This is an intriguing story. I am not a big fan of dark stories involving Sessho and Kagome but every once in a while some may catch my eye like this one. If it gets to dark then I just stop reading and will go no further. This story is very well written and the summary got my attention.
What in the world has our inutaichi gotten into? What ever it is sounds like a dangerous under taking and I bet no one else knows about it either. Sango and Mirouko are oviously married and should not even be there - they have young children that need them. Does anyone else know what their plan is and why are they doing this. Well I can guess that they hears about human trafficking by demons and think they can stop it all by themselves. Very unwise of them needless to say. When will Sessho get involved or will he even care?
Looking forward for future chapters (until it gets to dark). :)
Great writing job!
Violla (Chapter 1) - Thu 01 Sep 2016
Un primo capitolomolto interessante, spero di leggere un altro presto.
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