Wait a Minute Mister Postman! by Texanlady

Wait a Minute Mister Postman!

Wait a Minute Mister Postman!

Oh Kami!  Here he comes!  He is so hot!’ Kagome thought as she peered discreetly out her window between the blinds; hoping that they provided enough cover to obscure her from view.  ‘What I wouldn’t give to have a bit of that….or a lot!

Kagome had moved into her little brownstone on the upper east side of Manhattan about seven months ago after signing a publishing deal for her novel “Shikon Maiden”.  The agency had been so impressed with her first work that they had offered her a five million dollar deal for three more books.  In celebration she had decided to buy herself a nice home, and luckily an elderly couple that were friends of her grandfather had decided to move to Florida and here she was.  While she missed her grandfather, mother and brother she was enjoying city life.  Everything was so fast paced and exciting.  So different from her small town.  Of course the greatest perk of moving into the city had been him.  It had taken her about two days to spot him, the verifiable sex god that was her mailman, and since then she was always sure to be home and by the window every day around 3 pm so she didn’t miss seeing him deliver mail up and down her street.  ‘Kami…I wish I had the nerve to talk to him!

Kagome was so very shy by nature.  She’d only had one boyfriend in high school and during her years at the local community college.  Kouga, a wolf demon, had been important to her, but inevitably what was between them hadn’t lasted.  He couldn’t be what she needed, and she couldn’t be what he needed.  So when he’d gotten a job offer out west in California, so many miles away from their small town in Texas, they had both decided it was time to end things and go their separate ways.  They were still good friends and talked on the phone from time to time, but they knew the chemistry between them had long since passed.  He had been her first for everything, as she’d been to him, but they just wanted different things in life.

She had always loved fantasy and knew she was born to be an author, but she wasn’t made for the limelight.  He was destined for fame and fortune and she hoped he got it.  She was sure that the small role he’d been offered in a daytime soap would lead him to bigger and better things and she had nothing but well wishes for his success.  As for herself she’d buried herself in her studies and spent all her free time writing after he left her sophomore year of college in.  As a result not even three weeks after she’d graduated with a degree in Creative Writing had she sent out her manuscript and received a deal.  Her family was elated, and she herself couldn’t be happier.  She was already working on her next big piece, and the only distraction she really had in life was the object of her current fascination.  The mailman. 

She hadn’t really dated anyone since she and Kouga broke up almost three years ago.  She’d had a few dates with a boy named Hojo but he was too boring for even her…and that’s saying a lot for the girl whose idea of a wonderful afternoon is to curl up with a big book.  It wasn’t that she didn’t have urges…it was that she hadn’t really met anyone that she was interested in seeing….until him.  He was not only a walking sex god, but it was obvious he was a man of intelligence and standing.  Everything about him screamed self confidence.  She’d often wondered what led him to be a mailman when it was clear he could be doing anything.  Modeling being an apparent option in her opinion…or porn…whichever paid more.  ‘I mean seriously!  The man makes a mail uniform look good!  Think about what he could do in g-string!’  She wasn’t one for dirty movies but if he was the star she’d buy out an entire store.  Watching him leave the house next to hers and make his way down the sidewalk towards her own home she thought, ‘There’s just something about him.

There she is again.  Is she ever going to get the nerve to at least wave hello?  It’s been seven months for Kamis sake!’  Sesshoumaru shook his head as he delivered the mail to the house right next to hers and reached into his bag to collect the stack that belonged to the girl watching him as he made his way slowly towards her house.  He always slowed his pace going to and leaving her house in hopes she would finally have the courage to abandon her station at her front window and finally come to the door to say something to him. 

He’d noticed her arrival on his route the day she moved in, and since then he’d been fascinated with her.  The majority of the people that lived on his route were married with children, or enjoying their retirement.  So she quite obviously stood out to him.  He’d seen her when she was moving in and had thought she must either be married or living with her parents.  However months of discreet surveillance as he delivered her mail proved otherwise.  Not only did he never see anyone at her home other than her, but all of the mail he delivered was addressed to her and only her.  With the understanding that she was unattached he hadn’t felt the least bit bad about ogling her.  She was rather drool worthy after all.  She was petite for sure, but with curves that could tempt a man of the cloth….and luckily he had never nor would ever take a vow of celibacy.  ‘I know she finds me attractive.  She watches me every day; though she seems to think I can’t see her behind those blinds.  Sorry Mrs. Higurashi…demons see all.  Still…why doesn’t she approach me?  It would be out of line for me to approach her, but if she were to open the fucking door and start up a conversation then I would be well within my rights to ask her out!  Damn!

Sesshoumaru was well aware that he was smocking hot and he never had trouble wooing the farer sex, but he was tired of one night stands and women who only wanted him for his body or name.  Of course few knew that he was THE Sesshoumaru Taisho, but that’s because he didn’t want anyone knowing who he was.  He’d had enough of fake women who saw nothing but his pedigree and the chance to climb the social ladder. 

Four years ago he’d been a rising star in Corporate America.  He’d been a VP in his father’s company and no one doubted he was on the fast track to financial success.  However it wasn’t what he wanted.  His father had never stopped to ask if he had his own dreams or aspirations, and as such Sesshoumaru never thought he had a choice in what to do with his life.  His father had mapped out his entire existence…right down to his fiancé.  A heinous woman by the name of Kagura Wind.  A model with more looks than brains.  He’d abhorred her presence and one night as he lay beside her, weeks away from their wedding, he’d realized that he wasn’t happy.  It had literally been an epiphany.  He’d been working his butt off for a life he didn’t want.  So the next morning he’d told Kagura it was over, left her gaping at him in shock, went to the office and informed his father he quit.  He’d flat out told his father he wanted to be a playwright and was tired of living someone else’s dream.  His father had told him that if he left he would disown him.  He hadn’t cared.  He had more than enough money to live comfortably for a number of years so he’d left and hadn’t looked back.  He’d gotten a small studio apartment, set himself on a comfortable budget and prepared to realize his dream.  His father still refused to speak to him, but his stepmother and half brother gave him nothing but encouragement.

For the first year he’d done nothing but write, but eventually the strain of having nothing to do weighed heavily on him.  He’d decided to get a job, but he was adamant about not being stuck inside an office all day again, nor was he really cut out for the service industry.  Becoming a mailman had kind of fallen in his lap.  He’d seen an ad in the paper and thought, ‘I like walking and being outside and I wouldn’t have to really work with people.  It’s perfect.’  So for the last three years he spent his days walking around, delivering mail, and at night he worked on his plays.  He hadn’t gotten anything published yet, but to be honest he’d only sent in his first attempt and it wasn’t all that surprising that it had been rejected.  However now he was working on what he hoped to be his first successful play.  It was almost finished and was the priority of his life at the moment that he let very little distract him from.  But she was quickly becoming more than just an intrigue.  He knew she was beautiful, but something told him she would be more than just a passing fancy if she ever got the nerve to speak to him.  Making his way to her house to once more deliver her mail through the small slot on her door he thought, ‘There’s just something about her.

Kagome moved to keep him in sight as he made his way up her walk and thought, ‘I wish I had the nerve to say something.

Watching her watch him Sesshoumaru thought, ‘When is she going to get the courage to open the door and at least say hello?’  Deciding to prolong his presence at her house he stopped and set his bag on the ground so he could lean down and tie his shoe.  ‘Come on!  Come on!  Open the door and say something!

Come on girl!  Just open the door and say hi to him!  It’s no big deal!  Just one little word that will hopefully lead to a whole lotta words!

Knowing he couldn’t pretend to be occupied with his shoes any longer Sesshoumaru straightened with a sigh and retrieved his bag.  Trying not to let his disappointment show he shouldered the heavy carryall and stepped towards her door to slip her mail through.  Turning around he thought, ‘Well…maybe she’ll have the courage tomorrow.

Watching him begin walking away Kagome suddenly felt a burst of courage hit her and she dashed to the door to fling it open as she rushed, “Wait a minute mister postman!”

Stilling at the sound of her soft, whimsical voice that was obviously elevated with her emotions Sesshoumaru let a slow smile grace his features before he turned around and said, “About time Miss Higurashi…about time.  It is Miss isn’t it?”

Her mouth dropping open in shock Kagome stuttered, “Uh…yeah…that is…yes…I’m single.”

“Good to know.  If you hadn’t been I would be seriously worried as to your level of commitment to your husband with the way you’ve been watching me these past seven months.”

Her face going bright red Kagome stuttered, “I…uh…you see…uh.”  Shaking her head to try and clear her mind she thought, ‘He knew?  He’s known that I’ve been watching him?  Oh Kami!  How embarrassing!

Chuckling softly the handsome demon walked up the three steps of her stoop separating them and said, “No need to be embarrassed Miss Higurashi…after all I’ve been watching you just as long….Watching and waiting for you to get the courage to finally step away from your window and open the door.  After all it would be inappropriate for me to approach you first.”

“You’ve…ah…you’ve been watching me?” Kagome asked in a timid voice; still uncertain as to whether this conversation would end well or not.

“Oh yes…you thoroughly capture my attention.”  Moving closer Sesshoumaru came to stand a few inches from her and asked, “Would you like to invite me in?”

Looking up into the heated amber eyes gazing so pointedly at her Kagome gulped audibly and whispered, “I’m not sure…I…I’ve never….this is….”

“I assure you that nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen.”

Swallowing nervously Kagome said, “Won’t…uh…won’t you be late?”

Shaking his head he reached forward to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and said, “This is the only street I go so slow on.  The rest of my route I use a bit of my demonic speed to get the job done faster.  Today I’ll just use a bit more speed than normal to compensate….for however long I spend here.”

Twisting her hands Kagome thought, ‘Wow….just WOW!  Is he really?...Am I really going to?....Oh HELL YES!’  Stepping back she swept her arm out in invitation and said, “Won’t you come in?”

Gracing the tiny woman he intended to come to know very well with one of his trademark smirks he swept inside the house.  Immediately he took notice of the open and homey ambiance the abode sported.  Nothing was cheap, but nor was anything lavish or overly done.  ‘Very tasteful,’ he thought before turning around to face the woman before him.

Leaning back nervously against the door Kagome said, “I…uh….I’ve never done anything like this before….I’m not from the city and I…well…I don’t want you to get the wrong impression.”

Dropping his bag and moving to take her hand and pull her against his chest he stroked a claw along her cheek and down her neck as he replied, “I assure you I have no doubts as to your honor or integrity.  It did take you seven months to finally open the door after all.”

Smiling Kagome said, “Well…I didn’t want to make a fool of myself.”

“I doubt that is possible.”

“You’ve obviously never spent any amount of time around me.”

“Something I plan to remedy.”

Shocked at his words Kagome stared deep into the eyes of the demon before her before asking, “So..uh…you’re not…well…you’re not looking for a onetime thing here?”

“No…however if that is all you are interested in giving I will take what I can get.  Though I would be most interested in pursuing the attraction between us should you choose to do so.”

“Wow…uh…yeah…I mean yes…I would like that very much.”

Smiling broadly now Sesshoumaru slipped his arms around the waist of the small woman and said, “Then perhaps proper introductions should be made.  I’m Sesshoumaru Taisho.”  He paid close attention to her reaction to his name.  He’d had enough of money grubbing whores or people looking to further their standing through his heritage.  ‘Nothing…there is no recognition in her eyes…yes…this just might work.

Blushing Kagome smiled up at the handsome man holding her so gently and said, “Nice to meet you Sesshoumaru.  My name is Kagome Higurashi.”

“The pleasure is all mine Kagome.”

Trying to fight off her nervousness as it warred with her arousal Kagome asked, “So..what now?”

Smirking devilishly Sesshoumaru replied, “Now I kiss you.”  And he did just that.  Cupping the back of her head with one hand while the other settled possessively on her hip he dipped his head down to capture her lips.  Sensing her hesitation he took it slow.  Starting with a gentle caress of his tongue against her parted lips he begged for entrance.  Which she eagerly granted.  Sweeping inside he began a leisurely exploration of her moist cavern as he drew her body closer to press firmly against his own.  She would be left with no doubt as to what she did to him, and what he wanted from her.

Her thoughts left her as Sesshoumaru robbed her of her senses with just a kiss.  His tongue stroked languidly against her own before tracing every nook and crevice of her mouth.  There was no surface he did not explore, and when he finally pulled back to allow her much needed air all she could think was, ‘Holy Moly!

“Mmm….you taste delicious Kagome….however I must ask for my own sake how far you are willing to go?  As we have established this will not be a onetime thing and I am actually hoping you will agree to dinner tonight I myself am ready for much more.  Seven months of waiting has left me with quite a fair amount of desire…however I respect you and wish you to only do what you are comfortable with…but for the sake of my level of comfort on the rest of my route, namely the tightness of my pants, I must ask how far you intend to take this afternoon’s encounter?”

Both shocked and pleased with his statement Kagome thought, ‘Well today has been about firsts…so why the hell not?’  Taking his hand she gave him a soft smile before leading him up the stairs to head for her bedroom.  She hoped her actions spoke for themselves because at the moment she didn’t think she was capable of words.

Following along behind her Sesshoumaru understood her gesture completely.  He was so focused on the vixen before him that he barely took notice of his surroundings or the pink and white flower bedspread as he was pushed onto his back and straddled.  Feeling her heat, even covered by the denim of her jeans, press down over his own confined erection he said, “I must say that today is turning out far better than I had imagined.”

“That makes two of us,” Kagome whispered before leaning down to deliver a kiss of her own.  She didn’t know where this boldness was coming from but seven months of watching and wanting, seven months of late night wet dreams that left her gasping for breath, seven months of touching herself alone in the shower to seek some sort of relief had really pushed her beyond her limits.  It was apparent they both wanted the same thing and she wasn’t going to wait for it anymore. 

Running his hands up her sides and beneath her t-shirt Sesshoumaru growled into his kiss.  ‘She is certainly full of surprises today,’ he thought before deciding he was done letting her be the aggressor.  Flipping them over so that he was lying between her thighs atop her he pulled back from the kiss and whispered, “You cannot imagine how many times I have fantasized about this.  How many positions I have dreamed of taking you in.”

“Hopefully as many as I have,” Kagome replied as she began to unbutton his shirt as fast as she could.  Her breaths were coming in pants and she could feel the butterflies swarming in her stomach.

“Let’s see where our imaginations take us Miss Higurashi.”

Feeling bold Kagome reached up to nip his chin before whispering, “Oh mister postman…let’s just hope you’re as creative as I am.  I’m known for my overactive imagination…you could say it’s my bread and butter.”

Grinding his pelvis against her own so she could feel just how aroused he was Sesshoumaru growled, “I think you’ve met your match.”

Hands began moving quickly as buttons popped, zippers came undone, pants were slid off, shirts were tossed aside, boxers shoved down, bra and panties all but torn asunder until two very horny people lay panting in arousal and sizing up the other.

“Exquisite,” Sesshoumaru whispered as he took in the angel beneath him.  Her breasts were high and firm with dusky nipples already hard and begging for him to suckle.  Her skin was soft and supple with a healthy glow indicating she was quite familiar with the outdoors.  She had a slim waist that flared out to luscious hips that trailed off into long, lean legs he couldn’t wait to have wrapped around him.  Holding himself above her with one hand propped over her shoulder he trailed the other down her side to stroke along her hip as he said, “You are more beautiful than I imagined…far more beautiful.”

“You’re not too bad yourself,” Kagome replied as she took in the form of the man above her.  While she adored his face and long silver mane, his body was nothing to scoff at.  He had broad shoulders and a muscular well defined chest.  Her fingers were just itching to trail over it down to the wash board abs that had her salivating.  Letting her eyes wander further southward she couldn’t contain the gasp of surprise as she took in his size.  “Oh Kami….”

Chuckling softly Sesshoumaru leaned down to nuzzle her cheek as he said, “Don’t worry Miss Higurashi I’ll fit…and you’ll enjoy every inch of me.”

Feeling a shudder of pleasure wrack her body Kagome moved her hands to settle atop his shoulders as she pulled him down for a kiss; raising her knees so he could press more thoroughly against her as she did so.  When he pulled back to begin trailing kisses along her jaw and down her neck she mewed, “I intend to…now mister postman…how about you deliver something other than mail for once.”

Smirking Sesshoumaru replied, “My pleasure Miss Higurashi.”  Kissing his way down her body he stopped at her breasts and sucked one puckered nipple into his mouth while his hand teased the other.

Gasping as the heat of his mouth enveloped her hardened nub Kagome raked her nails down his back and tightened her legs around his hips as she hissed, “Oh!  Yessss……”

Swirling his tongue around her peak he ground his straining erection against her moist entrance as he suckled like a pup.  ‘She is divine!  Well worth the wait,’ he thought heatedly before her soft whimpers for more drove all reason from his mind and he acted on pure instinct.

As Sesshoumaru switched from one nipple to the other while his hands teased her thoroughly Kagome could do little more than buck her hips against the hardened length pressed against her womanhood and trail her hands longingly over the corded planes of his back while whimpering for more.  She had never experienced anything like this and she felt like any moment she would burst into flames.  “Oh…Sess…”

Abandoning her breasts he made his way lower, nibbling and sucking his way down her toned abdomen towards his goal.  Absently he was thankful that she seemed to have such a large bed that afforded him the room to lie between her legs comfortably and not feel cramped.  Being an inu demon scent was very important to him, and the moment he came to rest between her thighs and inhale the musky aroma of her naked sex he knew he’d found nirvana.  “Kami…you smell good!” he growled before letting his tongue lap at her from the bottom of her slit to the top; taking the time to swirl his long appendage lightly around her clit.

Her reaction was instantaneous.  Burying a hand into his silver locks to hold him to her she arched her back and moaned, “Oh!  Again!  Do that again!”

Smirking in male satisfaction Sesshoumaru said, “I aim to please Miss Higurashi.”  And so he did.  Gripping her hips with his hands to hold her still Sesshoumaru buried his face into her snatch and feasted like a man dying of hunger.  His tongue delved deep into her wet folds as he licked and sucked to his heart’s content.  He started with deep, rhythmic strokes to her tight sheath before moving to lap gently at her swollen clit.

“KAMI!”  She had never felt anything like this.  She didn’t know if it was the long wait, the naughtiness of the situation, or simply the man himself, but Kagome knew she had never felt this turned on in her life.  Nor had the feeling of a tongue between her thighs ever felt so wonderful.  Kouga had gone down on her many a time, but not like this.  Never like this.  ‘It feels so good!’  Her head thrashed from side to side and her hips bucked up into his mouth as much as she was able to within his hold.  Her free hand rose to her breasts to play with her nipples as she cried out, “Oh Kami!  Yes…right there!!  Lick me right there!”

Obeying her instructions Sesshoumaru let his tongue swirl around and around her sensitive nub while he took one hand from her hip to make us of his fingers.  He was excellent at multitasking after all.  Slipping two fingers into her beckoning heat he groaned inwardly while still pleasing her with his tongue.  ‘So tight…so tight and wet…so hot…Kami I can’t wait to be inside her!’  His thoughts failed him as he lost himself to the scent, taste and feel of her.  He’d rarely gone down on any woman, even Kagura, but he knew that he was destined to spend a fair amount of his future with his head between the thighs of this tenshi from the heavens.

Kagome was a withering mass of nerves as Sesshoumaru licked, sucked, and stroked her into a frenzy.  She had been so worked up at the sight of him, so needy for his touch after months of admiring him from afar that it did not take much to drive her to the edge, however Sesshoumaru had no intention of letting her find completion so soon.  As Kagome’s muscles tightened around his fingers as he stroked her, and her hips bucked faster and harder against his mouth he waited for just the right moment.  When he knew she was about to explode he pulled back and smiled down into her outraged features, “Not yet Miss Higurashi.”

Gaping up at the man above her Kagome was about to demand why he’d stopped when she had been so close, but seeing him take hold of his massive cock and stroke it slowly as he kneeled above her she found that her anger evaporated.  In its stead was only fascination at the sight of his large hand working his even larger length.  She leaned up on her elbows and panted in need as she took in the sight of him stroking himself over and over.  Precum had accumulated at the tip and glistened from his slit.  Reaching a hesitant hand out she collected a drop on her finger and brought it to her mouth to taste.  ‘He tastes wonderful,’ she thought in a lusty haze.

Unable to restrain himself any longer Sesshoumaru positioned the head of his cock at her entrance and met her heated gaze with his own as he growled, “I hope you’re ready…I cannot wait any longer.”

Smiling coyly Kagome set her hands on his shoulders and said, “Give it to me mister postman…….AHHH!!”

At her words he slammed forward.  Throwing his head back he let out a hiss of pleasure.  “Yesss…..so tight…so hot and wet…..mine!”

Her whole body arched beneath him as she felt his dick fill her core to the brim.  She could feel his balls slap against her ass as he sunk into her to the hilt.  “KAMI!!  You’re so big!  You feel so good!”

Placing one hand above her shoulder and the other near her hip Sesshoumaru pulled his hips back slowly so his cock slid out with only the head remaining inside her welcoming folds before he thrust back in.  The force of his movements caused her to push against his hand above her which is why he’d placed it there...to keep in her position.  When her mouth fell open in wonder he smirked down at her and said, “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll never think about making me wait seven months again!”  And he did just that.

All Kagome could do was dig her nails into his shoulders and wrap her legs around his waist as he began to ride her for all she was worth.  Her shoulder pushed against his hand above her again and again as be bucked into her with rapid and vicious thrusts that left her crying out for more.  “YES!!  AH!  FUCK ME!!”

He’d never felt a cunt so hot, tight and wet before.  The scent of her juices mingled with his own, as well as their combined arousal was driving him mad.  Not to mention her breathy moans and whimpers were threatening to send him over the edge any moment, but he wouldn’t go without her.  She would cum before he did…he swore it.  Holding himself above her with his weight supported on one the hand over her shoulder he moved his hand from near her hip to slip between their bodies.  Seeking out her clit he began to stroke it furiously as he bucked and thrust into her heat over and over.  He’d never felt so out of control with a woman, and he knew he was going to find the greatest orgasm of his life between this one’s thighs.  “Feel me bitch….feel my cock spreading you open….you’re just a hot little bitch in need of a good fucking aren’t you?  You’ve been panting after my cock for months and now you’re going to TAKE IT ALL!”

“AHH!!!”  Kagome couldn’t think…she could barely breathe.  So many sensations were warring within her she couldn’t make sense of any of it.  Again and again he slammed into her.  The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room.  The slick wetness between them mingled with the pounding to create an erotic symphony she would remember for all time.  She tightened her legs around his hips as hard as she could while raking her nails down his back to leave long, angry red marks in their wake.   “OH yes!!  FUCK ME HARD!!!  More!  I need more!” 

“You want more bitch?  Than more you shall have!” as he increased the pace of his hips as his thumb flicked against her pleasure button harder and faster.  “Look at me….look into my eyes as I fuck you!”

Forcing her sapphire eyes open Kagome looked into the heated pools of gold above her and whispered, “So beautiful.”  A particularly hard thrust robbed her of speech and she rolled her hips in time with his as they both sought completion.

He knew neither of them was going to last much longer.  He could feel her inner muscles tightening around him with each stroke of his cock to her sopping wet pussy.  “Fuck you feel good….so fucking good!  I’m going to own this pussy!  You’re going to beg for my cock every day!”

“Yes!!  Fuck me!  Fuck me hard!”  She could feel the pleasure building within her.  Coiling tighter and tighter until it felt like she would snap in half. 

He could sense she was teetering on the edge.  Fighting off his own climax he hissed, “Cum for me bitch!”

As if waiting for those very words Kagome threw her head back as her legs gripped him tightly and her nails dug deep into his flesh.  “SESSHOUMARU!!!!!!”

Feeling her cunt grip his cock like a vice as her body exploded around his own he lost his battle and gave into his own orgasmic bliss.  “KAGOME!!” he roared as his head flew back and his hips jerked forward to bury his dick into her pussy one last time.  His seed erupted inside her like a volcano to coat her womb over and over.  Losing all strength he collapsed on top of her, panting as he tried to catch his breath.  After several moments he lifted himself just enough to look into her euphoric gaze.  Stroking back her damp hair he said, “I hope it was everything you’d imagine…I know I’m satisfied.”

Smiling dreamily Kagome trailed her hands up his sweaty back and over his shoulders to cup his face.  Pulling him down for a long, slow kiss she luxuriated in the feel of him knotted inside her.  When he pulled back she mumbled, “Oh…it was everything I’d imagined and then some.”

Chuckling Sesshoumaru rolled over onto his back with her resting on his chest while he waited for his cock to soften and asked, “So what made you decide that today was the day to stop looking and finally open the door?”

Snuggling into his chest she giggled, “What can I say?  I love a man in uniform.”