That is one hell of a cliffhanger...please tell us you're not going to keep us in suspense.
I enjoying this story very much and cannot wait for you to add more to it. The way it's progressing is nice. I like how you've intertwined the past and current eras. Congratulations to you and your family.
Shana (Chapter 1) - Fri 20 Sep 2024
I enjoying this story very much and cannot wait for you to add more to it. The way it's progressing is nice. I like how you've intertwined the past and current eras. Congratulations to you and your family.
Anonymous (Chapter 13) - Tue 10 Sep 2024
Hope to read more soon
Szilvia (Chapter 12) - Sat 22 Apr 2023
Szia! Kérlek folytassa a történetet.
Shana (Chapter 12) - Sat 18 Mar 2023
I would really like u to finish this story. Yes I know life is far more important and can get very busy. But this story is great so far. Hopefully u'll be able to finish it.
Jessie (Chapter 12) - Tue 23 Aug 2022
I love that Kagome isn't totally being submissive lol I wouldn't be either
Kathy (Chapter 12) - Sun 02 Jan 2022
Sesshoumaru is so hot!
That was a great chapter loved it... Hopefully they both come to terms but I don't see her bowing to him at every whim. That's too much like a slave if you ask me. Hopefully Sesshomaru wises up and Kagome gain some balls. update soon.
REDWOLF (Chapter 12) - Fri 10 Dec 2021
Seems like this spanking is a little bit on the controlling side to me. I wouldn't have him no matter how rich he is. A mate like that is not good, oh and he wouldn't hit her in the face but any where else is still a hit. I think I would leave while the getten is good. Good writing here, can't wait to see where you're taking this!
......idk about this chap. something about it seems a bit icky. I get the dynamic. I get what you are going for, slight miss tho. still like the story, but this was def a mark off.
Kaylah (Chapter 11) - Sun 05 Dec 2021
This is a really good story but I've noticed a lot of grammar errors.
That was a great chapter leave it to Kagome to run and fall off a cliff.... At least she survived the ordeal wonder what will happen when she wakes up and finds Sesshomaru... Oh this was good.... lol
Nice chapter, Happy Birthday To Me!
Great chapter
I like your story, it is interesting.
Skylar (Chapter 11) - Sun 24 Feb 2019
Oh boy. Koga!
Exciting update! Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Just one thing after another. LOL.
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