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Mynameishuman (Chapter 56) - Fri 11 Jun 2021

Another awesome chapter!!

SmilingFool (Chapter 56) - Fri 11 Jun 2021

Oh wow that was such a great chapter loved the rememberance of when Sesshomaru was young and how he teased her....  If he didn't like her she would not be in his bed that's for sure.  Anyways I hope Kagome doesn't regret sleeping in his room when word gets out...  Hopefully she can just let it slide like everything else....  lol  The fun of living in a castle can't wait to see what happens.

Mynameishuman (Chapter 55) - Fri 11 Jun 2021

Serio enjoying this fic. So glad I can look forward to more!!

Adrianne (Chapter 56) - Fri 11 Jun 2021

To start I am a diehard InuKag fan, but my sister got me into reading well done SessKag. This one tops them all. My sister and I live in different countries, and we wait eagerly to read a new chapter and talk about it. Usually it's my afternoon and her morning lol (so occasionally I get to read them first ????) This story thoug, its so thoughtfully written. The characters are so believably in character despite the uncharacteristic circumstances. 50 chapters in and we know it's something we are in for a long haul for and we are loving every minute of it. Every chapter is worth the wait and I cannot wait until it's complete so I can binge the whole thing again in one sitting... well maybe 2 depending on how long it goes ????????

Neelixonee (Chapter 56) - Fri 11 Jun 2021

Sesshoumaru shoving her forehead is such an image.  I absolutely love their friendship and the details of it.  Sometimes writers forget the little details that make relationships in books and stories feel more real and relatable.  The readers connect through the smallest actions that they actually see or live or do.  Such a treat.

SmilingFool (Chapter 55) - Thu 10 Jun 2021

Oh man that was good I loved it...  The yokai will talk and sneer however if kagome or sesshomaru doesn't care then so be it ....  Wonder how Inu Yasha will act once he's awake?  What's Naraku up too?  Can't wait to read more....

Jade (Chapter 55) - Thu 10 Jun 2021

I found a "sesshomaru smoking a pipe scene"!!! 


Love this chapter! It's like they're standing on the edge and the tension is perfect!

Sayuri (Chapter 55) - Thu 10 Jun 2021

Kyaa! I can't wait for more! The story is so good!!

susie (Chapter 55) - Thu 10 Jun 2021

Yay!!  So happy to be on his turf.  I love seeing how those in his demon world react to his strange relationship with the very strange miko.  I couldn't possibly get enough of that XD

One of the best things about this ship is the scandal of it.  I'm excited to see how those who (thought they) know him best respond.

Neelixonee (Chapter 55) - Thu 10 Jun 2021

Girl is playing with fire.  Butn baby, burn.

Dongbaek (Chapter 55) - Wed 09 Jun 2021

Thank you for gracing us with so many updates! It's hard to put your story down, as it's so engaging and we'll written. Great job!

KShadeslady (Chapter 54) - Tue 08 Jun 2021

Whoa! Did not see that one coming! Right out of left field! Wow! Now what? Such a great chapter and Kags has her whole soul back! Thanks for updating! Okay, way too many exclamation points. LOL

KShadeslady (Chapter 53) - Tue 08 Jun 2021

Another Great chapter! These are so good! So glad Ah-Un is alright. Kags is going to have to do some quick talking! 

KShadeslady (Chapter 52) - Tue 08 Jun 2021

Very sad but it had to be told. Sooner or later he would remember. That was pretty gentle, even for Sesshomaru. I'm glad Kagomes fog is lifting. 

KShadeslady (Chapter 51) - Tue 08 Jun 2021

Great chapter! So much going on and Darn! Kagome is still fighting! Kikyo is such a meddler. She wants Inuyasha so depressed that he'll die with her. 

Mynameishuman (Chapter 54) - Fri 04 Jun 2021

Awesome update. Interesting happenings!!

D (Chapter 1) - Thu 03 Jun 2021

 Called it. CALLED. IT. I knew you weren’t gonna go the easy route and expected to be impressed at your plot wielding skills, but damn. DAAAAYUM. I apologize for not always reviewing and showing you due appreciation, but I could sit still no longer. Thank you for feeding my otp obsession. Ily. 

Hannah (Chapter 54) - Thu 03 Jun 2021

I honestly did not see that coming. Well Done! I love the idea of making him live bound in a form he is not familiar with. You are an amazing author. 

Rachel (Chapter 54) - Thu 03 Jun 2021

Well, that was a plot twist. 

Beautiful story. Cant't wait for more!

Inuaddict (Chapter 54) - Thu 03 Jun 2021


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