Moments by sarhea

DDN - May 15

LATE - May 15

Sesshoumaru did not fidget and grumble like the half-breed.  So the miko was late.  She generally had good reason.  Or at the very least she would return with extra supplies and forgive-me gifts to make up for the delay.

He resisted the urge to sigh.  The only think he wanted was a detailed annotated historial text about the politics and trade patterns for the next two hundred years. 

Sesshoumaru did not particularly care for court nicities but he was Lord of the Western Lands.  And he was determined to ensure his lands and power base remained intact for as long as possible.  And since the miko was key to that knowledge he would forgive  her for a multitude of sins.  Including her tendency to lose track of time and run late.


JEALOUS - May 15

Inuyasha huffed and sulked as he secretly watched his half-brother sit beside His miko and talk to her.  And the wench was smiling at the bastard!  He glowered at the two of them wishing he could use Wind Scar.  But then Kagome would sit him for an hour!  He was jealous but not that jealous to incur her wrath. 

Besides if she got really angry with him she would not buy him ramen.

Inuyasha hated Sesshoumaru.  Just not badly enough to give up his ramen.



Sesshoumaru stared at the doll being cooed over by his ward.  It was a gift from the miko.  The doll's face and body were made of painted porcelain.  The porcelain head was covered with black horse hair shaped into a traditional bun.  Features he was used to.  What struck him as most unusual was the outfit the porcelain doll was clad in.

It was not the the kimono outfit he was used to seeing and familiar with.  Probably some odd fashion from the future.  The material was pink and gossamer, so insubstantial it almost floated.  It was impossible to hide the details of the porcelain body beneath (joints and limbs attached by delicate hinges).


"Yes Sesshoumaru-sama?"

"Do many women in your time wear see-through clothes?"

Kagome blushed bright red.

"Oh no!"  She pulled a small scrap of red fabric from her bag.  "The doll is supposed to wear this under the see-through dress.  Like layers of a kimono."  She explained.  "I was in a bit of a hurry looking for different outfits for the doll.  Little girls generally like playing dress up with dolls."