Reviews for Contact by Lillian

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JeniNeji (Chapter 88) - Mon 26 Dec 2011

Eh? Poor Inuyasha now :S

JeniNeji (Chapter 87) - Mon 26 Dec 2011

Poor Kag

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 102) - Sat 24 Dec 2011

We Sesshy fans are almost as fond of Inu Papa, and usually people don't cast him in such an unfavorable light. That being said, the concept does and doesn't make sense, mostly because of Tensiga and it's purpose in Sesshoumaru's life. But it is fanfiction, so I'm really curious to see where this will lead. Please update soon!

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 101) - Fri 23 Dec 2011

Oh snap! You know, it was something that did always bug me, everyone making comparisons between Kagome and Izayoi, although there's so little to reference on, but I always imagined Izayoi being sort of weak, pampered, etc. I don't see her yelling and kicking butt the way Kagome does. Anywho, the chapters have been amazing to catch up on, I have luffed all of them, and I'm curious if Sesshoumaru will continue his correspondence with her through the letters. I think it might be kind of cute, although I can see him abusing it to find out what she likes and her blowing her top if she should find out. ANyways, awesome updates!

Silver Standard Society (Chapter 101) - Thu 22 Dec 2011

(Shhhh, don't tell anyone I'm here. I'm supposed to be writing and updating. -_-;)

Whoa girl, you tossed up some delicious chapters while I've been away. Nothing more I love than an affectionate Sesshy.

*raises hand* Can I guess a plot bunny? I think he's gonna resume being her secret pen-pal so that she falls in love with him that way. 

Either way, I'm still digging the story. I'll see you soon!


Tana (Chapter 100) - Wed 21 Dec 2011

Finally caught up! Got a little confused with 87 & 89, with some of the things, like an elaborate kimono and her heading back to the Feudal Era to write her assignment behind Sesshy, which hadn't happened yet. I don't know if I've reviewed this story before, if not I'd just like to say that I love it! The idea of them being sort of pen-pals with her eventually falling in love is really intriguing. Hopefully Sesshy can figure this whole thing out, though help from Miroku would be the worst thing! Sucks that your comp decided to get a sudden independent streak...I hate when they do that.

Faded Names (Chapter 99) - Sun 18 Dec 2011

Yay! More update!!!!  ^.^

dianne (Chapter 1) - Sun 18 Dec 2011

This is easily one of my favorite stories of all time ^.^ keep up the good work!

Lyra (Chapter 99) - Sun 18 Dec 2011

!!!!!! More!!!! :D :D :D  I kind of feel bad for Inuyasha, but....well, he set himself up.  And S'homaru is being cute again; I can see him in my head with his armful of Kagome going "grrrr...." at Sango. 


Lyra (Chapter 98) - Sun 18 Dec 2011

Yaaaaay more chapters!  I love S'homaru being concerned, it makes him cute; and Kagome's just falling apart!  Help her, Numbah One!  You're her only hope! I'm beginning to wonder how much this business of "secret correspondant" is going to backfire on Sesshomaru too, because he seems to not understand that she might just be reeeeeally pissed to find out that she's been writing to HIM all along! 

<3 <3 <3 's!  Write mooooore! :D

Faded Names (Chapter 96) - Sun 18 Dec 2011

I actually meant "SO glad"...not "do glad"

Faded Names (Chapter 96) - Sun 18 Dec 2011

Moved here from FFNet for this story :)  Do glad I did!!! Can't wait for more!!!

Kjchristie17 (Chapter 95) - Sat 17 Dec 2011

I love, love, love this story....It's so fascinating and utterly adorable. You're a fantastic writer...:)

CrazyLoveSK (Chapter 94) - Thu 15 Dec 2011

her teacher is sesshy!!!!!!! ies know it!!!!!

anywho it is an amazing story

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 93) - Wed 14 Dec 2011


*waits patiently*

Shennanigans? I think I see them, but I'm not sure. 


Please update soon.

raindancer13 (Chapter 93) - Wed 14 Dec 2011
Oh... Sesshy took it didn't he? Lol

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 92) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

I love Miroku's cameo in this, because it just...fits him so well. I can even imagine him saying it a that thoughtful not-quite-apathetic but not-quite-emotional kind of tone. Anywho, awesome update!

insomniac_amy (Chapter 91) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

I'm really enjoying reading this. I've been following it from the beginning, but I'm not always good at remembering to leave reviews. I just wanted to let you know that this is a great story and I like it alot.

COAIM (Chapter 91) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

moreeee! more more more more please?!

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 91) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

That is amazing, and I kind of hope that somehow, magically, the paper ends up in the past and the others get to read it (christmas magic?). Anywho, great update, and I can't wait to see what's next.

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