Toast by Sereia

Chapter 1

Kagome groaned as she rolled over, raven hair matted to her flushed face. A simple cough had quickly morphed into a full-on flu, and none of the usual remedies had been able to break her fever.

Her stomach had been in knots for days, unable to handle even the simplest of foods, and though her appetite had been minimal, she knew she'd feel better if she could hold down something.

A cold rag was placed on her forehead, and she whimpered in relief as delicate claws brushed through her hair. "Sesshoumaru—"

"Not quite, miko. My son is currently entertaining your pups."

If she'd had the energy, she would've jerked in surprise, but as it was, all Kagome could manage was a slight shift of her chin, bleary eyes settling on her mother-in-law. "Kimi?"

"Indeed. It appears your health has my son so worried that he finally relented and asked for my help."

"I'm sorry."

"I am not."

Kagome frowned. "But you weren't ready to—"

"Whatever disagreements my son and I have are between me and my son," Inukimi admonished. "You are not a part of our petty squabbles."

Kagome reached up and placed her hand over hers, managing a soft smile. "Thank you for coming."

Inukimi gave her a considering look before scoffing, and Kagome bit back a comment about how much she resembled Sesshoumaru. "Rest, miko. You can eat when you wake."

"I haven't been up for much—"

The daiyoukai motioned to a tray on the table next to the futon. "My son has made you something to appease your palate. I do not know what 'toast' is, but he assured me I would not have to deal with any regurgitation if you consumed it."

Kagome's chuckle turned into a groan, and Inukimi adjusted the cloth before her hand covered her eyes. "If I do throw up, I'll aim it away from you."

"See that you do," she sniffed. "This is a new kimono."

She swore Inukimi smiled, but the edges of her vision were already blurry, and Kagome succumbed to slumber, selfish in the hope that her flu lasted long enough for the two inuyoukai to make up.