Letters of War. by theforgottensoul


i know, there last names are cheesy, but they are kinda like americans ya know. but anyways, this is for r0o's letter challenge. D; i loved this idea and i was so in love with aura`s story. it`s amazing and it made me want to join and so here it is. war is like ftw. i am a wwii fantic, but since aura`s is based in that time. i`m gonna create my own war#3. because i`m just epic like that. i love the military, i`m a proud army brat. my father was in the military for twenty six years, he retired with sergeant major underneath his belt.

                                   RANKAGE !

                           36Sesshoumaru* : O-1 / 2LT – Second Lieutenant!

                           28Kagome* : E-7 / SFC – Sergeant First Class!

                                   CHAPTER ONE* : Sympathy!

   This was the third mail round that was being sent. The Taylor family had two sons in tour, the Dames family had both their daughter and son as well. A family that had grown up down the street from each other but never bothered to talk. At least until high school. Kagome Dames a twenty eight year old sergeant made friends with Inuyasha Taylor. It wasn`t the best friend kind of friendship, but they were close friends and after they had dated for a couple of months it wasn`t so close anymore. They were pretty much enemies, of course the female had wished for that. Safe to say their families didn`t talk after that, not that they talked much in the first place. After Russia declared war on the United States things begin to get worse. For the first time in a long time the military was sending out draft papers. At the time Kagome had already been in service for six years, going at the ripe age of seventeen with signed permission from her parents she was gone.

   Things in the education department didn`t go well and entering the army was her last choice.

   Though this news was depressing. It had been five years since the war first broke out, even though it was just simple arguments, attack and battle hadn`t started until a year and a half ago. Kagome had lost many friends. She had recently been moved to a new platoon after the last attack and she was now settling down for the night after reporting to her squad leader. Picking up the letter that she just received to reread it again.

         April 13, 2019

           To: SFC DAMES.

         Oh, Kagome. It`s been awhile now since we last heard from you. We`re getting worried, your father and I. Your brother is always sending us letters why can`t you? Things are fine around here, though because of the stroke your grandfather had to move in with us and we are now taking care of him. It isn`t as bad as it seems, though prices are going up on things and combined with bills and my father`s medical bills we are struggling. I don`t want you to worry to much though because we`re strong and we always pull through. I do however have some news.

         You do remember the Taylor boy that lived down the street from us. They have long since moved from this neighborhood, if I recall you dated him. The younger one? I know that the eldest son was far older than the both of you, yes? Inuyasha I believe his name was.. news that your father came across states that he is MIA. I didn`t know if you knew that the boy was drafted, he actually tried to hide in order to stay out of the war. I`m pretty sure his brother is in combat, considering their family background he probably enlisted back before the problems with Russia even began. Much like you, though they are from a military family.

         I thought I would let you know.

         I love you and I miss you. Please, don`t do anything stupid and get yourself hurt. We`re praying for you.

         Love, Mom.

   Sighing she placed the paper back down on her make shift desk and tapped the wood. They were struggling? She would make sure to send them some money when she got the chance, sooner than later of course. It was good to know that they had taken in her grandfather, him having that stroke a couple months ago had done something to Kagome when she heard the news from a letter from her brother. She should write more, she knew she should.. but she didn`t have the time like her brother did. While she was stationed in Болхов, running minor missions her brother was in Аксай a good couple hours away from her.

   "Private Russell?" Kagome called from her spot on the hard cot in front of that letter the young boy came spilling into her room. His posture straight as he looked down at his superior. "I want you to find me someone, by the name of Sesshoumaru Taylor? If rumor serves he should be stationed in Russia." The boy saluted and he was gone to do the duty that was presented to him. MIA, the fool? Turning her attention back to the letter sent from her mother she pulled out crumbled paper and began writing.

         22 April, 2019

           To: 2LT TAYLOR.

         My name is Kagome Dames, Sergeant First Class, I use to live up the street from your family years ago. I just received news that your brother is MIA? My sincerest apologizes. If memory serves I do know that you and your brother weren`t the closest of siblings, but he was your brother and I know your Father must be concerned for his youngest. I have also written him a letter. Currently my Company is in Болхов, we will be moving out soon. I wonder if you could tell me where it is Inuyasha was last, maybe I could possibly do something?

         I how times are right now and being a Lieutenant you must extremely busy and I understand if you wouldn`t have the time to write back so I eagerly await the reply from your Father. I hear you are currently in Игарка, which is some nasty territory out there. A lot of bombing should be heading your way soon. I do hope that you are doing good, knowing that you are in action, sir. I don`t think your Father could bear losing another son. Though it is not for sure that Inuyasha is dead.

           Sincerely, SFC Dames.

   The Lieutenant carefully read the letter he had just picked up from mail order. Leaning up against the wall he crumbled up the envelope and folded the letter, tucking it away in his jacket as he backtracked to his command. She was write he had no time to reply to her pointless letter. He would indeed leave that to his Father. Inuyasha was hopeless; it was his own fault for running. He knew already what had happened. His damn company was in the middle of the hot zone and the damn moron fled for his own good. Leaving his comrades behind, he didn`t know if he got out in time or he was lost to them. He made note to call his Father for information, knowing all to well that the Colonel would find out anything and everything.

He had thought about as he reported back to his station, he had thought about writing her back when he had word of Inuyasha. Though he was moving out soon to overtake the town of Абаза. Some serious activity was being reported in that area and he and his platoon were sent to take care of said activity. Just maybe when he returned successful he was write SFC Kagome Dames.