A Legends Curse by Kaghomaru



The stupid mutt had done it again! She had caught him cheating on her with her good for nothing cousin Kikyo

She should have known though he always came home late. His excuse was always the same.

"I was hanging with my guys"


I can't wait to see InYasha's face with his favorite meal! Thought Kagome. She was driving to their apartment complex with the groceries from the local food place.

She had just pulled into her parking space when her favorite song came on the radio. She turned the radio speaker up to as loud as it could go. But when she looked at the clock.

"Oh shit!" she said

She turned off the car grabbed the groceries and ran up the stairs. As she got to the door she dropped her keys.

"Gosh darn it"

Mumbling under her breathe on how clumsy she was she found the right key to the apartment.

"Okay better get started on this thing before Inuyasha gets home." she whispered

But when she got all the way into the entryway she noticed calming music was playing.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome whispered

She went to the kitchen put the bags down and went looking through the apartment. She went to the living room and noticed that his coat and keys were in a difference place than normal.

That's funny he never goes as far as the entry way with them. She furrowed her brow trying to think of a time when he did. After a few seconds she remembered what she was doing.

She went through all the rooms and he wasn't in any of them, until she got to the master bedroom.

When she saw what was going on she wanted to claw her eyes out. She felt tears spring to her eyes. Even though she did want to look away she couldn't it was like a train wreck.

"Inuyasha" she whispered sadly. When he looked up from Kikyo. Shock in his eyes

"Kagome?" he whispered.

Kagome turned and ran form the apartment throwing the ring from her left hand on the ground as she went.

Tears almost blinding her to the point that she almost fell. When taking two stairs at a time.

When she reached her car she wiped her eyes and started it. Almost having a heart attack when the radio came on blaring loud. Turning down the radio she pulled out of her spot. Inuyasha had just gotten down the stairs holding his pants in one hand while running.

"KAGOME!" he yelled as she reached the exit. Without looking back Kagome left the parking lot.

After and half an hour of driving she couldn't take the tears anymore. She pulled over so that she could call someone. As the phone rang the tears started to pour.

"S-s-s-an-g-g-go?" Kagome manage to choke out.

"Kagome? What's wrong?" Sango asked worry laced her voice. She didn't get a straight answer for several minutes. All she got were chokes and sobs of "In-In-Inu-yasha" and "o-o-v-v-er"

"Kagome! Take a few deep breaths" after a few several raspy hollow breaths, she asked, " where are you?"

"In my car in some parking lot" replied Kagome

"Ok meet me at the coffee shop and you can tell me everything that happened" and after Kagome agreed they said goodbye and hung up. Sango knew something was up and it was BAD!

When Kagome got to the coffee shop she ordered her drink and took a booth seat by the window. It had started to rain and people were running to find cover.


Sango arrived five minutes later. She was soaked to the core; she looked around and found Kagome. Worry shot through her, Kagome looked horrible her eyes were blood shot and she was looking out the window sniffling.

She ordered her drink and went to go sit down across from Kagome.

Kagome had been thinking about what she had just encountered and were she was going to stay. She hadn't seen Sango until she was right in front of her.

"Kagome?" Sango asked quietly "what happened?"

Kagome sobbed and said "I caught Inuyasha...." She had to wipe the tears from her eyes and clear her throat so she could speak " I caught Inuyasha cheating on me with Kikyo"

Sango could feel her blood boil. This was the last time Inuyasha will ever betray Kagome. This was the third time he had cheated on her with that woman Kagome calls a cousin.

"I'm not taking him back this time" Kagome said reading the look on Sango's face.

"Good you deserve better than him" said Sango with and edge in her voice that would make any person flinch from her.

"Yea I know that" Kagome said "speaking of which can I stay with you?"

"Yes of course" Sango said relived that she wouldn't have to talk her into staying with her.

"Also can you come with me to his place so I can get some clothes?" she said so quietly that Sango had to lean in to hear what she was saying.

"Oh yea" Sango said, "there's no way I would let you go alone."

"Thanks it means a lot to me"

"Lets wait a while..." she was cut off by a gasp that she almost didn't believe it cam form Kagome "What wrong?"

Kagome turned her face down "he's here" confused Sango turned around to the place that Kagome had been looking. When she who she was talking about Sango was FURIOUS!