Reviews for All That Glitters by Lillian

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henandchicks (Chapter 4) - Fri 16 Dec 2011

MIroko is the homeless guy in the alley?  I LOL'ed.  Please keep 'em coming.  I am really enjoying this one.  I do have a bad case of Adult ADD, so please don't llet the misunderstanding continue too long....!

Valaroma (Chapter 4) - Fri 16 Dec 2011

I love this little story! I can't wait for the next chapter and the inevitable embarrassment that awaits Kagome.

Diane (Chapter 4) - Fri 16 Dec 2011

I like it but you have a problem here; This one think it’s not delicate enough.  The 1st 3 words are a problem as is, should it be thinks or is there a word missing?

CrazyLoveSK (Chapter 4) - Fri 16 Dec 2011

i about peed my self laughing at kagome!!!

that is so like her jumping to conclusions like that lol!

Avidreaader (Chapter 3) - Thu 15 Dec 2011

Man...poor Sesshomaru...isn't is amazing how quickly someone can turn against you even when they don't know the facts.  This next chappie should be interesting...

Wufei (Chapter 2) - Thu 15 Dec 2011

raindancer13 (Chapter 3) - Thu 15 Dec 2011
More please! :)

henandchicks (Chapter 3) - Thu 15 Dec 2011

A minsnderstanding, I hope.  One that gets cleared up soon???  Love it!

carolinesdog (Chapter 3) - Thu 15 Dec 2011


Assumptions and presumptions are such a bitch and tend to make one an ass. On Kagome's defense, Sesshomaru did allow her to think that he was speaking about his wife since he never corrected her, and now she's come up with the wrong conclusions. I foresee a case of 'insert-foot-in-mouth' coming here on the next chapter. =^_^=


criticat (Chapter 3) - Thu 15 Dec 2011

Thank you for updating so quickly! 

Oh my, Sess is in trouble now. Although, in his defence, he did not say that it was for his mate.

Lyra (Chapter 3) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

Ahaha!  So awesome!  And after all that, it's GOT to be Sesshomaru coming in - poor Kagome needs to learn a thing or two about making assumptions. 

AbigailVictoria (Chapter 3) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

The imagination is a terrible thing...when it's up to no good. Oh boy!! Are we in for trouble!! I love this and I can't wait till the next chapter!! 

Andrea (Chapter 2) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

I am in love with this story so far! Not only do I love Inuyasha, but I also have a sick obsession with fine jewelry. Hehe, can't wait for more!!

see03 (Chapter 2) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

Uh oh, Sesshoumaru had best set matters straight before Kagome runs off with another man!

henandchicks (Chapter 2) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

I hope we don't have to wait much longer for her to find out he's available!  Loving it!

Azumii (Chapter 1) - Tue 13 Dec 2011

Oooh I really like this story!  Can hardly wait for more!

Lyra (Chapter 1) - Tue 13 Dec 2011

I love you too! :D  I feel all special in the A/N - but on to bigger and better things! awesome this chapter is!  Super awesome!  Hugely awesome!  Fantabulously fruitastically awesome!  :D  :D :D  So many questions!  Will Sesshomaru find out that Kagome's power is awe-inspiring?  Will Kagome figure out that SESSHOMARU is awe-inspiring?  Mooooore!!!!  (please) :P

FayeMegan (Chapter 1) - Tue 13 Dec 2011

Very cute, I like the premise. I'll be looking for more, please update quickly!

AbigailVictoria (Chapter 1) - Tue 13 Dec 2011

I like this already but why do I have the strange feeling that they're going to have few problems with knwoing if Sesshomaru's married or not? That's going to be an awkward conversation indeed. It's already got a beautiful plot and I can't wait to read more!!

Smo- needs to sign in (Chapter 1) - Tue 13 Dec 2011

:O That's a clever way to have them meet! Anniversaries! >:3 Yes, she definitely spiked his interest and primitive instincts there, didn't she?

I want another chapter! -whines like child-

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