Blossoming Love by Tiffany

Kagome Leaves and the Claypot Joins

Kagome was walking through a forest unknown to her as she remembered what she had seen.


'Where could he have gone?' Kagome thought,' he's been gone for hours.' she had wandered around the forest looking for Inuyasha when she heard a sound coming from her left.

hiding in the bushes, Kagome watch Inuyasha hold Kikyo.

"Inuyasha, in order for me to be with you, you have to get me my soul back," Kikyo said as she layed her head on his chest.

"Don't worry," he whispered," I don't care what I have to do." Kikyo looked into his eyes.

"You do realize you will have to kill her," she replied," are you okay with that?" Inuyasha kissed her forehead and strocked her hair.

"Yes, I will do whatever I have to," he answered," I'll kill Kagome and give you your soul back."

Kagome, not believing what she had just heard, stepped back in horror at Inuyasha. She turned and ran without looking back.

Soon, she found herself back at the village. Kagome went into the hut and grabbed her backpack. Her friends, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara, lay sleeping by the fire.

'I can't tell them,' she thought,' and I can't go home, Inuyasha can go through the well anytime and kill me.' She decided she'll have to go on her own journy to find the shikon shards and train her miko skills.

"Good-bye," Kagome whispered as she left the hut for what seemed like the final time...

(end flashback...)

Over the month she had been away, she had bouht a black miko garb with a black bow and arrows.

Kagome had been having dreams of the famos miko, Midariko. Her latest dream told her to go to the cave in which the jewel was born.

Kagome had been traveling for two weeks so far, and still hadn't made it. She did, however, make it to a silent forest with no demons, birds, insects, or anything. The sky had grown dark when she came to a hotspring.

'Yes! Thank goodness I found one,' she thought,' I don't know what I would do if I didn't have a bath tonight.' Kagome got undressed and slid into the water, not knowing her every move was being watched.

Kikyo had joined the group shortly after Kagome had left. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo still didn't trust her since she worked for Naraku for a period of time. They all woundered what happened to Kagome, but when Shippo asked, Inuyasha hit him in the head.

The group came to a small clearing and stopped for the night. Sango pulled out some ramon Kagome gave her awhile back, though she never thought she would have to use it so soon. When it was ready, everybody grabbed thier cup and chowed down.

"As good as ever, Sango," Miroku complamenteed," there is no one esle in the world who can cook better than you." He slurpt up some more noodles in his mouth, knowing he was wrong.

Everybody knew thier group was falling apart without Kagome there to hold them together, for she was the glue that made them stick. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara were only staying in hopes to find her again.

"Miroku, we need to go to my village so I can repair my weapon," Sango remembered suddenly. Miroku nodded and finished his meal, he knew they were going there for a different reason but he didn't want Inuyasha to know.

"Of coures, Sango my darling," he said as he came up to her," We can go to the ends of the earth if you want." He started to strock her butt as usual. Her face turned red and Kirara ran for cover as Shippo climbed a tree.



Snago set her weapon down and started to eat again while Miroku laied unconice on the ground beside her. Inuyasha, Shippo, and Kirara shook their heads and sighed.

The gang resumed their meal in peace while thinking of Kagome, except for Kikyo that is.