I have often wondered to what extent Feudal Japan was subject to diseases like Bubonic Plague or Smallpox. I haven't seen it examined very often in fanfics. As for Kikyo being the second female in command after Kagome, ugh. Usually people with a personality disorder like she has do not change, and when they do, they tend to regress to their old patterns of behavior with great frequency. To me, she will always be smug, arrogant, and manipulative. Even if she is playing nice at the moment. I am following this story with interest, keep up the great work!
wow... of all the things that kagome might hafta deal with :p ew =x
0o0o0o0o Sess youki is like a radar detector! how awesome :3 that'll come in nifty ^_^
okay sorry for the delay in read/reviewing but that is hilarious =x
Lexie (Chapter 14) - Sat 17 Apr 2010
oh dear! the bubonic plague? i dont believe they ever created a cure for that.
please update!!
Answer to Round 12: "Whispers in the Dead of Night".
Poor Kagome, actually having to go thru the horrors of the Bubonic Plague. Thank kami she mated Sesshy when she did, that is probably what saved her. And that one villager, guess he's getting his comeuppence. Too sad his wife and child have to suffer too. Anyhoo, great chappy, as usual, plz post again soon. BTW, when's everyone coming home from the war??
Whispers in the Dead of Night I believe is the answer as always great story thanks for sharing it with all
That was an interesting twist. Never really read a story where the Plague was introduced before. Great Job of keeping us on our toes! I love this story!
I like that you're using a plague as an enemy. No story I've read has done this before. This enemy has no brain, only micro-organisms spread by rat fleas and deadly ones at that. That reminds me, Myouga's a flea youkai. Maybe he's knowleadgeable about the diseases his human counterparts cause and some helpful cures. What an awful time for Sango and Kikyou to be pregnant. Now I'm glad Kagome's not. It's a good thing her village has been storing winter supplies because now they'll have to share them with the survivors which will end up depleting their stock before winter even gets here. The males will have to work overtime to restock. In those days, to clean a village completely pest and plague free, it had to be burned to the ground or it was abandoned with warning signs. Unless you come up with some other method of saving the village. They really need their males back from that stupid war to help with this since it's more important. I just thought of something - are you going to make youkai susceptible to the plague, too? Even if they aren't, they could be carriers of the fleas. I hope Kagome thinks of this. That would mean any low level youkai attracted to the village to eat on a dead body could end up being a carrier. There are so many ways it could spread from the village if it not already has. I'm excited to read what you have planned for the story.
Chibi (Chapter 13) - Fri 09 Apr 2010
Uwah! Cliffy!! What did she she??? Is Sesshoumaru-sama badly injured? If it's him, why wouldn't he tell her so that she could help him?? Update soon PLEASE!!!!!!
Spennig (Chapter 13) - Tue 06 Apr 2010
"On Strike" = where "I have been paired with my half-brother, I win." is from Great fic, too. I giggled the whole time I was reading.
I've enjoyed THIS fic as well, and the character development from Alpha on. Keep up the great writing.
Izzy (Chapter 13) - Tue 06 Apr 2010
OMGs!!!! Whats happened!?!?!?! great chapter.. Damn Cliffhangers!!!!! update soon please
Well you are certainly evil leaving a cliff hanger like that, actually it's not a cliff hanger you shoved me off the darn clif itself, really why such a high cliff? You have no pity you wonderful writer and I loved the chapter despite the cliff pushing, off-ness, I can't wait for the next chapter and until thenn i will continue falling, maybe hit the ground eventually. Lol Thank you for the chaper!
~ Tangerine
Ok, that was one dream I would not wake up from until I had been thoroughly sated. Damn darkness...messing up good dreams! LOL! I loved this chapter and am really intrigued to find out what or who was in the hut.
Sessygurl (Chapter 13) - Mon 05 Apr 2010
What did she see? i love how she can communicate with Sesshomaru in her dreams and how his aura is protecting her.
Ooooh, is that a cliffhanger? Great writing in this chapter, very suspensful and full of vivid imagery. Can't wait to find out what happens next!
If only Kagome had been ready for sex, she might be pregnant, too. And that would be really interesting for all three to be pregnant at the same time but no such thing. I do understand she's still young in spite of everything she's been through and experienced except for sex, that some people need more time than other's to prepare themselves mentally to take the big step. I think her dreams will help her to make that decision. It's sad though that her first time might be through a 'dream'. For me I'd want the real thing and the real sperm to get pregnant by.
Indigo_Miko (Chapter 12) - Sun 28 Mar 2010
*fans self* That dream sequence was an awful tease. I wonder if Sesshomaru happened to be sleeping during that time. I kinda figured Sango and Kikyo would end up pregnant while the guys were away. That should be interesting. I can't wait to see how the pack is going to handle to pregnant females, especially once they get really big and can't do as much around camp. I can't wait for your next chapter! Keep writing!
And the answer to the challenge, I think, is 'The Void.'
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