this read was exciting and confusing at the same time and I loved it!
First I thought Sesshoumaru was going to kill someone she's feeling close to. She said after all that all hope was lost since he appeared. Turned out he was going to make her his mate...You know exactly how to lead your readers on, Dross! :)
While trying to figure out what was going on and being confused as heck, you worked in the prompt. It had a great impact because it was something *familiar* and it kind of led me out of that confused state. I don't know if my wording makes any sense...just trying to say that the *timing* was on point. XD
You described the bonding process painfully slow and that shows what a talented writer you are! You did not only give me the opportunity to follow Kagome's experience you were also able to word the whole process beautifully! Colourful wording with emotional highs and no repetitions. There ain't anything you could have done better here! <3
Thank you so much for sharing!