Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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DemonQueen17 (Chapter 106) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

You go, Shizuka! He's one awesome advisor. More please.

JeniNeji (Chapter 106) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

Ow, this is so sweet. Sesshomaru is caring for her...and he's so nervous. I know it's the start of wonderful things :P

JeniNeji (Chapter 105) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

I'm glad things are going well. My main love for fanfics are the plots, and you have a very nice plot. I enjoy it very much. Thanks for writting!

JeniNeji (Chapter 104) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

Hm, true indeed. I'm happy for the fast update too :)

Smittee (Chapter 105) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

Hm. I wonder if his council will really be able to handle this new information.

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 105) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

Hmm, interesting. Hoepfully, things turn out ok for Shizuka. Otherwise, i have a bad feeling about this. More please.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 105) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

i really am in love with this fiction! :3
there's a new GM challenge now =x new banner!
*wiggles c0okies and waggles brow*

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 104) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

*heaps c0okies upon you lavishly!* 00o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

randomfan17 (Chapter 105) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

Four chapters in one go for me, all awesome! Now i'm worried though i don't like mean demons in stories that go after Kagome, i just hope she kicks their asses =)   

Now, i wonder what Kagome's gonna do now, please update soon, both their points of view are good but i want to see something happen soon.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 103) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

he's going to make the other puppies piddle on the council fl0or!



*wiggles c0okies of bribery for updates at you*

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 102) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

oh, puppy! what are you doing! she's got a temper and you play with so hot a fire :3

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 101) - Wed 13 Jul 2011


DemonQueen17 (Chapter 103) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

I wonder what Yoshio was implying when he mentioned Sesshomaru rewarding Inuyasha. Would he, if he ever felt generous (though highly doubtful), give him a reward in the form of a female? Anyway, I have a feeling Sesshomaru is going to regret sending Kagome back to her time. In this story, his mother's an ignorant fool. More please.

JeniNeji (Chapter 103) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

O_O NO more....I swear I saw like a hundred update pops in my sad :(

JeniNeji (Chapter 103) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

I imagine why! I am with Musashi with what?! Something else?!

JeniNeji (Chapter 102) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

wow emotive chapter!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 100) - Fri 08 Jul 2011

Excellent work on the different writing style and word flow for Izayoi's journal. What she said of course was also wonderfully chosen, but How it was stated says so much too.

Thanks for writing.

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 100) - Fri 08 Jul 2011

This is an interesting chapter. More please.

randomfan17 (Chapter 100) - Fri 08 Jul 2011

Oh, that was almost sad but at least she was in love completely with him, Sesshomaru and Kagome's relationship is a little more complicated =) Great chapter, i hope you update soon, not going to guess, to lazy today.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 100) - Fri 08 Jul 2011

oh ho ho! lovely passage! and i'm glad kagome knows their dark lusting dangerous beauty! i really do hope she lives up to the expectation that Sesshoamru has for her while still being her self! i always saw kagome as a BAMF!

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