Unraveled by Lillian


Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim and do forever disclaim any possibility of owning Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha.

Hello, all, and welcome to Unraveled! That's right--it's AU, but it's as much a comedy as anything else I've written. I hope you're ready for a whole bunch of oblivious Kagome along with a large dollop of surprised and confused/entertained Sesshomaru.


She could do this. Kagome fastened her hair in a half up, half down arrangement and smoothed invisible wrinkles in her shirt. She ate a bowl of oatmeal, periodically checking her watch to make sure she wasn’t running late.

Light from the sun crept over the horizon as she made her way to the subway station, her bag feeling heavy in her hand.

She took a deep breath as she stood in front of the skyscraper, craning her neck to gaze at the sign adorning the top of the building. Saiga Corp.

Higurashi Kagome squared her shoulders and went in.

Words: 100