Curiosity Switched the Dog by Bento For Your Thoughts

Really...Why this Lord Sesshoumaru?

Greetings, Bento For Your Thoghts here, reporting for duty. Time for an enjoyment of a lifetime... well a t least for today... or tonight...or whenever you are taking the time to read this... hmm maybe I should re-think on these openings.

Well anywho, on with the show!!!

Disclaimer: Really? Who doesn't want to own any anime and make thousands of dollars off the media and merchandise?! O.o Well sadly but true, I do not own any rights to anything that pertains to Inuyasha (though wishing goes a long way) *looks up at the stars with teary eyes*...Star: Nope, ain't happening. Bento For Your Thoughts: Dam!!!

PS: I revised this chapter. Nothing too different, just an added scene and some extra few lines, story is still the same. :D


Chapter 1

Really... Why this Lord Sesshoumaru?



Being bored was an understatement. What Sesshoumaru was feeling before was something beyond boredom, that he didn't think that there was a name for it. Maybe it was this reason that he found himself in this sort of predicament. He just had to walk up to the stupid flower, huh? He just couldn't leave well enough alone, could he? Surprisingly, out of all the flowers in this damn field, he had to choose the one that had a witch infestation problem. He inwardly sighed as he grasped the hilt of his sword, staring down at the hideous looking witch before him, wondering what her next move will be. Just the way that she was bouncing up and down in a child like manner was even creeping him out. Normally, he wouldn't deal with witches unless he was requiring the assistance of one, especially with one as crazy as this one, and the same thing went for the old rotting hags, who usually hid deep in the mountains or in the darkest parts of the forest. Apparently, this one had different ideas. Sesshoumaru threw an icy glare that would send anyone running with their tails between their legs, but the witch just cackled at his silly antics. She looked at him with leering eyes as she licked her decayed teeth. 

Sesshoumaru glared at her and said "What is your purpose on my lands, witch?". The witch cackled, "Well, my little demon, you are the one trespassing on my lands, so I should be the one asking the questions. Of course, with all that make up on, I would have thought that you were trying to find yourself a husband." Sesshoumaru charged and slashed towards her but she moved quicker then he noticed and stood behind him. He wanted to snarl at her for her defiance, but he willed himself to calm down. It would not be good for him to lose his cool and concentration, especially towards a witch who seemed very powerful despite her appearance. He sighed to himself again, he really needed to keep his curiosity on check. But who was he to know that a simple odd looking flower would have a witch hiding in it. And really a flower? Who does that? 

"Witch, you would not speak that way towards this Sesshoumaru."

"Ah, yes, the great, mighty Lord Sesshoumaru. No wonder you look familiar, what with your father being famous for his downfall for affiliating with human wenches, eh? But of course, you know better. You sure picked a fine mate, but isn't he a little too short for you? I am guessing it was more his toad like features and green skin that won you over. " The witch cackled again when she saw the death written on Sesshoumaru's face. 'Oh this is so much fun,' she thought. Sesshoumaru charged at her again, but this time she put up a barrier, making Sesshoumaru clash with it. Sesshoumaru was really seeing red now. 'How dare this wench make a mockery of my blood line and my interest. She will pay with her head!' He was about to transform, close to loosing all senses, but suddenly stopped when she started speaking in a very rasped voice. 

"You know, curiosity has always fascinated even the strongest of demons. Maybe it could even teach you a lesson. It would do you some good to see how the other side is like." Sesshoumaru saw the twinkle in her black, soulless eyes and started getting a strange feeling out of it. Maybe he should leave. Yeah, that would be a good idea. As he was about to turn around, the dark witch started chanting.


"Mellowing in your own thoughts,

you turn to a single petal of forget me nots.

With its purple haze, you will go, 

to a world so unknown.

Beware of humans, for you see,

they just might be the end of thee."


Sesshoumaru tensed at her words and soon realized he was surrounded by a purple aura. He tried spreading out his demon energy to dissipate it, but it was no use, he couldn't even move. He felt the power behind it and for once in his life, he did not know what to do, so he just stood there, trying to overpower this strange aura. Then, all of a sudden, it stopped. He looked down at himself and ran his demon power to check if anything seemed strange or different, but he seemed fine. He ran over to a nearby lake to check his reflection, preparing himself to see if he grew two heads or something. When he saw nothing, a let out a sigh of relief. Maybe the witch's spell was defective, but there was a part of him that did not believe that. He turned around, trying to see if he can spot the witch, but he saw no one, he could not even sense her anymore. 

He checked himself again for any changes, but nothing. He searched the surrounding areas, trying to see if he can pick up any traces, only to return back to clearing where he first started. He growled very low and intensified his aura to warn any close to the area that he was really ticked off. He saw a bird staring at him like he lost his mind, then took off. 'How dare that stupid bird look at me at such a way!' Sesshoumaru was about chase after the bird to teach it a lesson but then he made himself calm down. It would not look good on him if others saw him chasing around a small bird for no reason. He will just have to go see one of the witches that lived near Inuyasha's Forest, as much as he really didn't want to, but he had to get this figured out before anything did happen, and to see if there was a spell put on him. Plus, she was one of the most powerful witches he knew. Sighing for the umpteenth time that day, he took off.  



Meanwhile, another heated discussion was forgoing between Inuyasha and Kagome. "Inuyasha, I am not gonna have this argument with you again. When I say I have to go, I have to go!" 

"Keh, like if you're getting anymore smarter by all this studying that you do. These equams don't even sound important! You're not going, and that's final!"

"First of all, you dumb animal, they are called exams and hell yeah, they are important. They are not called college entrance exams for no reason!"

Miroku stepped in, trying to lend a helping hand, "Inuyasha, why don't you let Lady Kagome go, after all it seems very important to her to return back home and do these exanes. Plus, we could all use a break, what with the jewel completed and everything, it might be nice to take a break on the demon extermination."

The Final Battle had happen over three months ago, with the result of Naraku being defeated and the Shikon No Tama being whole again. Life returned back to normal, or so they thought. After Naraku was defeated, all of sudden this swarm of demons escaped where once stood the body of the evil half-demon and spread through out the lands of Japan. Inuyasha's group was warned by Lady Kaede that if those demons that were infested inside Onigumo's body were not defeated, chances are they might find another willing subject and the whole mess will repeat itself. So the journey was not done for them, but it wasn't a dire situation that needed immediate attention like it did with Naraku, so they were allowed a little bit of rest and relaxation here and there. 

Sango hit Miroku dead in the head with her fist. "Don't bullshit us, you perveted monk. We all clearly know you have hidden intentions. We have caught you in the past, hiding behind bushes near the well so you could sneak peeks of Kagome's butt."

"My dear Sango, whatever are you talking about?" Sango hit him square in the face after she felt his wandering hand on her own rear, knocking him out unconscious. Kagome went up to him to stomp on his head, peeved to discover that she was being spied upon. 

Inuyasha glared at the monk, then turned back to Kagome. "You ain't going!" Then he saw the look. The look that promised a thousand deaths if he didn't yield to Kagome's request. "Keh, fine! Two days, that is it. Anymore, and I am hauling your sorry little ass back over here, got it?!" 

"Thank you, Inuyasha!" Kagome smiled happily, gave her three conscious friends a quick hug and went about her merry way. Then he whispered, "Keh, like if she is even smart enough to pass those stupid tests. She might even fail, then I get to laugh at her face." Unfortunately, Kagome was close enough to hear that and Inuyasha wished for once he could've kept his big mouth shut. 

"Oh Inuyasha..." As soon as he heard that, Inuyasha started to turn so he could get as far as he can from Kagome, but it was too late. "SIT BOY!" Sadly, Inuyasha ended up close to a hill in attempt to trying to get away, so the force of the command caused him to plummet downhill. The submission beads dragged him through all the trees, breaking on contact, hitting an unsuspecting deer, and making Inuyasha crash land at the bottom of the hill. With that, Kagome smirked, grabbed her big, trusty yellow backpack and set off towards the well. 

As she was making her way towards the well, she sensed a familiar aura. 'What is Sesshoumaru doing in these parts?' She shrugged at this though, her being used to sensing the demon lord once in a while since the Final Battle, especially around the forest. 'Hehe, maybe he is lookin for a boyfriend. He would sure make a pretty wife.' She started laughing and was so lost at her own joke, that she did not notice the mischievous looking branch and the big hill that so happen to be in front of this oh so innocent looking branch, making her trip over it and sending her rolling down the hill towards her doom. 

During that time, Sesshoumaru was so preoccupied trying to find the witch he knew, since the worthless old hag wasn't in her hut, that he did not see the figure rolling down past him till it was too late. As the figure rolled away from him, he finally noticed it and quirked his eyebrow, trying to see what in the world it was. As soon as he spotted the figure, he saw it was his half brother's wench, who was just so happening to be rolling down the hill, heading straight towards the well in front of her. He stopped and looked on with amusement, wanting to see the outcome of this funny situation. Then, all of a sudden, the same purple aura from before, surrounded him again and he soon realized his mistake, and quickly took off towards the miko.

Kagome came to a crashing halt by hitting the side of the Bone Eater's Well and sat up, shaking her head. She saw a purple aura surround her, making her think she might have hit her head. As the daze and aura cleared up, she sensed Sesshoumaru heading her way, and fast. She quickly got to her feet and hauled her backpack over her shoulder, and stood at the edge of the well. She had to think of something fast.

"Stop!!" Sesshoumaru immediately stopped at the edge of the clearing when Kagome yelled at him. He stood there watching her, wondering if she finally lost her mind. Kagome looked at him with an intense glare and brought up her hands in the air in a fighting position. She started doing karatee noises, trying to imimate all those karatee movies she saw in the past, then jumped so she could throw a kick to the air. Unfortunately, her footing was bad, so when she came to land on her other foot after the kick, she missed the ledge, making her fall into the well. In the process, she ended up hitting her forehead on the edge. Sesshoumaru quirked his eyebow and really thought that the girl has lost her sanity.

Sesshoumaru headed towards her as soon as he saw Kagome's head disappear into the well. As he approached it, he could not sense the miko anymore. Peering down towards the well, he was surprised to see nothing at the bottom. 'Is this some sort of trick? What is everyone's deal on just disappearing in thin air?' Sesshoumaru growled to himself very angrily. He jumped in to see where she went, maybe she was using some sort of hiding technique, but he only came across moss and old bones. He did sense a little bit of magic coming from the well, but he highly doubted that it would help him figure out this whole mess. He jumped out, fully intent on finding his worthless half brother to find out the whereabouts of the miko, until he realized it was starting to get dark and he had promised Rin that he would be back tonight. As much as he wouldn't admit it, he did care for his small ward a great deal and he knew that his word meant everything to her, so he will not start disappointing her now. The meeting with the half-breed will have to wait till morning. With that thought, he made his way back to his camp. 


(> '.')>


As Kagome reached her time, she had the most horrible headache she had ever experienced. She was going to be needing to see a doctor now, due to how many times she hit her head in the last five minutes. She shook her head and sighed in exhaustion. For an instant, she thought of going back, slightly worried about Inuyasha and the others, but quickly brushed it aside cause she knew that they could take care of themselves and if Sesshoumaru really wanted to kill them, he would have done so by now. Though she did wondered why all of sudden he was heading towards her, maybe to threaten her or something of the sort. She guessed she will just have to find out when she got back. Shaking her head to clear away the thoughts, she climbed out of the well and prepared herself for a long study session.



At night, as Kagome prepared herself to sleep, she couldn't shake off the funny feeling that there was something more towards that purple haze she saw earlier. 'Maybe I just hit my head a little bit too hard and I am nervous for tomorrow's exams.' She ran her fingers through her dark locks to see if she could feel any bumps or cuts, but finding nothing. She shrugged and climbed into her comfortable bed and enjoyed the cool night breeze from her open window. She saw the full moon outside and noticed how big and purtple it seemed, but seeing as she was extremely exhausted and grateful to be in her bed once more, she fell right to sleep.


(> '.')>


Sesshoumaru stared around his camp, noting everyone was fast asleep. Rin and Ah-Uhn were close to the campfire that chased away the cool, night air and Jaken was mumbling in his sleep like usual. He looked up to the sky to find the bright, full moon gazing back at him. As he looked upon the moon, he couldn't help but notice how tired he was starting to feel. His eyes started drifting close but he shook his head to chase away the sudden drowsiness. 'What's going on with me?' He thought as he got up to walk around to stretch his legs a little. He looked at the moon again, but this time it looked different to him, like if it seemed to change colors, like a tinge of purple. He widen his eyes from sudden realization, but before he could react to it, he felt himself blackout and his body collapsed towards the floor. 



Everything was quiet besides the crickets chirping under the full moon. A figure came out of the shadow and looked over at Sesshoumaru with black, soulless eyes while reaching down for one of the chirping crickets and disposing of it in her mouth. 

"Really? Do you have to do that?" A voice came from behind her and the figure turned around.

"What? I am hungry and I have no food on me, and it doesn't seem like you do either, so hush," whined the figure with a child like voice.

"Just cause you act the part as a dark witch, doesn't mean you actually do what they do, Yukino." Yukino came out from the shadows, revealing the dark witch that confronted Sesshoumaru earlier that day. "But Lord Inutaisho, I am hungry!," she whined again as she stomped her feet like a little child being denied their candy. 

"I will find you some food but I can't find any in this realm, you know that. You just have to wait till we get back to the spirit realm. I swear, spirit sprites are so impatient." Inutaisho rolled his eyes as he saw her pout. "At least get rid of the diguise now, its kind of creepy seeing you act like that in that form." Yukino transformed back to her original form, revealing a small child sprite with long, lushes pearl green hair that was done up in curls, and two small wings sprouting from her back. "You're right, I do look much cuter in this form," she giggled as she twirled around her light pink kimono. He had met the mischievous sprite a long time ago and knew of her dirty tricks. Despite her appearance, Inutaisho knew no good could come out of her and started to ponder that maybe he went a little bit too far when he asked for her assistance. Then he sighed and shook his head. No, this is how its going to be now and his older son will learn his lesson, though a side of him said that there was a less mean way to go about this, but he ignored it. Especially with the thought of seeing his son's face when he realizes what happened to him. Yukino looked up with innocent looking eyes that had mischief written all over them and they gleamed brightly when she saw the evil smirk on Inutaisho's face. 

"Go ahead, Yukino, finish it. Oh, and by the way, I heard what you said about me and my involvement with humans to him and I am getting my revenge once we get back," Inutaisho smiled down at her and Yukino started getting nervous. "Oh, whatever are you talking about, my dear lord?" Then she quickly raised up her hands towards Sesshoumaru, making the purple aura surround him once more. As it became brighter, a white orb that resembled a spirit descended out of his body and shot towards the Bone Eater's Well, its route set on making contact with a sleeping, unsuspecting miko from the future, while another white orb ascended towards his own body.


A/N: Yaaaay! Finally the first chapter is done! after working on this for a good few days at work out of complete boredom, its finally done :D Now for the new chapter!

What will happen to our favorite couple? Will hilarity ensue from their wacky adventures? Will Yukino meet her demise and not be able to eat an innocent bug again? Find out next time on Curiosity Switched the Dog!