The Best Gift Ever by Aubrey Simone


Pre-Note: Well, this is my response to summerbirdy's Drabble December Challenge. I'll update once a day this month (four times today to catch up). Enjoy! (p.s. - If I write another story, someone please shoot me! >.<)

Disclaimer: The anime/manga belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and I, Aubrey Simone, make no money from the writing or posting of this Christmastime fic.

Update 1 of 4

December 1—Santa

"Secret Santa?" Higurashi Kagome asked, folding her legs under the table. "Didn't we try that last year?"

The headmistress of Shikon Private Academy for Gifted Children crossed her arms over her chest, something like a smirk crossing her lips. "Yes we did, Higurashi-san," she responded, "and believe me, I remember what happened." A myriad of snickers met her statement, and she held up a hand to quiet her staff. "However, I think we'd have better success this year, so please write your name on a slip of paper and pass it forward."

Kagome pulled a notepad from her purse, scribbling her name down and passing the scrap of paper forward. As she settled once more, her eyes met the golden-brown ones of Yamaguchi Sesshomaru, and with a nod of recognition, Kagome turned her attention back to Nakagawa Sango as she continued the meeting she'd called when the children had gone home for the day, looking down to take notes the way she always did.

Unbeknownst to her, Sango and Sesshomaru shared a knowing glance, and as Sango began to pace the neat, orderly rows of the classroom, the slip of paper with Kagome's name on it passed from one hand to the other, and Sesshomaru smiled a secret, pleased smile.

It was going to be an interesting Christmas.


Author's Note: And there's that! Be on the lookout for the next three chapters, and don't forget to drop a review!

Words: 218