I love this story, from beginning to end. The ever-changing emotions of Sesshoumaru were especially a pleasure to read. It makes perfect sense that over the years, he retreated into himself, using JSL to communicate and missing Kagome year after year. You did all this while keeping him in character. Everything tied up perfectly - Mrs. Higurashi greeting "the stranger", the future Sesshoumaru right after the past Sesshoumaru and Kagome left... Sesshoumaru using his home in the West as a sancutuary for demons... Shippo putting his fox magick to good use to help demonkind... Sesshoumaru aiding the Higurashi anonymously over the years and staying away when she began going back-and-forth to the past... honoring their friends and family at the wedding - Rin's crown of wildflowers, Miroku's prayer beads, Kohaku's weapons...
This was a gorgeous story! This is one of those stories that can continue forever and never get old. A++++.
Sess2023/Topaz Gold (Chapter 48) - Mon 03 Mar 2025
Beautiful chapter! Torn lovers declaring their love as Kagome fades away...beautiful!
Sess2023/Topaz Gold (Chapter 37) - Mon 03 Mar 2025
Kagome saying goodbye to Kouga reminds me of the scene in "Tales from the House of the Moon" by Resmiranda, when Kagome said goodbye to an older Kouga...forever. And Kagome realizing that she has no say in what happens with the mark reminds me a bit of "S t a s i s" by wonderbug, where Kagome has no say at all in Sesshoumaru's claim over her...admittedly, "S t a s i s" is far more dark and Sesshoumaru is the ultimate villain, but Kagome's mood in this scene reminds me of that dark story.
cristinPacheco8 (Chapter 51) - Tue 11 Feb 2025
Que historia mas bonita me gustó mucho gracias
Amai (Chapter 51) - Thu 06 Feb 2025
I immensely enjoyed the interractions between the lead characters. How they evolved and gravitated towards each other.
How it culminated to them becoming mates.
I really liked the potrayal of Sesshomaru here. Tough, resilient but with an intensely burning cauldron inside teeming with emotions waiting to be unleashed by someone for someone.
Your writing has really improved and so has your story-telling.
Thank you for sharing this.
Sarah (Chapter 51) - Wed 05 Feb 2025
Super awesome story. Loved it.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story! I found it on your page not too long ago and when I read the latest chapter, I thought to myself "omg is it ending already?!" However, the ending was exactly what it needed to be; rarely do Sesshomaru and Kagome get a HEA and I feel like with how the story went, I loved the HEA. Amazing work! And I can't wait to see where your other stories go :D
For the right chapter ^_^'
I thoroughly enjoyed this story! I found it on your page not too long ago and when I read the latest chapter, I thought to myself "omg is it ending already?!" However, the ending was exactly what it needed to be; rarely do Sesshomaru and Kagome get a HEA and I feel like with how the story went, I loved the HEA. Amazing work! And I can't wait to see where your other stories go :D
Arc-an Angel (Chapter 50) - Tue 04 Feb 2025
Gods this chapter made me cry! So beautiful. The entire story!
Such a good chapter... Loved it.
Arc-an Angel (Chapter 42) - Tue 31 Dec 2024
*Hiding in the majestic bushes outside*
Wow!!! Finally they admitted their love for one another..... More Please...
Eliona (Chapter 41) - Sun 29 Dec 2024
Such a beautiful story, I was captivated since chapter one. Hope the holiday season has been nice for you and yours <3
Too damn sweet and I loved it... So will there be more talk before they mate or will passion and desire win over them both.
Again no words conveyhow sweet this chapter was except one... Beauttiful
Arc-an Angel (Chapter 39) - Wed 25 Dec 2024
So many misunderstandings getting in the way! Hopefully they sort it out. Also, love that he has his own home and that Kagome is realizing she doesn't really know him at all. Excited for the next chapter.
Please update soon!
Update soon!!!
Arc-an Angel (Chapter 33) - Tue 05 Nov 2024
Well...wonder what it's going to take to get rid of the last of Naraku. Maybe the intimacy needs to rev up *cough cough* On a serious note, enjoying wherever the story takes us <3
Awesome chapter, loved it...
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