Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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Kanna37 (Chapter 24) - Tue 16 Mar 2010

Damn if that wasn't hot... even if it's wrong.  Course, I always did have a thing for a dominant man.  Problem is, I've never found one that could dominate me like that... LOL!  maybe that's why I've got such a thing for Sesshoumaru.  Hmmm...


WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

I am sooo tempted to shoot Sesshou in the head... He is such a selfish person. He is only thinking of his own desires and not taking Kagome's wants into consideration. And the crap about Demons never adapting to human ways so humans will have to adapt to demon ways... If he really did try and put a bit of effort into actually understanding humans then maybe Kagome wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail to be free of him. I am soooo looking forward to the day that Kagome gets free of him. Also, how many kids will Sesshou force Kagome to have for him? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Jekya (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

omg this is a major turn around fro sesshomaru now he's paying the price for treating kagome so wrong omg thatnk you texanlady for the update luved it cant wait 4 the next chap

Niongi (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

What in bleeding hell? One stinking wonderful chapter hehehehe anyway very good chapter! It finally relieved just an itty bitty witty bit of tension :D

MoxyMikki (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

...okay, so in a sick and twisted way, Sesshomaru was actually really sweet! And Kagome's was of admitting she had liked Sesshomaru's attentions that one time was hillarious! It was a nice comedic break in the heavy content which you tackled in this story. I think this was my fave chapter so far. It was nice getting some understanding of Sesshomaru's actions towards Kagome. and FINALLY she said something about being called a "breeder" because that was driving me crazy too! (which i assume was your intent, you minx!) Can't wait for more!


DemonQueen17 (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

Do I sense a small change in Sesshomaru? It's progress no matter how small. This is a nice fluffy chapter. I enjoyed reading it. Miroku and Sango finally tie the knot, which is a good thing. Now, I want to see the start of Inuyasha's punishment (though I do feel sorry for him for his misguided decision) and Kikyo's plan of revenge against the Western House. Ooooh, I can't wait to read that part. I don't think the poor hanyou wants anything to do with his 'mate' now that he knows the truth of how she REALLy hurt her. It's a shame that it took the great Midoriko to let everyone know that in her own way (you go, Midoriko!). I hope to see what happens with them in the next chappie. Awesome work as always.

JESSICA (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

OMG wow i love this story i

absolutly love the fact that kagome is not so weak and easy to forgive

 please please please update man i love this story!!!!!!!!!!!

REDWOLF (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

Ok, you got me curioue. Was it the relationship of love that Sesshoumaru seen between Miroku and Sango, the love they shared? Awwwww  could it be ALL the respect she is receiving from the demons in the castle? I hate the way he judges her so beneath everyone else, He's an a$$ for treating her like that. I like how he's  finally showing a spark of kindness, but it's probably short lived. I can't wait until you bring him down. Great chapter and I am so very happy you updated. It is a well written chapter and well thought out!

Banana (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

Ah that was awesome. I'll so trade place with Kagome now. >_< He's almost being sweet.

Claire (Chapter 24) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

thx for updating!! i have waited for a long time...cant wait to get some smut...good work! XD

Hairann (Chapter 1) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

Congratulations The Breeder has won second place for best canon in the Dokuga 4th quarter awards. You can pick up your awesomely made banner, complements of the lovely Priestess Skye, at Congrats again and keep up the amazing work :).

Hairann (Chapter 1) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

Congratulations The Breeder has won second place for best lemonfic in the Dokuga 4th quarter awards. You can pick up your awesomely made banner, complements of the lovely Priestess Skye, at Congrats again and keep up the amazing work :).

Hairann (Chapter 1) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

Congratulations The Breeder has won first place for best drama in the Dokuga 4th quarter awards. You can pick up your awesomely made banner, complements of the lovely Priestess Skye, at Congrats again and keep up the amazing work :).

Hairann (Chapter 1) - Mon 15 Mar 2010

Congratulations The Breeder has won first place for best Sesshoumaru portrayal in the Dokuga 4th quarter awards. You can pick up your awesomely made banner, complements of the lovely Priestess Skye, at Congrats again and keep up the amazing work :).

M (Chapter 23) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

Wow, this story couldn't have pulled me in deeper, I'm desperate to see what happens!

jynkers (Chapter 23) - Tue 09 Mar 2010

Okay, I just read this whole thing in two days, and I have to say that I love it. I just do, and I hope you update soon. I can see the vague connection this holds to "A Sentinel Mother", and I like your spin on the concept (and I really thought I wouldn't, because I LOVE Demonlordlover2's fic).

The only thing that really bugs me about it that you continually use the terms "swollen with pup" and/or "heavy with pup", and after a while it kinda started to get achingly repetitive.

But other than that one grievance, I love it.

That urine thing made me physically gag several times, which is very hard to do to me - I read grotesque horror/fantasy novels on a regular basis, so the fact that something so seemingly ordinary (in comparison) made me feel sick is pretty damn impressive. Which, oddly, only made me like your fic more.

Banana (Chapter 1) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

omg I paniced. I thought "I haven't read breeder in awhile" looked at FFnet




That's totally BS. grrrr fluffy needs to go rip someone a new one >_<


I am so glad the story is safe lol EAGERLY waiting more



moanna (Chapter 1) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

this is an awesome story,i'd like to read more

Imperfect Paradise (Chapter 1) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

(originally from the

Since I have already explained in generous detail why I liked this fic so much on (before it was taken down) I shall merely ask a question. First off, I know I said that this fic is dark and it questions my humanity/sanity for liking it so much in the first place, and second, I hate to act like such a rabid fangirl, but still I must inquire:  Is it natural or even "healthy" for me to desire so much to find the person who reported you and hunt him or her down like an animal? Just curious.

Anyway, since I haven't reviewed since chapter 18, I have some catching up to do.  Still love the fact that Kagome is unrelenting, and even after all this repeptive crap she recieved from Sesshoumaru, she still somehow manages to to conspire and fight for her freedom.  Kagura's intentions worry me to some degree, but from the vibe I am getting from Seshoumaru and crew it seems like things won't work well for her.

I am eager for the 'pup' to be born and to see how Kagome raises it despite her enslavement to its father. 

Greatly looking forward to your upcoming updates and I am glad that this fiction still exists somewhere on the internet.   Thank you.

-I.P. Yamiko

Kiyota (Chapter 23) - Wed 03 Mar 2010

 minus a few spelling errors, that don't take away from the story, its an amazing fic. I hope you update it soon!

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