The Arrangement by BeautifulSilentDeath

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

The Arrangement

I am finally moving all my old fiction over here to this site now.  So, slowly, I will have most of my old stuff moved over. 

A.N. This was originally a one-shot. I have made it into more. The first chapter will be a bit rushed. But it will slow down.

Disclaimer: NO! I NO OWN! I have kids...I can't afford Inuyasha and the gang. Damn, my son already eats me out of the damn house!

She was bored with her life. She just needed something different. You know...something to make her look forward to life. Kagome was successful. She was a business shark and was one of the top business people in the world. So, money was not the problem. Her friends told her to get a pet. She has her cat now. But her life was still lame. She did not have time for a boyfriend and...ok...she was starting to get cobwebs down there.

It has been what...hmmmm...yes, it has been five years since she has had sex. She could just hear the proverbial crowd making fun of her. No, she is not frigid or mean; she just has no time for a relationship! She was 27 years old and she was just in the prime of her young life, right? Ok, she would admit, she was a workaholic. She was always in control and she just wished that she could not be in control of things, just be free and let someone else do things for her...tell her what to do.

Kagome sat at her computer now. It was about three o'clock in the morning. She was looking at Internet porn. Surfing through Yahoo, she stumbled across a website that caught her attention. It was . 'Hey...what is this?' she thought to herself.

She clicked on the site and found that it was a rather plain looking site. On the top of the page it said 'Your Fantasy' then it said under it that you could have what you desire, just ask and see if you are chosen. This was something she normally didn't do, but for some reason she was really drawn to this web page and she just had to continue reading. She read what the qualifications were to get her fantasy.

Kagome just started to giggle. Ok, here she was and she was starting to get a little excited about the possibility that she could get a little excitement in her life. Then she read that you needed to send a picture of yourself, a first name, and a small essay explaining what your fantasy was and why you want it. Kagome just shrugged. She could do this. It asked for no other info and even though she knew it was a little dangerous, she just couldn't stop the thrill that she was feeling about this.

Kagome spent the rest of the night typing a three page essay explaining how she wanted something different then what she ever had and how she was always in control, she needed something different in life. After she was done, Kagome found a cute, but not sexy, picture of herself. She scanned her picture and pasted it onto the e-mail. She left her first name and what city she lived in. She stopped and looked at the e-mail. 'Okay, I can do this. The only thing he/she will do is just reject it. It's no big deal!' she pep talked to herself. Kagome looked at the send button and moved her mouse to it and clicked the right button on her mouse to send the e-mail. She sighed. Now all she had to do was wait.

It had been three weeks since Kagome had sent that e-mail. Will you know it, she forgot all about it! So, being as buried in work as she normally was and running a business, she just let the 'hell' that she calls work take over her life once more. She came home after a grueling day at work and sat down on her couch. She was too tired to eat, so she just wanted to go and check her e-mail and then bathe and go to bed. It was really late, so she set out to do just that.

She turned her computer on and let it boot up while she got a drink from her refrigerator. She clicked on her Internet explorer and saw that her e-mail was highlighted. Kagome pressed her e-mail button with her mouse and the mailbox opened up. Once there, she looked at the small list and started to delete the junk mail. She read her Mom's e-mail and responded back to it. Then, she saw the last one. Kagome's eyes widened and she almost spit her soda out onto her monitor. She choked her soda down and let it sink in who had sent the e-mail. It was from She slowly clicked the button and got ready to read the message inside.

The message said: 'your fantasy has been granted. You are to go out to the Westside of your town and wait out in Rodgers Field. Wear nothing but a pair of matching satin black bra and panties and a long leather trench coat. It is Friday so do not have any plans set. You will be with me until Saturday night. I will be there at 11 p.m. Do not be late. I will leave with out you if you are not there and you will not be given a second chance.' She looked at the bottom of the message; someone named Sesshoumaru sent it. She looked at her watch and her eyes widened. It was 9:30 p.m. She had time for a shower and to drive out there. It was a thirty-minute drive.

Kagome stopped and thought to herself. 'Come on girl, you wanted this. But it could be dangerous.' She warred with herself for a little longer and then decided to go for it! She ran and took a quick shower and pulled her black hair into a low braid while it was still wet. She found a pair of satin matching bra and panties and pulled out her long black leather coat. She put on her house slippers and grabbed her keys and ran down the stairs of her apartment complex, getting a few weird looks along the way. She just smiled at them and blushed as she picked up her pace. When she got to her car, she opened the door and jumped in.

'Okay, here goes nothing!' she thought with a big smile on her face. Kagome then started the car and pulled out of the space and left to go to Rodgers Field.

On the way there she just keep thinking about what was going to happen. She knew this was dangerous and what she was doing was not the smartest thing in the world, but what the hell. She was 27 and not getting any younger and she keep remembering how all of her friends would talk about the wild adventures they had when it came to the sexual world...well, she had none.
'Yes, my last boyfriend and me had sex, but we never did anything exciting. Every time I would suggest that we do something out of the ordinary he would tell me that he just wanted to make love.'

She loved Houjou but he was just boring and it ended in a friendly relationship because she just could not be satisfied. She had devoted her life to working and just never had the time to see anyone else. So here she was driving to meet this mysterious stranger and she was for the first time, in a long time, really excited and starting to get a little turned on by the prospect of a really wonderful sexual experience. She blushed a little at that thought. Kagome rolled her eyes at herself. 'I really am sad' she sighed to herself.

The thirty minutes passed faster than she thought and she arrived at Rodgers Field with just five minutes to spare. She pulled her car into the parking lot, finding a shadow-filled corner, hidden from sight. There was only one light on in the whole parking lot so she had to squint to really see her parking spot. She got out after she shut the lights off and locked her doors up for the night. She figured that she was not going to be using her car for a few hours.

Kagome started walking to the middle of the parking lot and stood under the lonely parking lot light. She only had to wait for about 2 minutes when a black limo pulled up. The windows where tinted dark and she could not see into the long fancy car. The car stopped rolling when she was in front of the passenger door. The window rolled down and she lowered herself to look into the limo. She still couldn't see into the vehicle. That was until she heard a low but soft voice come out of the limo.

"Get in Kagome. We will have a long night. I must have you ready for the next day's...arrangements."

Kagome gasped a little but managed to compose herself and approached the limo door. The door swung open a little fast, taking her by surprise, she stumbled backwards a couple of feet. Kagome blushed at her clumsiness and cleared her throat a little. She got into the limo embarrassed. When the door was closed she looked over to her left. She saw a big man sitting next to her. When she her eyes traveled to his face it was darkened by the darkness of the limo. All she could see was that he had beautiful long white hair that seemed to go past his waist. His lower body was very nicely shaped and he had these wonderful big hands with slender and long fingers.

"Do you like what you see so far Kagome?" he asked.

"Umm..." she peeped out in a small voice. She was blushing like mad now.

"You will address me when I speak to you, little girl."

Kagome eyes widened at that and she started to squirm in her seat. She knew he was staring at her with an intense gaze. "I'm sorry! Yes...yes I do like what I see." Kagome squeaked out.

"Good. Now you will call me Master Sesshoumaru from here on out. You will do as you are told and you will submit to me. Give me total control." Sesshoumaru told her in his commanding low voice.

"Yes Master Sesshoumaru!" Kagome quickly replied.

A thin long piece of black fabric was tossed in Kagome's direction and she looked down at it on the black interior of the seat.

"Put this over your eyes, Kagome." When she hesitated, Sesshoumaru gruffed out a 'Now' and she quickly put it on. When she secured it in the back, she lowered her hands to her lap.

The car had started to move and they had been driving for a while. Kagome sat still and waited for the next order form her 'Master'. Suddenly the limo came to a stop and she heard the door open up. A gentle but firm hand grabbed hold of her arm and helped her out of the limo. With the hand still on her arm, Kagome was led into what she guessed was a house. She felt herself being led farther after she heard the door close. She then came to a stop.

"Don't move," He commanded.

"Yes Master Sesshoumaru," she said. She was really curious and was starting to get excited about what was going to happen next.

After a couple of minutes, she felt the makeshift blindfold fall and she was introduced to a dark colored room that was beautiful but almost looked like a romance/torture room. She was excited and scared at the same time. She looked around and spotted a dark shadow in the corner. The dark shadow stepped forward and came into the light. Kagome looked wide-eyed at him. He wore fitting black leather pants and a black silk shirt that was only buttoned up half way and untucked. His hair was hanging loose and swayed as he walked. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and she noticed that he had two magenta strips that wrapped around his wrists.

When she was done looking at his toned chest she finally made her way up to his face. Kagome was met with a mask that covered the upper half of his face and the only thing she saw was the most beautiful amber eyes she had ever seen.

The man before her smirked while he continued to walk forward. Kagome blushed a deep shade of red. 'I am so pathetic! Why can't I stop blushing!' she fussed at herself. Sesshoumaru stopped in front of her and looked at her. Kagome had to almost strain her neck back to look at the beautiful man in front of her.

"When I approach, you are to get on your knees and kneel before me," he said.

"Yes Master Sesshoumaru." Kagome quickly got on to her hands and knees to bow before him.
"Very good, little girl," he said.

Sesshoumaru walked around her and went to where a chain was hanging in the wall. It was a long chain and had a black leather collar on the end of it. He picked it up and went back to Kagome.

"Sit up," he simply said.

Kagome sat up and looked at her Master and saw the collar that he was holding. "Is that going on me?" she questioned.

Sesshoumaru shot her a glare that could have killed her if looks could and told her to be quiet. After it was on her neck, she looked at Sesshoumaru. Her eyes were big and almost innocent looking. Sesshoumaru had to hold back from taking her into his arms. Kagome saw him pause for a moment and slightly shake his head. Sesshoumaru told her to sleep on the pillow for the night. It was a big pillow and looked like a pet bed. It had little bones on it. 'It is a pet bed,' she sighed. She was very tired and went to sleep surprisingly fast. She did not feel like she was asleep that long until her Master awakened her the next day.

"Wake, now," he said as he gently shook her awake.

She looked up to see him in the same mask, but this time he only had a black bathrobe on. Sesshoumaru walked to the wall and unlatched her chain. It was now a leash. He gently jerked Kagome to her feet and led her to a big spa.

"Take your coat off, little girl."

Kagome did as she was told with a blush on her face. She stood there in her bra and panties now and tried to cover herself a little.

"Don't cover yourself from me," he ordered.

She lowered her hands to her side.


He removed his robe and was naked for all to see. He did not remove his mask though. Kagome stared at his lovely ass as he stepped into the water. As he lowered himself in the water, he tugged on her leash to bring Kagome closer.

"Wash me, and do a good job," he said.

Kagome was now permanently red. She was just sure that she was looking like tomato right now. She saw some soap and a sponge and started to wash him. He removed his mask so that she could wash his hair but he told her not to look at his face. She will not lie, when she washed his chest and back, she was in heaven!

After she was done with this first task, he soaked in the tub.

"Remove your bra and panties, now!" He ordered.

Kagome sat stunned for a moment as she watched him put his mask back on. Sesshoumaru turned around, giving her that look again. She quickly took off what was left of her clothes and stood there waiting for his next order. Sesshoumaru smirked. Yes he liked what he saw.

"Come and get into the bath, Kagome."

She noticed that he had used her name this time as she approached the tub and got in. She sat down and relaxed into the tub.

"I will wash you now, little girl."

He got a sponge and started to soap it. After he was done with that he started to wash her upper body. He rinsed her off and started on her hair. When that was done he brought her up to his body and her back was up against his large and firm chest.

He started to run his hands down her body, starting with the shoulders and then her arms. Sesshoumaru ran his hands back up her arms, but this time it was under the arms length. His fingers lowered down the sides of her body and on the way down, he brushed past her breast. Kagome gasped at this and arched her back up against his chest. Her breathing was starting to get harder and she was getting flushed. Her eyes were half-caste as she watched his hands slowly lower into the water.

Sesshoumaru ran his fingers down the out side of her legs. When he got to her ankles, he started back up on the inside of her legs. Sesshoumaru started to slow his hands when he got to her upper thighs, but he did not stop. Right before he hit home he spread her legs. Kagome gasped as she felt him spread her legs but she did not protest. She did not want it to stop. It had been so long since she had felt the touch of a man that she was reveling in it. She let out a tiny whimper when she felt his left hand continue on with its decent to her hot core. She threw her head back and gasped loudly when he cupped her and started to massage her.

"Mmmmmm...aahhh..." Kagome breathed. She was so hot now; she was just lost in his touch.

"Do you like that, little girl?" Sesshoumaru whispered into her ear.

She could feel his hot breath on the out side of her ear. She whimpered her response and Sesshoumaru stopped what he was doing. Kagome's eyes shot open and she almost sobbed at the loss of the wonderful sensations.

"I asked you a question, little girl," he breathed against her neck. "I will not repeat myself."

Kagome was not going to let him stop this now. "Yes, Master Sesshoumaru!" She said, her voice strained. "I like it, please." She begged.

Kagome was really surprised at herself. She had never begged before in her life. Not for anything!

"That is better, little, where were we...."

Sesshoumaru started to rub her again, but this time he inserted a long, slender finger into her hot core. Kagome cried out when she felt this and started to grind a little in to his hand as he pumped. Sesshoumaru was slow and deliberate when he did this. He was going to make her beg for his ministrations. He started to pick up speed with what he was doing. He moved his other hand up to clutch her left breast while he continued his assault on her core. Kagome was starting to get close. She was almost there. 'Just a little bit more,' she thought as she moaned and grinded into his hand.

All of the sudden, he stopped. She cried out in frustration.

"Master! Please, don't stop! Please!" She cried.

" little Kagome. You will get what you want soon." He cooed into her ear.

Sesshoumaru let go of her completely and got up. He grabbed a towel and dried himself off. After he was done he turned around and looked at her.

"Get out and dry yourself. It's time to eat. I need your energy to be up to par for later on today." He turned his masked face and walked out of the room to, what she could guess, get dressed. (?)

Kagome sighed as she started to feel her body finally cool off and got out of the tub. She dried herself off and put her bra and panties back on. She then went and waited for her master to come back for her. Kagome sat on her dog pillow while feeling sorry for herself. 'I really needed that release...what have I signed on for!'

Sesshoumaru brought her breakfast, which was nothing but a cup of orange juice, two eggs, and a piece of toast. Kagome was so hungry she ate it all up. Sesshoumaru then went back to the chain that was lying at Kagome's feet and picked it up.

"Get up," he simply said and led her to a wall that had four cuffs, which had four-foot chains that attached to the wall.

There were two on top and two on the bottom. In the middle of the wall was a round iron hook. Sesshoumaru clipped the end of her 'leash' to it and then told her to turn around so that she was facing him. She watched him work in his black leather pants that fit him so well. As he gently took one hand and locked it into the cuffs, she couldn't help but stare at his bare chest. He didn't put on a shirt today. Now he only had black leather pants on. She was really trying not to blush but the faint flush just won. After she was chained she tried to relax. She could only lower her arms half way and her legs were parted about two feet from being at a comfortable position. Sesshoumaru then took a small pocketknife and cut off her panties and bra.

Sesshoumaru looked down at her from his tall self. Yes, he would love to take this girl and have his way with her for days on end. But he only had until tonight. He turned from her and got a long black feather that was on a table that was full of other various items. It was about ten inches long and he turned back around and smirked at her. Kagome looked at his masked face and started a little when he smirked at her. She was a little scared but really more like...well, lets just say that she was starting to get hot.

He walked back up to her and held up the tip of her feather to her nose. She looked cross-eyed at it and earned a deep chuckle from Sesshoumaru. She gave a soft glair but then her eyes widened as she felt him drag the tip over her cheek and down to her neck. It tickled her, but she also felt a sensation that she really couldn't explain.

Sesshoumaru slowly dragged the tip down to her collarbone and fallowed the natural line of her chest between her breasts. He continued dragging it around the natural curve of her breast. He keep doing this, tracing her breast, alternating between the two, until she was breathing hard. He then started to go trace the tips of her nipples and doing slow spirals back to where her beast attached to her chest. Kagome was really getting hot now. She has a light shin of sweat showing on her skin. She was feeling her center start to leak her fluids that were running down her inner thighs. She was really hot. It was almost too much for her.

Sesshoumaru started to move the feather down to her navel and was teasing her there too. Her stomach muscles were quivering under the onslaught and she was starting to shake. Sesshoumaru looked at her and gave a dangerous smile. He watched as she was starting to break from all of the light torture that he was giving her. Yes, he was really starting to enjoy this. She was hanging from her chains and was really breathing hard.

"Do you like this, you want me to do more to you?" He asked her in a breathy tone.

"Yes...Master S-Sesshoumaru...please," She choked out in a light sob.

It was almost too much. She needed release. She needed pleasure. She had never known such passion in her life. She was really turned-on and she really needed his body. Kagome slowly lifted her head and looked into his golden-fiery eyes.

"Beg, little girl, beg for me to pleasure you. Do you want me to taste you, Kagome? you want me to make the burning go away?" He breathed into her ear as he continued his feather torture.

"Yes...please Master...anything..."

That was what Sesshoumaru wanted to hear. He moved back from her and stopped his slow Torture. Kagome noticed that he was sporting a very large hard on and it was straining through his pants.

"You will pleasure me first." He said.

At this point Kagome would have killed for him if he would just give her the release she so desperately needed. He unzipped his pants and brought out his huge dick. Kagome had no shame at this point as she gazed upon his length.

She had to strain a little in her chains, but he was so tall that she didn't have to pull on the chains too much. He held his length because Kagome's hands were cuffed. She looked back up at him with glazed over eyes.

"You will pleasure me before you get yours, Kagome, and you had better do a good job."

That was all she needed to know.

Kagome looked back down at his dick and licked her lips. She stuck her tongue out and licked the head of his dick and then took the whole head into her mouth. She had never given head before and she was only going on what she had seen in porn and what her friends had told her. She was surprised that she liked it. She started to swirl her tongue on the head of it. She heard him softly moan and that gave her the motivation she needed. She fit as much as she could into her mouth and started to pump up and down on his long shaft. Sesshoumaru was enjoying her small mouth as she gave him head. He grabbed hold of her head and started to move his hips in time with her movements.

After awhile of doing this, Kagome was really getting turned on and she was dripping a little on the floor. She was softly moaning and was really moving her head to pleasure her master.

"I am going to cum soon, will swallow it too."

She could not believe that she was going to do this. Sesshoumaru grunted and tightened his hold on her head. He shot his load and emptied himself into her mouth. It took her everything she had to swallow the huge amount of cum that she had to swallow, but she did manage.

"Mmmmm...that was nice...very nice, my little Kagome." Sesshoumaru breathed.

He pulled out of her mouth and lifted her head up to look at her. She had sweat dripping and was breathing hard. When he let her head drop back down she noticed that he was not even soft yet! 'Wow, he has some stamina!' she thought to her self.

"Now, my new pet, it is your turn..." He cooed into her ear.

"Yes, please Master...please..."

He kneeled down and put his fingers up to her wet, dripping core. He had noticed that she was ready for him and he stuck two of his fingers easily into her. Kagome moaned and threw her head back in pleasure. But much to her disappointment he pulled his fingers back out and looked at her pleading face. Sesshoumaru stuck his fingers in his mouth and savored her taste.

"You taste of fine wine, my little girl," He breathed.

He then drove into her core with his tongue and lapped at her. Kagome did not last long. She was so far gone to begin with that she came almost immediately. But Sesshoumaru would not stop. He kept on eating her until she came a seconded time. The whole time she had her back arched and her head leaning on the wall behind her. Kagome never knew that she could have more than one orgasm and in just five minutes apart too.

When he was done, he unhooked her ankle cuffs. He stood back up and grabbed her around the waist with one arm and with the other he grabbed her left leg and wrapped it around his waist. He lifted her up against the wall and wrapped her other leg around his waist. Kagome knew it was coming but she was not prepared for the feeling that it gave her when Sesshoumaru entered her.

"Ahhh!" she cried out.

He was big and he sat there for a minute to let her get used to him. After a minute, he started to move inside of her. He was slow at first but soon picked up his pace.

"Your so tight my little Kagome..." he grunted out. "Should I go faster, little one, or should I go slower?" He started to slow down his pace as he held her up against the wall.

"No! Master Sesshoumaru, please! Go faster! I beg you...mmmm..." Kagome could feel the knot start to tighten in her lower region and knew she was close.

Sesshoumaru knew she was close so he stuck his thumb between the two of them and started to rub her clit while he fucked her harder. He had to speed her up because he was getting close as well. Soon Kagome tightened around him and screamed as her orgasm hit for the third and final time that day. Sesshoumaru soon fallowed her with a loud, deep moan. He pressed up against her on the wall. He was trying to steady himself so that he could put her back down and stand up straight. When he finally did that, he slowly unhooked her and carried her to the tub that he had there. He kicked off his pants after he put her down in the spa and soon joined her. He held her close to his body and held her as the warm water carried her off to sleep. Sesshoumaru smiled down at the small woman in his arms.

Yes, he needed this one to come back someday.

When she woke up she was on her pillow again, curled up in a ball. She had not felt so good in a long time. She stood up and stretched. She noticed that she was chained up to the wall again and that she had no clothes on. A few minutes later, Sesshoumaru entered the room. Kagome immediately bowed to him and he just smiled down at her with his masked face.

"It is time to get you back, Kagome. I am sorry about your bra and panties, you may have my shirt to cover yourself until you get back home." He handed her his black silk shirt that she had seen him first wear when she came last night.

"Thank you Master," she said as she sat up and took the shirt from him.

When she was dressed in his shirt, Kagome put on her long leather coat that she first came in. She noticed that Sesshoumaru was in his black leather pants again but had a black fitted T-shirt on. He handed back the blind fold that she first arrived with and instructed her to put it back on. After she did he unhooked the leash from the wall and led her outside to where his limo was waiting for them to arrive.

After the long drive, Kagome felt the limo stop. Her blindfold was removed, along with the leash and collar, and she saw that it was now nighttime outside. They were once again back in Rodger Field and under the lone parking lot light. Kagome noticed that she could not see his upper body again because of the darkness of the night.

"Thank you, Master. I really enjoyed myself."

Sesshoumaru picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. "Until we meet again, Kagome."

With that she smiled and got out of the limo and watched as it drove away. She walked back to her car and got in. She flushed a little and sighed. 'Yes, until we meet again...' With that thought she drove off back to her home.