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sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 24) - Mon 01 Feb 2010

thats so sad ! p0or Sesshomaru! mou *huggles sickly you*

ashley (Chapter 1) - Sun 31 Jan 2010

wondering if eyou plan to update anytime soon

kittybark08 (Chapter 1) - Sat 30 Jan 2010

You have written an amazing story so far. It has an orignial plot, something I haven't seen in a long while.  I will also say that this is one of the best written stories I have read as far as fanfiction goes.  You have an affinity towards writting.  Its too bad you woulld not be able to have this story published, I'm sure it would sell.  I look forward to further installments in this story.

moon_child (Chapter 23) - Sat 16 Jan 2010

I liked how u were able to twist sorrow and reality into this chapter.  It's not like others i've read where everything is always positive and the characters always get what they want.  Ex.  Shippo just died and Kogome is sad and whishes him back without consequences.  Another is when one minute Sesshomaru is killing them and then he and the Inu-tachi are all buddy-buddy.  Although it was sad; it was a awsome story. 

Lilly Akame (Chapter 23) - Wed 13 Jan 2010

Oh my gosh! This story is amazing! Aww I feel really sorry for Kagome! I really dislike Sango, and this story makes me hate her more!! Grr. OMG, Kohaku and Rin are her great great how many ever great grand parents, thats awesome! I feel sorry for Sesshomaru too! Please update soon!

Seshiepersonalpriestess (Chapter 23) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

I think if I was Kagome, I would become hateful and emitionless.

Samantha (Chapter 23) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

Great story so far! I love it please update soon!

fallen (Chapter 23) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

I actually had a bad dream last night about this last chapter (i dont think thats ever happened because of a story before lol) , but it was kagome sitting there having to watch him get mated to someone else and giving up on her basically...I actually woke up crying. Great chapter though it is so sad to think of what she is going through I really just couldnt imagine. I cant wait for another update!

DOOMsquee (Chapter 23) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

i have this really big knot in my throat that really wants to cut loose right now. This is such a sad story! I want to cry so bad, especially becuase of what Kagome's going through. Kagome seems like the type of person that has to be around people or she'll go crazy. This is probably killing her inside.

Brego Whitecloud (Chapter 23) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

Wow!!  what a wonderful, intriguing, imaginative, heat wrenching story!  I read it in two gulps!   Sesshoumaru OOC?  Not really--eve his is affected by loss--as he will when Rin leaves the earth--even his brother.  In the privacy of his own chamber earlier, he can be who ever a grieving man can be.


Well done indeed!  Thanks!



Yoru-101 (Chapter 23) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

Ahhhhh, pretty sorrow. I am such a loon. NOW at least we know there is some heartbreak coming. AND some destiny thing. <33333

I am truly enjoying this. Life (or Death XD) isn't always fair Kagome.

chevonne knowles (Chapter 23) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

I know that this not the usual story but i one things for sure.

this is too cruel for words. and no amount of ending will make up for

kagome's pain. it will not be worth it. it will not be for the good of mankind.

you may as well say that kagome is in hell.

It is a very good story I look forward to the update.

LadySafire (Chapter 22) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

this was such poignant chapter and so sad. You have done a wonderful job. I was crying when they were saying their goodbyes and when he dis-spelled the bowl. I am waiting anxiously for next chapters. would love to see how the castle reaced to his howl of pain when she dissapeared.

Sess Koibito (Chapter 23) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

What the Hell!?!? The Kami lied to her about why she had to become death??? And she has to keep doing it until her family 500 years in the future dies as well as her friends in the past??? I'd be hard pressed not to take that scythe and stick it up someone's A** for that!!! And they tell her she's going to have her heart broken in the future ... I'm almost scared to keep reading to find out how that happens. I really don't want to find out that Sesshoumaru mates someone else, but there's no way I'd be able to stop reading now. :)

Yoru-101 (Chapter 22) - Sun 10 Jan 2010


Sesshoumaru's sorrow tastes so sweet. <3 I feel horrible yet happy at the same time. I hope no-one thinks I'm creepy. Once again (for the millionth time) I'm glad you liked the fanart. Maybe one of Sesshoumaru next time? (if I can do him justice <3)

ashley (Chapter 22) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

i thought for some odd reason that kagome was going to end up preggy. then the gods would return her to be wit sesshomaru. i mean she suffered alot. being sent back in time failing school. losing the boy she loved to a clay-pot. then having to take her bestfriends daughter soul. poor kags

ashley (Chapter 22) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

(tears) luv ur story update really soon

ashley (Chapter 22) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

(tears) luv ur story update really soon

loveyaa (Chapter 22) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

It was actually one of the fanart pictures that got me to read your story, but now I am so glad that I did. it is a lovely story. bittersweet throughout. I can't see where you go with the story now and how Kagome's fate will come to an end...but im not too too eager to get to that point quite yet. well til next time...

TruGemini (Chapter 22) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Poor Sess. To have to let her go like that. I know it must really have hurt.

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