In the last chapter who is talking inuyasha or sesshomaru? I don't understand what is going on
But no for the reason you might think, I hate brabbles in general for the simple reason that they always left you wanting more!! But your story got me hooked from the start!! It's so good!!!! It makes me insane!
Well, I'll be looking forward to the next chapter, and I'm sorry for my rant, I didn't mean to offend you. :)
Is Sesshoumaru jealous that the Kamis chose Kagome and not him... Wonder how he will recover from the dent in his ego from their fight. And wonder how we will recover from you leaving us on the edge of our seats with all this mystery. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Looks loke he got put in his place again. Sesshoumaru is going all out to figure out Kagome. I wonder what answers Bokusen? will have. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Hum how will sesshy handle this defeat?
Did she win?! Take that Sesshoumaru! I wonder if all that training will be put to good use. I can't wait to see what happens next and more about Kagones wish :)
Oh That was fun. I love a strong Kagome. It is the only way I imagine he would respect or Desire her. Once that fire was lit it would consume until he must have the source.
Don't tell me sesshy is taken down a peg?? Can't wait to see next chap.
Whoops.... he forgot that her claws are sharp too. Can't wait to see what happens next.
All three chapters are great, keep it coming. How God Created Mother Good took the fragrance of a flower, The majesty of a tree, The gentleness of a morning a dew The calm of a quiet sea, The beauty of a twilight hour The soul of a starry night The laughter of the rippling brook, The grace of a bird in flight, Then God fashioned from these things A creation like no other, And when His masterpiece was through, He called it simply...MOTHER. Happy Mother's Day! There are Angels God put on this Earth Who care for us and guide us. You can feel their love and gentleness as they walk through life beside us. They do great things for us every day they whisper in our ears, they even hold us in their hearts when we are filled with all our fears. They are always there to give us a hug and try to make us smile. They treat us with the respect and love, they treat us like their own child. God blessed me with an Angel, I’m proud to call my own. She’s been with me throughout my life, been with me as I’ve grown. She’s guided me the best she can, she’s taught me like no other, and I’m thankful I’m the lucky one who get’s to call her Mother
I'm so glad he can't dismiss her so easily.
Yeah kagome
Thank you happy mother's day
I am enjoying it!
Keep up the good work!
Oh sesshy seems a little upset lol
More, keep it coming.
How God Created Mother
Good took the fragrance of a flower,The majesty of a tree,The gentleness of a morning a dewThe calm of a quiet sea,The beauty of a twilight hourThe soul of a starry nightThe laughter of the rippling brook,The grace of a bird in flight,Then God fashioned from these thingsA creation like no other,And when His masterpiece was through,He called it simply...MOTHER.
Happy Mother's Day!
There are AngelsGod put on this Earth Who care for us and guide us.You can feel their love and gentleness as they walk through life beside us.They do great things for us every day they whisper in our ears, they even hold us in their hearts when we are filled with all our fears.They are always there to give us a hug and try to make us smile.They treat us with the respect and love, they treat us like their own child.God blessed me with an Angel, I’m proud to call my own.She’s been with me throughout my life, been with me as I’ve grown.She’s guided me the best she can, she’s taught me like no other, and I’m thankful I’m the lucky one who get’s to call her Mother
Omgzzzz...what else is too come!!!
Hmm... Lots of things to figure out. I can't wait to see wha happens next and hopefully get another piece to the puzzle :)
Ooops That was a wish not well thought out. The run is where it disappeared to. I have a theory, but I don't thinking bunnies this time.
Ahahahaha! Sesshomaru. "Just poof." Hahahahahaha!!!!
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