If I Fits, I Sits by mynightshining

If I Fits, I Sits

Drabble written as a gift fic for Yumani on AO3. The drabble has an art piece by Yumani attached, but since FFN does not allow links, you'll have to view it on AO3.


If I Fits, I Sits


With a huff, Kagome set the last moving box onto the living room floor, glad to finally be done with the heavy lifting for the day. After hours of moving their belongings into their newly purchased home, only a few blocks away from the shrine, she really couldn't wait to eat some delivery and run a hot bath. She smirked, maybe even share one with her demon fiancé.

Kagome looked around their modest space and found no sign of him. Last she saw, he had been unpacking some of the kitchen essentials while ordering their dinner. Weaving between boxes and upended furniture, Kagome made her way to the kitchen.

Nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her when she finally turned into the room.

Sesshomaru, in a miraculously pristine t-shirt and baggy harem pants, lounged inside an unpacked medium-sized cardboard box. Arms and legs rested outside the double-corrugated walls. With eyes shut and head leaned back, silver tresses spilling on the tiled floor, he basked in what seemed perfectly comfortable bliss. His utter disregard for the absurdity of the situation led Kagome to suspect this wasn't his first time.

Their long-haired calico, Empurress Catahito, sat on the counter glaring at him, tail twitching in jealousy.

"What are you doing?" Kagome half-laughed, half-gasped.

"Sitting," came his reply in a low, soothing baritone.

"…In a box?"


"We have a couch for that," she said moving towards his sprawled out form. Magenta eyelids opened revealing bright, golden irises. They raked down her messy braided hair, baggy t-shirt, and torn leggings, taking note of her fatigue. One perfectly groomed silver brow lifted.

"The couch that is currently inside its original packing, requiring assembly?"

Kagome smiled, "Yes, that one."

"We are both too worn to unpack that beast tonight, my love," he spoke as he reached out one clawed hand to her. "Join me."

"In the box?"


Catahito meowed indignantly, crouching low against the counter.

"Seems like Empurress wants to be in the box with you instead."

"Incorrect. Her Eminence does not want to share."

"Isn't it a little small for us both?"

"I fit, and so shall you."

"How will that be at all comfortable?"

"Join me and I will show you," he motioned his hand towards her again, smirking. "Perhaps you'll enjoy it?"

Kagome blew out an exaggerated sigh that jostled her bangs, trying not to smile, and grabbed his hand. Before she could blink, she was cradled against his warm body within the box, the firm walls, holding her in place, Sesshomaru's breath tickled her ear. Reluctantly, she realized it actually was quite comfortable. She hummed, relaxing into his embrace and snuggling in to his chest.

"See?" Sesshomaru's tone was light and teasing, and she let him have his moment.

"Can we stay like this until the food comes?"


Glaring at them both from the counter above, Empurress Catahito let out a long, deep meow.

"Or," Sesshomaru's bass rumbled, "until our furry ruler decides it is her turn inside the box."


AN: Empurress Catahito is a punny name based off of Emperor Go-Yozei's personal name Katahito. He ruled from 1586-1611 according to Wikipedia.