Bahaha Sesshomaru is hentai
I LOVED this story! OXD My only complaint, is that it was a one-shot, and therefore is now done. I REALLY didn't want it to end! O:(
omg thats hilarious
I stumbled across fanfiction at the tender age of 17. And now at the age of 28... between then and now... I've read A LOT of fanfiction in these past 11 years. Maybe even an obscenely unhealthy amount! But NEVER I have I ever in ALL the fanfictions I have eved read, have I ever come across a fic as hilarious as this one! It's 3am and I'm sitting up here howling with laughter, as tears stream down my face and the back of head starts to ache because I'm laughing so hard! I loved this! As I do with all of your fics. This one is just in a class all its own and I don t think anyone could ever hope try and emulate what you've done in this oneshof! Love it!
'cackles until she coughs on her spit' XDDD
She certainly got more then she bargained for!! rofl!!
This was too hilarious for words. Wow!
lol the end was funny :)
omg. loved
favorite quote: "For the record, I was always thinking of you"
LMAO, Sesshomaru is such a perv. This had me cracking up at the end but i loved his aggressive approach at getting her to mate him and of course their mating. I loved this and it was awesome through all of it.
loved it! it was hot and funny at the same time
ahahahahha! that was awesome! :)
i nearly died with his answer in the end! hahahaha!
This was hilariously outrageously funny!!! O M G, loved this.
OMG....funny as hell!! Who would have guessed...lmao!
I loved this story! It was so odd and so good, lol. I thought you had very descriptive language here, I could almost visualise Kagome's bewilderment. I think you did a great job.
Wounferful. I love your version of mokomoko. It was hillarous and yet very sexy. A great read!
that was good i laughed so hard
lmao thats jsut awesome!
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