One Thousand and Ninety-Five Blossoms by mynightshining

One Thousand and Ninety-Five Blossoms

Summary: Obviously, Sesshomaru is celebrating something. What is it? Kagome has no clue.

Rating: K

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Author's Notes: It's Day 7 of SessKag Week 2021! I had so much fun participating in my first writing event! Thank you everyone who has read my submissions so far, you rock!

Since this is my first time, I had to set up some rules for myself (because I was getting carried away with very little time on my hands).

- Fics will be set in cannon, but will diverge.
- Fics will be short, no word limit, but no massive one-shots (like I was planning to do)
- Fics will be stream of consciousness writing with very little editing or futzing
- Only use color as the main prompt, and if I happen to include the others, then it's a happy accident.

I just barely made it for this one! Blue and Orange (days 5 and 6) are going to be hella late, but I got stuck, and you know, LIFE.

I hate how this one turned out, but I promised myself I wouldn't futz. Hopefully one of you wonderful readers likes it instead!


One Thousand and Ninety-Five Blossoms

Prompt: Purple


Kagome awoke to the heat of the morning sun on her cheeks. Without opening her eyes, she burrowed deeper within the soft fur of their bed. Questing fingers reached for her bedmate, only to find his side of the futon empty. Curious, she blinked her tired eyes open to not find him, but a room brimming with flowers instead.

"What the…?"

Blossoms of every color, size, and shape occupied every single surface in their room: on the shelves, wardrobe chests, her vanity. They spilled over the edges and across the floor, all the way to the very edge of the futon.

A click of the shoji screen opening drew her attention, and she watched with wide eyes as her partner entered their bedroom carrying a tray of breakfast foods and tea.


"Good morning," he spoke softly in his soothing bass as he padded his way through the false meadow of flowers to her. He wore a pair of hakama that hung dangerously low on his hips and an open hankimono that showed every plane of his chest. A long mane of silver hair swished behind him as he walked.

"What is all this?"

"Have you forgotten what day it is?"

The demon lord knelt on the futon and placed the breakfast tray at her feet. All her favorites were plated, including her favorite blend of jasmine and ginger tea. There was obviously an occasion, but Kagome, for the life of her, could not figure out what it was.

"I—" She started as she grabbed a purple sakurasou from the floor and twirled it between her fingertips. She hoped the action would trigger a memory, but she remained at a loss. "It's the spring equinox?"


Azure eyes met gilded ones as her dark brows furrowed in confusion. As far as Kagome knew there were no major moments of celebration between the two of them on this day, especially since they had only started courting each other less than a year ago. Kagome was utterly flummoxed.

"I'm going to need some more context here," she finally said after he remained silent while pouring her a cup of tea. She tucked the blossom behind her ear.

"Do you recall when you first returned to this era?"

"Yes, but that was years ago, now." She accepted the small tea cup, and took a sip in contemplation.

"You arrived when the snow was just beginning to melt, and the first spring flowers began to blossom."

Kagome dug her teeth into her bottom lip before replying, "It wasn't the equinox, though."

"Correct, it was about a fortnight before."

That explained nothing. Obviously, this meant something to him, but there were so few breadcrumbs, and she was starting to get irritated with his elusive answers, which then made her feel guilty, because he was trying so hard to be sweet.

"Sesshomaru…" She started, but he held up a single finger in response.

"When you arrived you made it a point to engage this One in conversation."

She remembered that at least. Kagome had been so intimidated by his presence upon her return, that she felt it necessary to face her fears and get to know him. Hoping that with knowledge of who he was a being, she would come to respect him instead of fear him. Her miniscule mission had been successful. Maybe too successful, she thought with a wry smile, as Sesshomaru placed one of each of her favorite confections onto a small plate, and gracefully handed it to her.

"My brother began courting you then."

"He did, but I still don't see—"

"This One shall explain if you remain patient, Kagome."

She huffed a little in response, but when she saw how his eyes sparkled and the corner of lips twitched upwards, she sighed.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Continue."

"Your village held a festival for the equinox in celebration of your return, and every year following." He took a sip of tea, and Kagome fought the urge to knock it out of his hands for being so glib. "This one recalls you convinced the roving band of taiko drummers to teach you their discipline."

Kagome let out a snort. "I was terrible."

"Yes, but you enjoyed yourself."

"I did."

"Then you played games and danced with the children around the bonfire."

"I was also terrible at that too," she managed through some chuckles.

Sesshomaru smiled, and Kagome fought the urge to kiss his dimples.

"There was freedom in your enthusiasm, in the flaws you paid no mind. Your exuberance was catching and by the end, everyone had joined you."

"Not everyone."

"I was too withdrawn to participate, even if I had the desire to do so."

Kagome looked at him startled.

"You wanted to dance with us?"

"This One wanted to experience the joy you so obviously felt." He paused, gathering his thoughts. "It wasn't until a year later at the same festival, after our friendship had grown, where you once again exhibited boundless joy, that I came to a realization."

His fingertip brushed across the petals of the flower tucked at her temple, then trailed down her cheek to the corner of her lips. Kagome felt her face warm as a blush rose on her cheeks. His warm gaze met hers.

"There are one thousand and ninety-five blossoms in this room. One for every day I have loved you."

Her brain short-circuited. He's never said the L-word out loud before, but she knew. She knew in the way that looked at her, spoke to her, touched her. She knew that he loved her, there was never any doubt, but for him to say it out loud was something she never expected to hear.

"You… what?"

"I love you, Kagome."

Still not quite comprehending, Kagome had to focus on something else to keep herself sane. There were too many flowers.

"B-but we've only been dating since fall…"

Amused by her confusion, he clarified, "This Sesshomaru has loved you, Kagome, since that first equinox. You were still with my brother when I acknowledged my feelings a year later. In order to respect your relationship, I hid my affections for you, resigned myself to never having the opportunity to confess—"

"Is that why you were more awkward than usual?"

"This One is never awkward."

"I remember you being very awkward."

"Regardless, once you and my brother separated and you had the time needed to heal, I approached you with the offer of courtship."

"I'm glad you did."

"Hn." He grabbed the plate of uneaten treats and the empty tea cup from her hands and placed them on the tray. "I have wanted to share this moment with you since we started courting."

"You've been planning this this whole time?"

"With the help of Rin and Shippo."

"You sneaky—"

But she never got to finish the sentence before his lips claimed hers. The kiss they shared was warm and sweet, tantalizing and full of promise.

Between kisses, Kagome spoke, breathless and joyful, "I love you, too, Sesshomaru. So much."


Author's Notes: Thank you again for reading and reviewing my works during this week! It's been wonderful to become part of a community of artists, AND to find such enthusiastic support of each other in that community. Thank you.

On to the next one!