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Zalika (Chapter 6) - Mon 27 Jun 2011

That has to be my favorite chapter yet!!! I love the ending...can't wait to see what happens next.

Lily Noir (Chapter 6) - Mon 27 Jun 2011

hahahaha, looooved this one ..... though, do I see a spark or something???XDXD ... oooh, put up the next one as soon as you can ;P


Ambra (Chapter 6) - Mon 27 Jun 2011

I began reading your fic by chance and your words got me completely hooked!

There's some really great humour, with a spectacular characterization of both Sesshomaru and Kagome. The last chapter also had a hint of waff :) Apotheosis!

Keep going, pwetty please?

Aviator (Chapter 6) - Sun 26 Jun 2011

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny!!!!!!! Hey, how many more days till inuyasha and kikyo come back?

TruGemini (Chapter 6) - Sun 26 Jun 2011

Sooo was Sess really that offended about his date insulting Kags? Did she hit a nerve when she said he treats her that way? Such interesting explorations! Can't wait for the next chapter.

KT (Chapter 6) - Sun 26 Jun 2011

That was sweet =) 

Lol "don't let the door hit you on your way out."  I just loved that phrase. And poor kagome. I sure would be grumpy too if I was woken up in the middle of the night. 

At least sesshoumaru knows which crowd is better to hang out with lol.  And, it kind of makes me wonder if sesshoumaru was mad on kagome's behalf. If so... that was really sweet!!!

Please keep on updating! I love your story!!!

I Agree (Chapter 1) - Sun 26 Jun 2011

 Alright, so I think I'm in love with this. Isn't it amazing what treasures one stumbles upon when they aren't really looking? ^_^ I have to admit, your title is what drew me in. I don't even think I read the summary properly! I love the way you've depicted the characters, Sesshoumaru is deliciously devious (though treatment towards Kagura is not getting any brownie points in my book... not that I'm a Kagura lover by any means, I just hate when men use women........ *gets off soapbox*) and Kagome is wonderfully witty! I get the feeling we're in for quite the ride with this story with those personalities coming together! Also I'm quite delighted with your style of writing! It's very too the point and yet discriptive at the same time, and I can practically feel humor dripping from every word! Very refreshing for this one! And while I'm itching to hit that 'Next Chapter' button... I unfortunately can't right now, but please be prepared for more reviews from me in the future. ^_^ Please Regard Me Kindly, - I Agree

Ali (Chapter 5) - Sun 26 Jun 2011

I just want to say that you're a genius. Or mastermind. Anyway, I'm totally addicted. And even though I should have been asleep 2 and a half hours ago, I found this -- and got HOOKED. Ridiculously. So I fell in love with a story. Most definitely. Because this is super freakin amazing, and I wish there were more chapters, but I'll settle for stalking Dokuga and waiting for the next chapter. Which will hopefully be soon. Or within the next month. BTW, I mean this as no insult, but the writing style reminds me of piratequeen405 or whatever she goes by.. and that ridiculously awesome story she wrote. I'm sure this is plenty famous as well. SINCE IT'S AMAZING. And I'm pretty sure I'm rambling-ish, but I just had to let you know how awesome I thought you and this story are.

KT (Chapter 5) - Sat 25 Jun 2011

Oh please please update! I don't know what it is about this story, but it is hillarious!!! At kagome's expense lol

I cannot wait to find out what kind of revenge kagome will get on sesshoumaru ! ;D

Ajah Spencer (Chapter 5) - Sat 25 Jun 2011

I am in love with this story. It has me laughing almost instantly. You have to write another chapter soon.

lashon (Chapter 5) - Sat 25 Jun 2011

this is soo cute and funny! i love it!

NicoRavenPen (Chapter 5) - Sat 25 Jun 2011

~~I am thoroughly in love with this fic! XD Please do update soon! I'll be keeping an eye out!

Aviator (Chapter 5) - Sat 25 Jun 2011


TruGemini (Chapter 5) - Sat 25 Jun 2011

LOL! That was a funny chapter at the end. She had to have known Kagome was going to get her back eventually.

One of Those Days (Chapter 3) - Mon 09 May 2011

amy (Chapter 3) - Sun 08 May 2011

What are his issues, being a jerk? not fulfilling his promises? treating Kagome like  he wants her?Tell me informed minds are curious, I hope he learns to treat her better.

Jay_chAn (Chapter 3) - Sun 08 May 2011

The fight like children I smile through each chapter. Can't wait for an update! =]

TruGemini (Chapter 3) - Sat 07 May 2011

I say she should go on the date with Hojou and drop the kids on Sess like he did her. A fitting revenge I would say. Especially if she looks great doing it.

TruGemini (Chapter 2) - Sat 07 May 2011

Poor Kagome. Wonder what else she has to deal with.

amy (Chapter 2) - Mon 02 May 2011

So he left her with the children on purpose? So she can only become a Takata by marrying one? he is in trouble, not being able to care for two young ones for a month. He will need her help, which could lead to his marrying her if only to get rid of Kagura!

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