Birthday card by katlady



There she sat again, alone, the whole world going around her once again and today was her birthday. With a heavy sigh she got up form her desk as the bell rang to end class. She had given up trying to celebrate her birthday, every year it was the same thing. No one remotely cared to get her any thing. During the few years when she was young and people still remembered, those times she was the happiest but as the years went by her family and her friends grew further apart.

With another heavy sigh she stumbled to her locker eyes cast downward as tears filled her eyes. Not even InuYasha remembered that today was her birthday and he was her best friend. Her tears fell.


She whispered to no one as she looked up to her locker and whipped the tears from her face.

Seeing a note taped to her locker a look of confusion crossed her face she placed her bag down on the floor and took another look at the note. Across the front of it was her name beautifully embossed in silver letters 'Kagome Higurashi'.

Her look of sadness went to surprise, then to confusion as she heard a male voice chuckle. Shocked, she looked to her left and to her right and saw no one around her. She even turned to see if someone was standing behind her but no one. Her heart raced.

Gold eyes watched her as she turned her attention back to the letter on her locker and

took it off, careful as to not rip it, he smirked.

'So gentle'

he mused as she fingered the envelope with care, turning it over in her hands.

She cherished the envelope and hoped it was a card form her "friends". Carefully she opened the envelope and pulled out the card. Her hope turned to joy as her eyes filled with tears.

"They remembered",

she whispered to herself as she pulled out the card.

It had silver and blue balloons embossed on it with a blue crescent moon behind them. Holding it to her chest without even opening she cried out loud, causing a certain taiyoukai to wince but laugh lightly.

"Are you not going to read it, Miko?"

She jumped and looked around wildly holding tight on to her prize. Still seeing no one she closed her eyes to concentrate on the surrounding area. He masked his presence and smirked at the confusion crossing her lovely face as she sensed no one.

She turned back to the card and opened it, tears in her eyes as she read the graceful writing.


Happy birthday, this is one of many gifts that awaits you on your special day.

For today is filled with surprises and adventures when you open your locker door your adventure shall begin. Happy birthday my love I shall see you at the end of your journey.


Your Secret admire

Kagome blinked back her tears and looked down right confused as she stared at the card.

She cautiously opened her locker to find a leash and a squeaky toy. Blushing, she picked up the toy and leash and a note attached to it. It took all of the young taiyoukai's restraint not to burst out in laughter.

Take theses thing and put them were they belong

"A pet store?"

She asked no one. There was a pet store close by but no student ever went in there because it was an exotic pet store. She gulped. She wanted to find out what else was in store for her, her curiosity getting the best of her.

She inhaled and closed her locker,


she shouted and ran out of the school.

Gold eyes watched in amusement as she ran,

"As does mine, little Miko, as does mine."


< an edit every one thanks to my lovely new Beta I am getting all my stories edited THANK YOU Montik>