I too would still be interested in reading Sessh's perspective of this story. However, if you feel ready to move on and would rather work on something else, you should do that. I'm sure I will enjoy reading a new story from you too.
j (Chapter 2) - Thu 02 May 2019
I truly enjoyed reading the 1st story and the sequel it'd be awesome to see this from his pov as sometimes he's distant and others he seems very involved and protective while still trying to be distant and I'm very curious to understand his thoughts and actions..... As sometimes actions speak louder than words but he's kind of sending mixed signals idk very intriguing looking forward to the next update. I'll be sad to see it finished hopefully it turns out in her favor
klee (Chapter 2) - Wed 01 May 2019
There's always interest in sess/kag! I love this story.
Ree-san (Chapter 2) - Wed 01 May 2019
I think his point of view, specifically when we have gaps of his presence and when he has obviously had some significant shift, would be very interesting. I think it could actually jump to specific times when he was experiencing the analysis and reflection as he moved forward. But, if you're feeling the artistic craving to move on, then you should.
I love the original story and I'm so glad it's continuing! Please update soon
Faith (Chapter 1) - Fri 05 Apr 2019
I left a longer review on AO3 because that's where I read Omikuji, but just wanted to note here that I thoroughly enjoted this. Even with the bumps and bruises Kagome's finding in this half- blessing or perhaps *because* nothing is resolving easily I am finding this sequel extremely satisfying to read. Thank you for coming back to this story despite life getting in the way for you. I would have understood your not being able to write the sequels but I'm ever so glad you've been able to continue. <3
Heyo! GREAT STROIES!! I read the precursor to this last night ???????? you have a beautiful writing style that just draws me it! I'm looking forward to your next update.
I kinda want kagome to take a step back from sesshoumaru, refocus on herself and what she deserves. Maybe have them seperate for a while, but to not make kagome go all weepy and unable to function, keep up with her training and maybe, MAYBE have a possible other interest she could see herself with? Not right away, but maybe a few "months" down the road after their break up?
Anywho, super excited! You're awesome, and cant wait to read more!
Best regards,
Ugh 5/1 can’t come soon enough! I loved Omikuji and I love this one too. So happy to see you continuing with a sequel. You also ended chapter 1 in a perfect spot. Thank you for this story!
- CR
Wow, now I understand why Sesshomaru has been holding back, Ikami is a blessing and a curse for Kagome giving her what she wanted to know and what she really didn't want to learn now has made her upset of course. Hearing I'll share your life but not mine would potentially make the other's heart harden. Ouch..... Again the year sucks for Kagome only if she lets it happen... I hope not.
Miss C (Chapter 1) - Wed 03 Apr 2019
I think that this situation is unfair to Kagome. He is just stringing her along with not attachements. I hope she leaves him.
Ok finished reading it and yeah wow feelings lots of them
Nvm I understand now total blonde moment lol
I feel like i have read this before but there is just the one chapter and i don't know
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