What I meant to ask was who was the extra grave marker you hinted at?
Stories like this are beautiful no matter how sad. I believe we all look for mates like these; however we seem to be ill equipped (if blessed with such a mate) to actually become emotionally honest and commited.
Stay safe and healthy and keep writing awesome stories like these please.
Men I thought it will have a different ending. You kill kags. I Hate You But The Story Is Pretty Deep That Is Both stories.
Thanks for a quality, adequate in your stories. Wonderful written even if it have a sad ending.
This doesn't make sense because if Kagome already died then shouldn't Kikyo have already gotten Kagome's soul?
I had already read this story for what? about 9th times maybe? And you had always succesfully made me cry everytime I was reread it!! Such a beautiful story with a bittersweet ending, unlike the others that intend to made they life sooooo long happily ever after.. It made me sad of course because I tend to choose the latter ending, but oh well yours is special! Just one thing that I would change from this story, that in the end Kagome would end up gave Sesshoumaru twelve more children beside Inu-Takeshi instead of only two more...hohohoho... *devious smirk*
Can't wait for another chapter of 'Fang Master' and your promising 'Of Time Still Kept Frozen', I hope you'll make a clear happy ending for this one!
Please take your time! I know nurturing a baby takes a tool on someone body, do no pressure added!
I cried horribly! It was so sad
So sweet. Wonderful story! And a good ending too.
This story was amazing and fantastic!
Perfect ending! Sad, beautiful and full of Love!
I love this fic ... it's bitter sweet, but oh so good. You had me crying, not an easy feat to manage! Wonderfully written and a truely fitting sequel.
You... just made me cry. (and I can't even blame pregnancy hormones, with boy being 2 month old)
Thank you for your lovely story. It was definitely worth of waiting for and I'm happy to have been able to read it.
Thank you.
It's was a great story and it's very sad to see it end.
Keep it coming.
Great chapter, keep it coming.
I feel so sad for Sesshoumaru. Really need to know what will happen to him next. T_T I have been enjoying this story. Thanks for making such a great one.
I am loving your story it took me all day to read, only cause I had to keep stopping. If you could I would love if you explained how Sesshomaru and Kagome ended up in the void and what transpired while they were inside and how long they were inside for. Also like I said wonderful story, love the whole idea of it, but there are little grammar mistakes nothing major or too noticeable really. But I'm just wondering if Kagome does manage to live for 500 years in the future what Sesshomaru will give Kikyo? If Kagome is able to live that long obviously she will be able to live for a longer period....hm just an idea. =D
It's been seven months and two weeks since you last update, l'm glad your back. Please update the next chapters soon and not in months, keep it coming. Happy Belated Mother's Day!
Please finish this!
I finally got around to reading the latest chapter. I love this story and can't wait to see what happens when future Sess' time is up. What will happen? Need to know. Please update this soon.
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