Myriad by mynightshining


AN: The following is a series of intentionally unconnected drabbles, unless otherwise noted within the chapter. Of course, let your imagination fly! If you want to view them as little snippets of the same story then please do. All of the drabbles are ways to flesh out future WIP, so if there is a particular one you'd like to see more of, please don't hesitate to drop it in a review.

These drabbles are written for the monthly SessKag Discord Drabble Nights. When a prompt is given each participant has 15 mins to write a 100-word drabble. All the drabble prompts are related to one larger theme, which will be the title for each chapter here. Each night is accompanied by a banner. If you want to see the beautiful artwork, head on over to AO3. The banners are embedded in each chapter.



September 2021



"Okay, everyone, it's about to start!" Kagome exclaimed as she handed out cardboard viewfinders to the surrounding children – human, hanyo, and yokai alike. "Remember, don't look directly at the eclipse with your bare eyes. Always use your viewfinders."

She made her way over the taciturn demon sitting apart, body thrumming with excitement and uncertainty. Tentatively, she offered him a viewfinder. "Here, Sesshomaru-sama. It'll protect your eyes."

Molten gold eyes flicked over her, then the children, and the bright afternoon sun, before reaching out a clawed hand and gently grasping the tool.

"Thank you, Kagome."

A fierce blush graced fair cheeks.



Sesshomaru's usually exuberant and out-going mate was uncharacteristically withdrawn today. Duties were performed with the least amount of care, managing to only complete the bare minimum before moving onto the next task.

When she reached for a scroll, Sesshomaru grasped her hand, searching her face for clues.

"You are unhappy today, Kagome. Why?"

"No reason." Even her sigh was sluggish. "I just feel sad today."

"What can be done to make it better?"


Nothing was unacceptable.

"Come," he demanded, before guiding her back to their room and burrowing them both into their shared furs, "We will be sad together."



"I'm so glad we've finally made it to this era!" Kagome sad as they weaved their way through the crowd, her skirts sweeping against the ground. His mate stopped in front of a general store, waiting for him to catch up.

"Are you certain you are not overexaggerating the pleasurable qualities of this root brew?"

"Root Beer," Kagome corrected, "and no."

She walked purposefully into the store, grasped the necks of two glass bottles, and slapped the necessary payment on the clerk's counter.

Sesshomaru took a tentative swig of the pungent drink. Golden eyes suddenly glittered with pleasure.




Sesshomaru fought to keep hold of his mutinous instincts as soft, decadent lips traveled up the column of his throat.

"Do not fool yourself into thinking you can influence my decision with your feminine wiles, Kagome."

He felt her smile against his skin. "Okay."

Her tongue dragged across his pulse, and his breath faltered.

"I-I refuse to visit my brother and his new whelp."

"Our nephew, Sesshomaru." Small, calloused fingers dove beneath the lapels of his kimono, hunting for skin, lighting it aflame.

"Inuyasha will be insufferable."

"They're family."

Teeth found his earlobe.

A shuddering gasp left his lips.




"No!" Kagome exclaimed frustrated. "You're supposed to fold it down the center."

Thoroughly confused, Sesshomaru looked at his mate, then to the massive pile of neatly folded linen, then back to her. "It is."

"That's not center!"

"The center is the middle, is it not?"


"Then this is folded down the center."


"I do not underst—"

"You're folding it hot dog, and it needs to be hamburger!"

"I do not know what your nonsensical instruction means, Kagome."

She growled, frustrated with herself as much as her mate, and stormed off leaving a vexed yokai in her wake.



As morning light filtered through their bamboo screens, Kagome snuggled deeper into the furs she shared with her mate, throwing one leg over his own and grasping his waist in a tight hug.

"I don't want to get up," she mumbled into the warm skin of his chest.

"Hn," her mate agreed, threading his fingers through her hair and pulling her ever closer.

"I'm content to stay here forever."


Her fingers traced the twin stripes along his ribs.

"I vote we have a sick day and stay in bed."

Sesshomaru buried his nose in her soft, raven locks.




The mated pair looked out across the expanse of rolling green hills. Sheep dotted the countryside. A brisk wind rustled their hair. Kagome pulled a shawl tighter around her shoulders.

"Did I ever mention that my mom is only half Japanese?"

Sapphire met gold.

"No," Sesshomaru's deep baritone warmed her against the chill.

"My grandmother was Irish. I think we're only a few kilometers away from where she was born and raised."

Kagome looked across the horizon again.

"I know we're a couple hundred years early, but could we maybe—"

"Of course, Kagome."

Her smile was bright, "Thank you."



Kagome stormed into their living room, hair dripping wet, towel haphazardly wrapped around her naked body. Sesshomaru laid on the floor playing with their infant twins.

"It's empty!" She snapped, waving a dark green bottle.

Sesshomaru immediately froze.


"Don't you dare!" Seething she gripped her slipping towel tighter. "You continue to spend a ridiculous amount of money on those fancy hair care products and yet continue to use mine!"


"I don't want to hear it. You're going to go buy a case of Herbal Essences!"

Sesshomaru nodded in understanding.

Kagome waved the bottle, "Now."

He ran.



"Craaaaazy on you," Kagome sang with flushed cheeks as she teetered into her drinking companion, an equally inebriated inu daiyokai lord. "Let me go crazy, crazy on youuuuu."

Her arms wrapped around his silk clad waist, and she nuzzled her head against his neck.

"Shessmohoru… sesshy-Sesshmaroooo?"

"That is not my name," he spoke slowly, heavy lips forming words against soft raven hair.

"Can I?" Kagome mumbled against his pulse.


"Go crazy on you?"

Striped cheeks flushed at the implication.

"We are both very drunk, Kagome. Ask me again in the morning."

"I hope you say 'yes'."

"As do I."



"It's simple cause and effect, Sesshomaru. A man and woman have sex without birth control, the woman is likely to get pregnant."

Sesshomaru stared with wide eyes at the miko in front of him. A very pregnant miko.

"I am not a 'man'."

"A 'being', then? Regardless, that doesn't change the outcome."

"W-we only engaged in intercourse one night before I left for the mainland."

"One night, but it was at least five times."

He fought the urge to blush at his naivety.

Twin heartbeats graced his ears.

"I wish to be involved in their lives."

"I wish that, too."


AN: The song Kagome sings in "Heart" is Crazy on You by Heart. The song can be found on YouTube, Spotify, or iTunes.

Reminder: All of the drabbles are ways to flesh out future WIPs, so if there is a particular one you'd like to see more of, please don't hesitate to drop it in a review.