Stolen: Heart, Body, and...Clothes by Lillian


Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim and do forever disclaim any possibility of owning Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha.

1. I blame this plunnie on Forsaken Tenshi. During April DDN, she drew a hilarious picture of Sesshomaru holding up a pair of underwear and going, "What's this?" Here's the link: Seriously. It is hilarious.

2. Rowdy, I love you. Thanks for taking care of us and loving us all. You are seriously amazing. I hope you enjoy this, because it's all for you!


The first time she noticed something of hers was gone wasn’t all that of a big deal. Socks were replaceable, after all, and she had another pair in her backpack for when the ones she wore got dirty.

What she couldn’t figure out, though, was where they had gone. They had been right with her other clothes in her pack by her bedroll where she could get them when she got dressed in the morning.

When she couldn’t find them, she simply shrugged, rummaging around her pack to find the other pair she’d stowed away in the bottom.

She paused for a moment, thinking. It wasn’t possible that someone had taken her socks, was it? Who took socks? Nobody in the group had a reason, and she couldn’t for the life of her think of who outside the group knew she even had socks.

Kagome shrugged the idea off. It was idiotic, after all. A sock thief? Really? She snorted.

A mile or so away, a satisfied, slightly cross-eyed Sesshomaru tucked two white articles of clothing into the sleeve of his kimono after one last, long inhale.

Her was enough to sate his need to court her and make her his, because he was determined not to do so until after the hanyou had been defeated.

No matter. If he was unable to hold out, he would simply start early--and rub it in the idiot half-breed’s face.

Ah, yes. His finger caressed one rough, textured piece of cotton. Yes, she would be his.

Words: 258