that is sooo hillarious... you might wanna double check your doors tonight, sessh might hold you on this and pay you a visit... to get that squeky deluxe toys!
REDWOLF (Chapter 1) - Wed 09 Sep 2009
Well I sure as heck laughed until I cried. I have never read anything like it!
hahaha!! Sess digging in the flower bed, priceless! Great chapter can't wait for the next one!
Dear lord... "secret tryst" with bones. Growling at Kags while trying to bury the 20th one... BWAHAHAHAHA!!! What a way to start a week, reading stuff like this. This was excellent! And, even tho they conned you into it while you were in chat, don't you feel good for having done it??? I know how they are in chat... quite persuasive, aren't they? Still, this was EXCELLENT! Thank you so much for the giggle I got reading this!!! :D ~~Wiccan~~
DemonQueen17 (at work) (Chapter 1) - Wed 09 Sep 2009
I'm trying to hold in my laughter as I review this. I had no idea THIS would be a result of last night's chat. This is why I don't watch that 'Hoarders' show. Nah, screw it. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'No one shall know of our secret tryst...Not even Kagome shall know'.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! This is too funny!
haha, all dogs are the same no matter how fierce they believe themselves to be!
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