Aren't birthdays meant to be fun? by Evenstar

Aren't birthdays meant to be fun?

A/N This is for Danyealle's challenge (50 ways to torture a Taiyoukai). This is AU. Another attempt at humour, hopefully I won't fail to badly >.< Anyway, please read and review. Beta's by Danyealle.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or songs. I also don't own anything that belongs to Rumiko Takahashi

Sesshomaru is 30

Inuyasha, Miroku, and Kikyo- 28

Kagome, and Sango-26


Sesshomaru cringed. The white Inu wondered what he had done to serve this. All he wanted was a date with his brother's best friend Kagome. He had heard her telling Sango that she needed someone to help with her adopted son Shippo's birthday party.

Not thinking of what she wanted that "someone" to help with, he had immediately volunteered his assistance.

So here he was dressed as a fairy (Kikyo had caught a flu couple of days prior to the party. Therefore she was unable to be the fairy as promised, in fear of spreading the cold). He was almost unrecognisable. He was dressed as fairy and his hair was stuffed into a sapphire wig. It turns out that Shippo had wanted a a fairy so that Rin and the other girls in the party, would have more fun.

As the Macarena came on for the fifth time, Sesshomaru sighed. At least he wasn't suffering the indignities by himself. His father and brother had been roped in when Kagome's grandfather had decided to cut costs and not hire a clown. Both Inu's were now in clown outfits. Inuyasha was scowling as the clown suit he was in was definitely female.

Though he didn't show it, Sesshomaru was pouting on the inside. This was cruel. Not only was he forced to wear the degrading suit, he had to tolerate small children tugging at his clothes and wig. If he glared at them they would cry.

They also asked questions like "Is never land really the second star from the right?" "What kind of fairy are you?" "where is fairyland?" "Can you do magic?" "Where is your wand?"

Sesshomaru glared at particularly obnoxious brat who had screamed "There's no such things as fairies" in an attempt to kill the taiyoukai.

It also seemed that some of the children had become obsessed with him. He gone on a small rest break, well out of the reach of the little demonic devils, only to be ambushed by about ten of them when he had come out of the room.

The little devils had actually waited outside for him to come out before jumping and piling on him. The children piled on him. Sesshomaru could have easily thrown the children of and sent them flying, but an upset mother of any species was not pleasant to deal with. Especially when it involved their children. Even HE didn't want to upset a protective mother let alone a group of them,  so he wisely decide to stay prone.

Looking at his watch Sesshomaru felt his eyebrow twitch. He still had three hours before the party finished. How had been roped into this torture? He felt a shadow fall across him, he prepared for the impact on another monste.... Child. The impact never came. Looking up he felt his heart skip a beat.

Kagome looked down at Sesshomaru "Need a hand Sesshomaru?" she asked. Before he could answer she said to the small mountain of little monsters (in Sesshomaru's opinion), "All right you little scamps, off with you. Go play with the clowns". The children got off Sesshomaru, and with a "Yes Miss Kagome" they ran over to Inuyasha and began to torture him.

Kagome smiled at Sesshomaru, "Hey Sesshomaru, thanks for helping me out. I'll take you out to dinner tonight. My treat" she yelled as she walked away. Sesshomaru smiled secretly well maybe this wasn't so bad after all. Soon though, he heard a very familiar sound.

Sesshomaru groaned. Inuyasha had once again pressed back he was now once again listening to Here we go round the mulberry bush for the third time in a row. This had to be worse than all the torture the he had ever given to his enemies. Smirking Sesshomaru made a mental note for the future, he would survive the tortures, and he would definitely be wiser for the experience.


Finally done. Hope you enjoyed please Read and review. Now I'm going to hide.