Encounters In Small Meetings by Angelic Memories

Keep it from Mother

This week's theme: Secrets

1 000 words minimum: 1 275 words used

Summary: Kagome presses for information she soon wishes she didn't know


Keep it from Mother

Kagome sighed. Her finger played with the end of the long strands of raven locks. She didn't like laying in bed all day and she was going to go insane if she had to remain in bed any longer. Not to mention that the sneaking around her mate was doing didn't impress her too much. Though she had to admit it was cute that he thought he could hide things from her.

After becoming partly demon with the new blood flowing through her veins, Kagome found that her powers were more powerful than ever. Sesshomaru kept to his promise and at long last she was able to take the stubborn male as hers. Though she sometimes wondered what had lead her to believe it was for the best. His instincts made it near impossible for her to get anything done if she had even the slightest indication that she was under the weather.

"Damn allergies," she mumbled, wiping her nose for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Kagome-sama," Rin came running into the room. "Did you know..."

A slender hand reached around the young child's to clasp the girl's mouth. Sesshomaru growled in warning.

"Rin go finish your studies and let Kagome rest."

Smiling brightly and never one to disobey her lord, Rin rushed off without another word. Kagome pouted, crossing her arms over her chest for show.

"I don't want to be confined here," she argued.

"You need to get better before pushing yourself further," the overprotective male stated.

"It's only allergies," Kagome pointed out.

"It sounds like a cold."

"A cold is nothing."

"This Sesshomaru will not take that chance," he snarled and pivoted on his heels. "Lila will bring you something to eat," he said before leaving the room.

Making note that his eyes never once lingered over her form in the least, Kagome confirmed that there was something going on that she didn't know about. Then there was the way Rin was interrupted, only further confirming her belief. It annoyed her more than anything because she hated surprises, and she was sure everyone other than her knew what was going on.

Lila would tell me right?

As if on cue, the young serving girl entered the room. The usual large tray was overloaded with a variety of fruits, breads, cheeses, and cold cut meats. Though Kagome made a fuss it was too much for her and it should be limited, Lila told her often enough that whatever she didn't eat wouldn't be wasted and just to pick whatever it was she wanted. So this time Kagome skipped the usual small talk.

"Say Lila, is anything important happening?" the woman asked casually before biting into an apple she had her eye on.

"What would make you think that milady?"

"Well, everyone seems to be rushing around. So I just thought perhaps you were preparing for something. Sesshomaru seems really busy, I was wondering if there was a reason he was avoiding me... but perhaps he is growing tired of me," she sighed, hoping the guilt in her voice would make the servant give in.

"I'm sure Sesshomaru-sama is just busy with his usual tasks. Perhaps talking to him would clear up this misunderstanding. If you would excuse me Milady, there's something in the kitchen I must take care of."

Kagome let out a small growl under her breath. The young woman usually stayed with her through the meal. This gave the Western Lady some company until Sesshomaru showed up to take her for her daily walk.

Which means Lila knows what everyone else is hiding from me. What could it be?

For nearly an hour Kagome munched and pondered the possibilities, causing a mental fight between her two selves.

Rin might be involved. Could she have brought home a pet?

But there'd be no reason to hide that and Lila would surely tell me if it were something like that. Not to mention she hasn't been outside the castle walls too much lately.

Maybe someone broke something? Sesshomaru has a lot of rare artefacts.

No, cause something like that would need to be hidden from Sesshomaru not me.

Okay, that's it. I have no idea. I'll just confront Sesshomaru and demand to know what's going on.

Hm, I wonder if he will still come and see me.

Within the four walls of her bed chamber, Kagome waited. She realized that he was late when the angle of the sun caught her attention. Too stubborn to wait, the woman climbed out of bed and dressed in a light kimono. Usually she had help dressing, but she had finally learned the trick of tying the obi on her own. Once finished she headed out of the room.

She made her way carefully through the palace, aware that if anyone would catch her without her mate they would notify him of her disobedience. The last thing she wanted was to be sent to her room without confronting her mate.

Outside the door of Sesshomaru's study she heard the murmured voices of her mate and a few of his most trusted men. The wooden planks making the barrier between her and the room were swung open and she came face to face with the inu.

"Kagome, why are you out of bed?" he demanded.

The woman smiled with delight that he was final making eye contact and rushed over to hug him in her fit of happiness. Meanwhile Sesshomaru was bothered by her actions. Though her aura suggested she was happy, she wasn't usually clingy unless there was something wrong. A wave of his hand dismissed his men from the room so he was left alone with his mate.

Once they were closed off from all others, Sesshomaru brought Kagome over to sit. But the miko seemed to have another idea as she wrapped her arms around her mate and refused to let go.

"I've had enough. What aren't you telling me? What are you hiding? I'm not going anywhere until you tell me."

There was an irritated growl before he answered her: "Mother is coming to visit, she wishes to test you. See if you are fit to take her crown. She will decide if you are fit to become Queen of the Inu Clan."

"What do you mean test?"

"That's not the worst part," Sesshomaru stated, avoiding her question.

"What's worse than a test?"

"We have to hide the fact that you are with pup."

Kagome blinked and then blinked again. "What?... Pup?"

Sesshomaru didn't even give her a chance to swallow everything she just learnt. As she attempted to come to terms with the news of becoming a mother he laid down on final thing he had been keeping from her.

"Mother will not like the fact that we have yet to finalize our mating publicly before announcing that you are pupped. It would be best to hid it until she is no longer around so she won't give you grief while she is here."

Kagome groaned, hating that she would have to keep secrets from the one person she was hoping to gain a blessing from. She was kind of wishing that she didn't know after all. I hate secrets.

Sesshomaru frowned as his mate began to show her first signs of fretting. It was the reason why he was hesitating on telling her. Kagome had a tendency of worrying about the smallest things, and she wasn't the greatest liar. However, it was weight off his chest knowing he no longer had to avoid his mate.

"I have faith in you," he stated calmly, leaning in to press his lips against hers.


Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2009