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Rowdys girl (Chapter 63) - Mon 14 Feb 2011

Happy Valentine's Day, Ree. Will you be my valentine? And here is your Valentine's Day Gift: This is a wonderful chapter! I am so enjoying watching you bring your characters together and develop, as people, as plotters, as collaborators. I have thought you were a good writer since I first started reading your stories - even the ones written in your dark times - and now I see that I was right all along. I love being right about people and things. Happy Valentine's Day and know that you are loved and appreciated by your readers.

FayeMegan (Chapter 63) - Mon 14 Feb 2011

Wee that was charming. ^_^ I like when Inuyasha isn't a total idiot or the "bad guy"

Can't wait for more!!

Autumn (Chapter 63) - Mon 14 Feb 2011

Oh wow so now they are working together. I wasn't expecting that. This is going to get interesting.

summerbirdy (Chapter 63) - Mon 14 Feb 2011


Loved this one.

waiting for more very eagerly

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 63) - Mon 14 Feb 2011

REE!!!!! *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees at you*



happy ♥ day!

martha (Chapter 62) - Mon 14 Feb 2011

wow that a differnet out look on the sitution. Suppose it makes some sense being mad for not talking about it before taking another one on. Thanks for update

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 62) - Mon 14 Feb 2011

0o0o0o0o REE!!!♥s i wonder how inuyasha's going to react to this. he better not say he has a claim on her *shakes fist*

sara (Chapter 61) - Sat 12 Feb 2011

Well, this made me thinking why Inutaisho even had that child with Izayoi because no one can convince me that they loved each other. From what was shown of them they were not really close. Who calls their beloved with "my Lord"? I suspect it was more lust and curiousity from him than anything else. Then I ask myself what could be interesting about a human princess, even if she is beautiful, especially in that time period when females had to be silent and obedient. As a realist I would say she was his lover/concubine. No more no less.

Let´s see what Kotone thinks about that "relationship".

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 61) - Sat 12 Feb 2011

wow. Inuyasha being Smart -it's like an oxymoron. Especially at this stage of the journey. Though perhaps all the down time at the palace has given him time to calm and Think. It could happen.

Thanks for writing!

jojo661538 (Chapter 61) - Sat 12 Feb 2011

great work absolute terrific keep up the great work i hope to read more soon ^_^

GreyEcho (Chapter 61) - Sat 12 Feb 2011

Clever! XD

randomfan17 (Chapter 61) - Sat 12 Feb 2011

If she says she hates him because his father and mother shouldn't have loved each other i'm going to want to hit her. Good Inuyasha, making deals is better then beatng the snot out of her to make her leave him alone, haha.

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 61) - Fri 11 Feb 2011

Inu-puppy is being naughty, but so cute. I love the way you write him. He's really great character and we as Sessh/Kag fans tend to be harder on him than most, but that's b/c we know he has the potential for so much more. Thanks for the wonderful chapters, they're getting better and better. More please.

Darrakk (Chapter 61) - Fri 11 Feb 2011

Surely if he has prior claim, she would simply go "off with his head"?

Really enjoying the story, even if the small chapters are like eating half the chocolate and leaving the rest forever and ever, just staring longingly at it as it melts in the sun, never to be fully had.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 61) - Fri 11 Feb 2011

O: inuyasha's probably abotu to have a crap load of understanding thrown at him. I hope he's not an arse to understand that his very existence came at her misery along with Sesshomaru's as well. Stupid inupapa >:l *really hopes that inupapa gets his head bonked greatly*




*whines at you~!*


*wiggles update bribery c0okies at you!*

more please!

summerbirdy (Chapter 61) - Fri 11 Feb 2011

woot! go Inu go!!!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 61) - Fri 11 Feb 2011

X3 Inuyasha's about as sly as my little sister XP

can't wait to see what becomes of this

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 60) - Thu 10 Feb 2011

*laughs* Yeah... anyhting I start for Inuyasha has to get an M rating soon as our favorite red-clad hanyou opens his mouth too. Its only in character... *chuckles and shakes head*

I do wonder at this stage what Inuyasha's answer will be. Will he make claim because he wants Kagome? Maybe Just to irk Kotone? *pout-frowns* I could see the later... really I could. Which would suck. But then... should Kagome find out he laid claim to her purely for that reason the temper would be impressive and she'd likely cst off his claim in pure anger because of it.

On another note... its always bothered me how it was decided Kagome was Kikyo's reincarnation. I don't know... I guess I've always though appearance and carrying the tama weren't enough on their own. What does appearance have anything to do with the reincarnation of a soul? Budah supposidly reincarnated through a vast number of animals... *sighs* okies... I get way too philosophical about these things. *sheepish*

Thanks for writing!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 57) - Thu 10 Feb 2011

hahaha! If only in the real story it had been so easy as to have Sesshomaru's mother simply eat Naraku! *laughs uncontrolably* So amusing that you inserted the 'great bad guy' like you did -only to have him be an irritating snack. *chortles* Great job!

Thanks for writing!

katlady (Chapter 60) - Thu 10 Feb 2011

what about beibes  do you do those tooo?

:waves brbbery cookiey?

remind me to thank Itsy this update  made my day


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