately hoped he didn’t ask why she gave them to him.

“Why” he immediately questioned

Fuck’. She nervously laughed and started to say, “ Because well, I just kind of figured you might like a pair, your boots seem warm in this weather, and besides we're friends or at least acquaintances now and I just want you to feel welcomed in our little group so I brought you a gift”

She made up the lie right on the spot hoping he’d fall for it and that her friends, mainly Inuyasha, wouldn't question it. She would very soon find out though that Inuyasha should’ve been the least of her worries.

“Hn, miko-”

Before he could finish what he was going to say, Rin jumped in front of him facing Kagome and proceeded to say a sentence that would haunt Kagome for the rest of like, or at least what was left of it at this point.

“Lady Kagome did you get those because Lord Sesshomaru's feet smell like a dead animal”

Kagome's entire face went as blank as a piece of paper

“Oh, shit”

A/N: I hope anyone reading enjoyed my attempt being funny. Please review :)