Update soon, I really enjoy the story and can't help but wonder how in the hell sessh and kags are gonna end up together or as friends in this story.
okay so i've just started stalking this fic, most if not all the reference put them as humans, but there's been a few moments when you've made comments that make them seem like their demon selves. so are they human or demons?
awesome fic btw!
Loooove it, Can't wait for more. And I predict shit hitting the fan in the future. xP
The story is progressing slowly but surely... I like. It's not obvious like with some fanfiction writers and it moves fluidly. Nice job.
I like the way you bring depth to the caracters with each chapter, it shows that you know how to write and have this pretty thought out. =)
Nice, like this one too. It's different from all those fics where Sessh and Yasha have everything and anything they wish and where they're the elite with everyone at their feet. The plot is nice and it's clearly seen that a lot of things will happen, not to mention it's well-founded.
Such a funny story with well-rounded plot. Keep it coming, their interactions are intriuging and delightful to read.
emmaren (Chapter 3) - Thu 15 Sep 2011
This is an awesome, extremely well written, breath of fresh air in the fandom. I can't believe that no one here has encouraged you with it yet. I look forward to each chapter and I am never disappointed. You are doing a great job of building truly demensional characters. Thank you for the effort and time you obiviously put into this peice, I know I will always look forward to any more of your work. After this chapter, I am wondering how you are going to incorporate Kagome's "impure heritage" into the plot line.
Keep on writing
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