An Eternity Within Your Orbit by Mynameishuman


Sesshomaru prefers fall above other seasons.

More than summer, with its stifling humidity. More than winter as crisp white blankets the ground, chilling everything to a frozen state. More so, even, than spring as colors bloom vividly and wildly, the pleasant aroma of peach blossom diffusing through the air.

Fall is Sesshomaru’s favorite time because it seems, to him, that natures match has been struck, catching everything ablaze. His world burns a brilliant red when the foliage transforms from vibrant greens to striking scarlet.

Though Sesshomaru enjoys fall indisputably, as he pauses to examine a particular flower that demands his attention, he decides that spring is a close second.


The lordling glances up at his father, his small, clawed hand still reverently brushing over the brilliant blue petals.

“Yes, father?”

“What have you there?”

Narrowed amber eyes are drawn back to the flower, but it’s more than the flower that draws Sesshomaru’s attention. There is something within it, humming at a particular vibration, which pulls the young inuyoukai in.

“I am unsure,” the prince mumbles, for he truly isn’t aware what has enthralled him about this particular flower among a sweeping field of them.

“Baby blue eyes,” his mother reveals, coming to stand beside her child, and he looks up at her in question. “The flowers name.”

“What an odd name for a flower.”

“Hn,” his father laughs. “I agree.”

Another brush of small fingers across velvet petals, and on impulse he plucks her from her home, bringing the flower to his nose.

A sweet scent coats his tongue, and he brushes the petals lightly over his lips before passing the plucked flower into his sleeve. He keeps his fingers curled securely around it, savoring the warmth radiating from petals and stem.

As he follows along behind his honorable father and lady mother, he remains blissfully unaware of the soul he’d snuffed out, however unintentionally.