Cute. I thought it would end differently.
Dear Hairann,
This was definitely a very enjoyable piece to read. I enjoyed the poem with its simple yet powerful words, and the fact that you kept Sesshoumaru very much in character throughout the entire story.
The striking mental image of a lone demon lord digging graves for the people he once knew and respected to a certain degree, against a background of carnage and destruction, could not have been if not for your skills in description and imagery.
As a reader, I was looking forward to more since the oneshot ended off at a point where the reader has the full freedom to imagine what comes next. But as a fellow writer, I feel that it was nice in a way - slightly poignant, slightly hopeful and downright mysterious.
Your interpretation of the prompt 'Avalanche' was also refreshingly fitting.
A great job done, I'd say. Good luck with the tournament!
Love, MissTeak
Very sad Hairann, but very beautiful as wel :) Lovely job.
I liked your story, though it was pretty sad and it made me want to read more!
Ah, I adored the poem
Luna (Chapter 1) - Tue 21 Jun 2011
Oooh dark! Poor Sesshoumaru and Kagome, but perhaps companionship can be gained from the tragedy?
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