Sorry it's been a while since the last review. Summer school was accelerated and intense! But I'm still here, still reading, and still loving your story!!! Your ability to create and describe a world is phenomenal. Keep doing what you're doing!
I do have 1 small request though and I'm not sure if it is something that may be out of your control. It also won't affect how I feel about your story; I'll still love it and read it just the same. It just makes it a little more difficult to read on computer screens. The problem is the size of the lettering and clarity with the font that is used. When I read your story on mobile devices, the font is normal looking, but when I read it on a computer device via Firefox or Chrome, the letters are incredibly small and not sans, so the edges blur. When I use the enlarge lettering tool at the top of the page, all it does is space the letters out further. I've gotten around this on my phone and surface by just zooming in, but I don't have the same ability on my desktop, sadly. I'm not sure if this due to a font style you've choosen or if this is a function set by the page.
But aside from that, I look forward to seeing more soon! You have me on the edge of my seat wondering when Sesshy will find out all there is to know about Kagome!
<3 L
Looking forward to reading more.
Seriously cool story. Love the scifi stuff with these two.
I'm so hooked on this story. I need more! Honestly the plot the writing the words, everything is just amazing
Yay, new chapter ^^ it's wonderful as always!
Hmmm, is sesshomaru's father still alive? I like how you gave sesshomaru's tatoos purpose, that they're not just something he was born with.
Kagome's Cuei is quite interesting. I do wonder if Sota has it as well and if so if it has cause trouble.
Ohhh! The Gilrex are after kagome, can't wait to see how this fact plays out.
Lol inuyasha is his ace :D
Thank you for putting up the date ^^
Loved the chapter! More please! :D
Well that was one hot chapter! The information on Kagome seems like it's coveted by many people! Can't wait to see what she is exactly.
Ok, I had to correct My last review, not yet's lust In the air???? Will sesshomaru fix kagome security sistem? He's In deep debt with kagome!????
Awesome, I am enjoying the story .
Omg, you have snagged my attn. I am excited to see where this story is going to go. I really like the scene where Kags and Sessh have their first romantic moment. GAH!!!!! I cant wait till the next chapter. Oh what do you have Kagome that people want so bad
ja ne till next time and keep up the great work
This chapter was very interesting. Thank you for the glossary, it's awesome - shows great imagination in making up your own vocabulary. I love the way you describe the environment of the planet and some of its citizens. The attraction between Sessho and Kagome is steaming up. I am looking forward to a lemon at some point in the story. lol - Excellent writing as usual. Looking forward to future chapters. This story is so enjoyable to read. :)
both of them had a mysterious past....hem... and the lust and attraction is mutual...
Is kagome a kind of youkai?...
thank's for the dictionary..interesting..
wtf. this story is gold... how could i miss this? SUBSCRIBED
I am loving this so different then the norm story line....keep it up...please update the flash!!!! Lol hahaha
Yay, new chapter!
I've noticed that on some chapters you've put the date up while on others you don't, why is that? I personally like when you put up the date, it allows the reader to know how much time has pass. Time can seem like a small thing but it helps with the timeline. It also helps if things are time sensitive in a story.
Sesshomaru becoming soft, that's unheard of xD Lol I would not won't to be those people right now.
Love the walk they went on ^^ the imagery was pretty =)
Ohhhh! Kagome eyes are silver and glow?!?! Bahaha, Sesshomaru reaction xD
Love the new chapter! Finally, we get to see Kagome feeling the heat heheh. I'm glad that Sesshoumaru is opening up to her like he is, darting around the truth just like she is. It makes it more interesting and more believable.
I can't wait to see what happens while they're outside!
It's a good chapter ^^ you gave us some information and we got to see things heating up!
Yay glossary :)
Lol I lose things all the tome T^T only to find it in some random place. I hope you find it! I hate losing things that have any writing on it. Have you thought of backing your story up with your google account? If you have an account that is. I have a good chunk of stories on my google drive.
Thank you for the chapter! I'm reading this before I go to sleep, hopefully I don't dream of Sesshomaru torturing me!
New chapters, yay XD thank you soooo much!!!
I like the speed it's going. As a reader I'm getting to know the characters in this story. Sesshomaru and kagome are complete strangers, they need that foundation.
A glossary would help. Sometime I'll have to go back a chapter to see what a word means.
Hmmm. I would like to see Sesshomaru seeing kagome kicking some butt. That's just me though.
Love the little story about the Siranitrons, got a kick out that.
You're doing awesome!!!
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.