The Peasant Prince by Luna


Standard disclaimer applies. I do not own Inuyasha.

Once again I am writing a 100 word drabble series. I can't seem to get enough of them, for they're so much fun to write. This new series is inspired by Dokuga's October Drabble Drawble Night (DDN) with the overall theme of Cinderella. Once again each chapter will be 100 words only. No more, no less.


The Peasant Prince

1: Pumpkin

By: Luna

Sesshoumaru glared at the dirt beneath his feet, even as he breathed in the rich scent of the garden. He loved land, and he didn't mind tending it, but he didn't care to slave over it as he was being forced to do. Staring at a nearby pumpkin, he was tempted to smash it, to destroy it as he had been destroyed.

The sound of a carriage had him glancing up, into the face of a young girl as she passed by in an opulent white carriage. He sneered and looked away.

It seemed the new princess had finally arrived.

Prompt: Pumpkin, Dokuga's Drabble Drawble Night, October 1st 2011

Words: 100