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Couldntbekeener3 (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009
I think Sess should realise that Kagome isn't going to leave Inu just because he says to. She has to do it on her own terms Sess needs to stay away from her. Move or something she'll realise what she had when he's gone.I got to admit not liken Kagome. She's alittle to week for me.

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009
I just finished reading the first 6 chapters, and I must say that you are doing a wonderful job with this... My whole chest is a knot right now...I feel the misery that Sesshomaru is going through with his unrequited love... and seriously, someone needs to slap Kagome upside the head and knock some sense into her.

knifethrower (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

This story is proof of how invested I am in the Kagome/Sesshomaru pairing.  If I wasn't...  If I were impartial, I would not have one doubt that Sesshomaru needs to change his cell phone number and get a job overseas.  But (whines) this is KAGOME. 

Noacat (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Also, change your cell phone number, Sess. That way there's less temptation. *nodnod*

Noacat (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Yes, Sesshoumaru. Give up. For once, I'm really rooting for cold hearted bastard Sesshoumaru. Srsly.

BluMystique (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Give her up!. She doesn't deserve him. At least not now.  Kagome needs to come to him on her own free accord when all of her feelings for Inuyasha goes away, otherwise, Sesshy will always be the rebound guy.

Yohko (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Sesshoumaru definitely should not give up. It's Kagome who should give up on Inuyasha.

Really love your story. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Akay (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

*sighs* I totally just wrote an awesome review it was nice and long-ish and just totally awesome expressing all my feelings and everything but then..... the spambot happened.  *begins to tear up* It ruined everything. *bursts into tears* I mean so what I put the A before the Y in Inuyasha's name, I was typing fast and didn't notice it until AFTER I pressed submit, couldn't it have let me slide? *sniff sniff* and the worst part of it all.... IT BROUGHT ME BACK TO A BLANK SCREEN! It could have at LEAST kept what I wrote.  This is like the third time it's done this to me.  And I think I shall now kill it with my bare hands.


Anyway moving along.  At least I can remember this part of the original review I was sending.

I don't know who to be mad at more, Inuyasha for his treatment of both Kikyo and Kagome. Or Kagome and her stupidity for Inuyasha and trampling all over poor Sesshoumaru's feelings. Or Sesshoumaru himself for.... well I dunno what I'm mad at him for, but when i find out I'll let you know.


*copies just in case spambot rejects me again*

Zyren (Chapter 1) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

on one hand i really like that you are writing this from Sesshoumaru's point of view, fics from his POV are few and far between


and on the other hand I literally want to strangle Kagome with her own hair


but keep it moving i really want to see where this is going!

Ash (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Finally! Someone said something to Inuyasha's stupid ass and threatened to expose him. I'm sure Sess won't do that though cuz it'll hurt Kag too but I wish he would! Poor Kikyou. Inuyasha sounds like he doesn't even like her! Kag and Inu need a wake-up call real real soon.


As for construtive criticism, "I can never imagine a life without Kikyou, but neither can I imagine it without Kagome." This sentence would be grammatically correct worded like this, "I can never imagine a life without Kikyou, but I can't imagine it without Kagome either." Double negatives and all. lol

Can't wait for the nest chapter! This is like my new obsession! :)

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Oooo, I was half-way wishing Sesshoumaru would have told Izayoi, just so it would all be out in the open.  I wonder if Inuyasha took that as a warning, maybe he'll actually do the right thing and break it off with one of them.

I think Sesshoumaru is doing good so far; ignoring her and focusing on himself for a little while, as hard as that may be.  I still think I could make him forget his troubles ;) 

Thank you for updating!  I needed something good to read in between homework.  Blasted, blasted homework!

redoxide (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

I think he should at least continue trying to give up. Kagome needs to feel his absence and realise what she's missing out on. I also hope Kikyou finds out and Inuyasha loses both of them in the end. I actually really like your Kikyou and feel sorry for her. It would be ironic if Kagome and Kikyou ended up having a friendly relationship.

y? (Chapter 5) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

I really really love this story! Can't wait for the next update. My heart hurts when I read this.  I feel so sad for Sess!

sesshou_lover (Chapter 5) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Damn does she make me mad in this story.  It's been such a long time since I've read a story that's got me this riled up because you just want to shout that Inuyasha's not going to change.  He can't love you if he keeps seeing two women.  and then you just want to smack some damn sense into her.

itachiiyoubastard (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

I feel like punching Inuyasha in the throat, kicking Kagome down a flight of stairs, and hugging Sesshoumaru, never letting go.

Noacat (Chapter 1) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Dude, you can't get MY story out of your head. I can't get YOURS out. I've been thinking of it all day. And whilst thinking about it, I came up with this lovely quote from Othello (Act IV, scene i): "If that the earth could teem with woman's tears, Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile." I feel like Kagome has so much to prove to Sesshoumaru... I mean, no one is an infinite damage cusion. There's really only so much you can take and this last chapter -- I think Sesshoumaru is very close to his limit. Anyway, looking forward to moar angst. Update soon! My brain is on fire!

MorganEHW (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009


patricia (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

she was so close! i even liked her for a minute. then BAM... shes so stupid! idk if i can wait a whole 5 chapters for her to come to her sences. i hope they come fast.

another set of great ending lines. i love that about your writing.

Gladys (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

I am reallly really really in love with this story, I have never read so much angst in all my life,  although I have to confess Kagome is getting to my nerves , how can she be so blind? poor Sesshoumaru has to stand by her and she doesn't even notice his love for her , please update soon , I am dying to know what come next

All the best

Silver Silence 89 (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

:-( Gosh man I wish Kags could just realize that the relationship she has with Inuyasha is just unhealthy. She needs more stability in her life, and that definately comes in the form of Sesshoumaru. But...alas.... she's a girl in love. And it just goes to show makes you do crazy things.


Great chapter!!!


Silver Silence 89

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