Torture Via Slobber by DeathsSilentApproach


Sesshoumaru inwardly braced himself as he opened the door to his somewhat modest home, or as others would call it, a mansion.  Stepping cautiously into the house he realized that it was quiet, too quiet.  Where were they?

Practically tiptoeing from one room to the next a sudden noise caused him to freeze in place.  When he didn't hear the noise again he once more began to creep toward he kitchen where he knew he would be safe.  Finally reaching the kitchen he stopped his creeping and walked calmly over the threshold when a blur of gold rammed into his ribs revealing a golden retriever which now sat on his chest licking his face vigorously, "Kagome get this mutt off of me!"

Hearing no footsteps in reply to his bellow he realized his wife was not there.  Instead he was left at home with no one to rescue him from his wife's pet dog. Groaning he let his head drop back to the ground knowing that he wouldn't be getting back up until his wife got home.


AN:  Strange I know I hope you liked it.