A Little Green by mynightshining

A Little Green

Summary: Perhaps Sesshomaru made a mistake in gifting Kagome a weapon so early in her training?

Rating: K

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Author's Notes: It's Day 1 of SessKag Week 2021 on Tumblr! This is my first time participating in something like this, so I'm really excited to publish some works, but also read what everyone else has created! Since this is my first time, I had to set up some rules for myself (because I was getting carried away with very little time on my hands):

- Fics will be set in cannon, but will diverge.

- Fics will be short, no word limit, but no massive one-shots (like I was planning to do)

- Fics will be stream of consciousness writing with very little editing or futzing

- Only use color as the main prompt, and if I happen to include the others, then it's a happy accident.

Anyway, have fun reading!


A Little Green

Prompt: Green



"Sesshomaru, I am so, so sorry!"

"Perhaps I made a mistake in gifting you sai so early in your training?"

"I-I'm a little green—"

"A little?"

"—but I'll get the hang of it."

"Kagome, your inexperience singed the hankimono that was passed down from my grand-sire to my sire to this One. It is priceless in both monetary and sentimental value."

"I'll fix it."

"There is no need. Enough is left to repair itself on its own."

"Oh! You, drama queen! You made me think I destroyed it completely."

"A slightly stronger blast and you would have."

"Can I make it up to you?"

"How, pray tell?"

"Remember the day at the beach last year? When your mother took the kids tide-pooling, and we stayed behind?"


"I'll wear the suit and do the thing."

"The… Now?"

"Yes, now."

"Apology accepted."