Not Quite Paradise by Lilneme

Chapter 1

Hello and thank you for clicking on my fic. This is my first KagSess and I'm hoping it meets expectations. I know I'm having fun ^_^



Sure, it was just one word to describe what she had felt, but it was also the only one she could think of at that moment in time. It made her feel like she was on top the world and nothing could bring her down off that high. She was flying and no one could clip her wings. Like she could do everything and anything and nothing could stop her.

Damn was it a good feeling.

Although in truth, looking back on it, the alcohol probably hadn't helped.

No, not one bit. But damn the rest had felt so good. It wasn't gentle, nor was it entirely rough. It was probably about the best she would get from the back seat though. She was quite certain she'd never done it in the back seat of anyones car, and she'd never done it again after that.

Remembering his touch to this day made her nearly blush, and then the memory of the rest of him would finish the job. But his eyes staring straight into hers were what she remembered clearly. The deep amber eyes that haunted her to this day, framed by shining silver tresses that made him even more unique.

She could remember the pressure between both their legs building up as she stared into his eyes. Hell, she could faintly remember that they were fogging up his windows! She could recall screaming out in pleasure as she came with him, but it would seem that none of it would matter in the end.

No matter what she did, she could not call to mind what his name was!

Not that it would have been of any consequence in other circumstances, but she seemed to have forgotten more than just his name that night, had she ever learned it. Nope, she could remember nothing after that glorious moment of joining with the mystery sex god until her waking the next morning at the base of Goshinboku. Of course she knew what she'd done, the ache between her legs was enough. But the substance otherwise left between her legs reminded her that she'd forgone protection with said sex god.

As a young woman she was, as many youths believed, under the impression that one time wasn't enough to do anything.

Afterwards, having learned the truth, she knew she deserved to have her head smacked off the nearest brick wall a few times. Childish naivete, but she was forced to learn the hard way that once was indeed enough. Her family was none too pleased when she had to tell them of her pregnancy. Well, her mother and grandfather were not happy. Her brother was ecstatic about it.

So, nine months after having spent some time in the back seat of a car feeling incredible, she spent nearly a day in the worst pain of her life. It was during this day she swore to be forever celibate.

Finally, after much swearing and screaming in agony, she felt it again. That feeling, the one that made her feel as though she could fly. She felt it looking into the intense amber eyes of her baby girl, and swore she would never regret anything that had happened in the past nine months.

She almost didn't hear the doctor's voice when he questioned her.

"Miss Higurashi, what is her name?"

Without looking up at him, never taking her gaze from her little girl, she answered.
