Built For Sin by Vixeria Snow

To the Forest


There are no real warnings for this chapter or for any of the future chapters. Details will stay fairly mild, but I will notify you at the beginning of a spicy chapter. X3

These chapters are not meant to be very long. They're just short bursts of energy that I want to put on paper, and they are NOT 100, 200, or 300-word-goal chapters. I'm just... going with the flow. Some chapters may be longer than others, though.

P.S. This is a brand new fic that I've been writing over on AO3. I will always post there first- and I also keep forgetting I have a Dokuga account, so please keep that in mind in case I ever forget to update here! X3 Anyhoo....



Chapter 1: To the Forest

She bit down. Hard. The man yelped in pain, and with one large fist, smacked her in the side of the face to get her to detach herself from his arm. Tears, streamed from her eyes and her cheeks became red from the exertion. Adrenaline hit her like a rush as self-preservation fought for control. She released the man’s arm and quickly made a mad dash towards an open window of the room. She leaped through the window, preparing to tuck and roll the second she made it through. The man recovered fairly quickly, however, and gripped her right around the ankle just before she could make it all the way out and had her slamming face-first into the dirt and scraping against the window sill.

Her mind raced as she began to panic and in a quick-ditch effort to ward off the man, she grabbed a nearby rock and threw it as hard as she possibly could in her haphazardous position, kicking at her attacker and potential kidnapper. Her effort was rewarded as he released her ankle and she slid forward and the rest of the way out of the window. Gathering herself quickly, she made a mad dash to the outskirts of the village.

Tears blurred her vision as she made her way to the forest beyond the village. She reached out with her aura, searching for something or someone, anyone or anything that could give her safety. She looked behind her- torches had begun to light casting a warm glow that felt more menacing than comforting. She knew they would follow her right into the forest. The glow of her own aura was a dead giveaway for those who sought her out. It would only be a matter of time.

And so, she launched herself forward, toward her beacon of familiarity.