Encounters In Small Meetings by Angelic Memories

Open Wound

Prompt: Stitch

Free word count: 853 words used


Open Wound

As much as Sesshomaru hated it, he was forced to drag all three pups and his mate with him. Though only six months old, each of the pups were capable of walking and running. He enjoyed his mates expressions when they took their first steps, and the shock she showed when she tried to explain it was much too early. But what was even more delightful was their words. Already their vocabulary was growing to immense levels.

“Father, I want to walk beside you,” his young son spoke from the back of the beast he rode.

“No, you will stay there,” he replied sternly.

“But I am a boy, not some female.”

“I will not speak again.”

From the silence Sesshomaru could tell it was not that his son was giving up the argument, but because he sensed something.

“Return to your mother’s side and keep an eye on your sisters.”

“Yes father,” he mumbled turning the winged beast around to head towards Ah-Un.

Kagome and the two young female were talking quietly about the foreign flowers and plants of the land. But all three suddenly stopped at the same time. All eyes turned to the forest on their right. Kira narrowed her eyes while Sakura shivered. Kai took a deep breath, calming himself so that he could be like his father and show no emotions even though he was a bit afraid about what was to come.

“I thought they were farther away,” he heard his mother mumbled. “How did they cover so much distance?”

“Mother, let me take Kira and Sakura to a safe hiding place. You can call to us later when the battle is over,” Kai urged.

“Yes,” Kagome agreed, “Kira, Sakura, you go with your brother. Don’t make a sound. When you are hidden use your power to help each other form a barrier.”

“Yes mama,” the young daughters nodded and began to transfer to Kai’s dragon.

Kagome watched as the children were carried into the wooded area behind them until she could neither see nor feel them any longer. She quickly made her way to Sesshomaru, to take her place beside him, even in battle.

“Sesshomaru, how did we meet them so fast… they were miles away only yesterday.”

“Kagome, go… you should be with the pups.”

“No. I won’t leave you. I am not a coward. I will stand by my mate.”

Feeling it useless to say anymore, the inu began shouting orders. His men, though few, were well trained. The forest would act as cover for their assault. Everything would go as plan… until the end.

Caught up in his own battle, he lost track of his mate. The miko had separated from him to save one of the young soldiers being overwhelmed. He spent his time trying to look for the woman while keeping his own hide, and that of his warriors, alive.

A scream broke his concentration. He sliced down his enemy and pivoted on his heels. There in the distance, fighting the tyrant lord that took over as Northern Lord. He could see his mate deflecting each of the lord’s attacks. But as he fell his tail came and wrapped around her ankle, pulling her from of her feet. He ran towards his mate, swinging at anyone who got in his way, but he could hear the crack of Kagome’s skull upon the rough surface of a rock laying upon the forest floor.

“Kagome,” he yelled, hoping his voice would reach her so she wouldn’t succumb to the sleep that any head damage would cause.

When he reached his mate, the Northern Lord was back on his feet. His stance told Sesshomaru that the bird would accept the challenge placed before him. Sesshomaru allowed his emotions to be apart of him. He feared for his mate’s safety, worried whether or not she would be okay. His heart caught in his chest, a deep stabbing pain needling through his heart as it was stitched in place so it could no longer beat. For once he realized that love was not a weakness. Kagome was his strength, and without her he knew he would be weak.

As he struck down the Northern Lord he made a silent promise to himself. He would keep fighting. He would ensure that his family would be safe so that his strength would never waver. He vowed he would never feel pain of loss unless he absolutely had to.

In his arms he monitored his mate’s vitals. Her heartbeat was steady, her breathing a little laboured. But overall he determined that she was well. Seconds later Kagome’s eyes fluttered open. She smiled before winching a little in pain.

“Sesshomaru… my head hurts.”

“I will have the healer stitch you up as soon as I get you to a safe place. He torn the sleeve of his haori and wrapped it around the miko’s head, securing it tightly with a knot. He then pulled the miko close to his chest and rose to his feet.

“I owe you,” the inu explained, “But you will never join me in battle again.”


Ja ne

Angelic Memories

© 2009