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rose (Chapter 30) - Mon 27 May 2013

next chapter please

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 30) - Mon 27 May 2013

It's been four months and two weeks since you updated, I'm glad your back. Great chapter, please update the next chapters soon and not in months. Keep it coming.

Alice (Chapter 30) - Mon 27 May 2013

Yay, an update! Great chapter, I hope they become comfotable with each other again soon.

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 30) - Mon 27 May 2013

Love this chapter. Thank you for updating! This was a nice surprise. Sesshoumaru has got a long road ahead of him to fix his mistakes. Can't wait for your next chapter.

ChaoticLover (Chapter 30) - Mon 27 May 2013

Thank you thank you thank soo much for updating this fantastic fanfic!!! I was waiting for it, always checking for an update!! :D

leave it to sesshoumaru to know where things exactly beling hhaha. I'm glad their relationship is progressing, even if it is a slow progress. Taking small steps is , I believe, the right choice sesshoumaru is doing. I hope to see them happy in near future soon^^. May I ask how many chapters this story will have?

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story! Please keep updating^^

Alice (Chapter 29) - Tue 15 Jan 2013

Great chapter! :3

Halcali (Chapter 29) - Mon 14 Jan 2013

That's right, Sesshoumaru, work for it. As Kagome says, money doesn't solve everything!

Thanks for the update!

RubyJeweler (Chapter 29) - Mon 14 Jan 2013

Sesshomaru is in a sensitive position. My heart aches for Kagome and Sesshomaru. I just love these types of fanfiction. :D Thank you for the update. I freakin' love this story! <3

ChaoticLover (Chapter 29) - Sun 13 Jan 2013

An update!!! I was waiting like crazy for one! Thank you very much!^^ I guess Sesshoumaru has a lot to make up, and I'm impatient to know how he will win back Kagome's completely trust. As for the love, I'm sure she still loves him, a lot. Once again, thank you for sharing your talent and wonderful story with. May Buddha bless you!! ^^ Thanks for the update.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 29) - Sun 13 Jan 2013

Keep it coming, Happy New Year!

RubyJeweler (Chapter 28) - Sat 29 Dec 2012

Thank the heavens. I, just now, came back to Dokuga...and this update has made my night! Thank you.

I also have a feeling that Sesshomaru will have to keep atoning for his mistakes. Hopefully, Kagome will come around...with enough loving, that is. xD

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 1) - Fri 28 Dec 2012

Greatly enjoyed this chapter. It is good to hear from you again. I can't wait to see how things progress from this point with Kagome and Sesshoumaru's relationship. Thank you for updating. I eagerly await your next update WHENEVER you have the time.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 28) - Thu 27 Dec 2012

Great story, keep it coming. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Alice (Chapter 28) - Thu 27 Dec 2012

An update, how wonderful! :) Loved the chapter, I hope Kagome and Sesshomaru make it!

Mina (Chapter 28) - Thu 27 Dec 2012

Thanks for updating! Good chapter! Awww Sango totally went bye bye oh wells...

LadyC (Chapter 27) - Wed 20 Jun 2012

I'm happy to see that you updated, but your health comes first. I don't normally do reviews, but I relly love your stories. If your and your families health is not well, take care of that first. We, the online community, will understand. And those who complain, just don't care about you. Trust me, the internet isn't going anywhere. I hope all is well, and have fun. Its summertime, well where I live it is. ^_^

joyouki (Chapter 27) - Wed 20 Jun 2012


Ginya (Chapter 27) - Wed 20 Jun 2012

I'm not going to lie, I completely forgot about this story but I'm SO happy you updated. I completely understand how stressful life can get but I'm glad you found time to update! I hope to see another one soon!

TruGemini (Chapter 27) - Wed 20 Jun 2012

My sympathies to you regarding the illness and long hours. I know how that is. Add school on top of it and we're even. I'm glad you are back though and loved the chapter you released. Oh there will be hell to pay once the drama settles, I can feel it.

insomniac_amy (Chapter 27) - Wed 20 Jun 2012

Update!! Thank you , Thank you. I'm so sorry to hear about your RL troubles and I hope that things get better soon.

I loved this chapter. I'm glad she agreed to the mating and I really hope that she makes him work to earn her forgiveness.


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