... im speachless... I can't say anything.... THAT WAS SOOOOO SADDDDDDD!! DDDXXXXX
That is a horrifing way to die. I loved thisstory... An interesting ending... Its different, not the usual happy eneding I'd like to read, but I'll think of it as a V.C. Anderws book...
What could have been an interesting ending was having Their father watching TV program only to be intrerupted with the News of thier deaths... But i like your ending better!!!
Good luck!
cupofstars (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Nov 2009
*gasp* OMG! NO!!! My goodness you write a good cliffhanger. There better be an update tomorrow, because I don't know how much more I could take.
Oh, my. Why did I think there could be a happy ending?
OMG! dont leave it here!!!!
I love all the drama and suspense! What on earth is Naraku up to? Thank you for updating so quickly, but I can never be satisfied. Now that I have read this latest chapter, I am eager for the next...
I'm loving this story I found it today and read all 14 chapter yes all and i read the A/N my spelling andgrammer are bad I understand what you are saying in all the story and hay no one is perfect. well keep up the great work can't wait to read more
Another update! Yay! ^-^
But i'm also kinda sad that it's almost over. oh, well. i still look forward to reading more.
Mimi Garcia (Chapter 1) - Tue 03 Nov 2009
I'm still in love with this STORY!!!! I enjoy reading this and the ideas that you come up with wow truly a gift!!! I"m still a big fan of your work and I hope you post soon!!!
Ameire (Chapter 14) - Tue 03 Nov 2009
They never finalized the mating on kagome's end, did they? I read and reread and I still didn't catch it, but I wanna make sure....
taixi (Chapter 8) - Sat 31 Oct 2009
I am writing this review in response to your attack on the reviewer who apparently pointed out your typos. Honestly I haven't read the review from whoever pointed out your typos, so I have no idea if perhaps you are upset more due to the tone of the review than to the content.
But you do have quite a few typos and they are REALLY distracting from the story. I had personally not reviewed to point out your typos (including "fallow") but I had been considering it, since pointing out problems with your story is largely for you, the author's, benefit. Obviously, if there are so many typos in your story that they are distracting to your readers, your story is not coming across as well as you probably wanted it to. Pointing out spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes is one way for a reviewer to help you improve your writing. If you do not seek constructive criticism, all you need to do is tell the readers you do NOT want reviews, and usually people will respect that. But attacking your reviewer in the A/N does not put you into a good light.
Shakeil (Chapter 14) - Fri 30 Oct 2009
I came across your story and have absolutly feel in love! I read all 14 chapters in one day and I'm dying to read more! I even read the reviews and responses and let me just say this I am a proofreading fanatic. And to say that I was soenthralled with the story I didn't even bat an eyelash is saying somthing. I shudder at those who feel the need to nit-pick. I have read main stream books in high circulation with typos..... So keep going! I just can't wait til the next chapter!
I real like this story. I can't wait to see what happens next. Keep on writing, you do a great job.
Congratulations on your nomination for best lemonfic! But this is more than a lemonfic. It is very touching and full of emotion, and I think you were very brave for writing a romance built around such a taboo "conflict".
Lilith (Chapter 14) - Thu 29 Oct 2009
This was soo beautiful! It is.. one of my most favorite stories on this site! I guess it's the way you write, or the way your words blend together... I don't know, I just know that this story just pulls you in. It's very wonderful! And I can't wait until the next chapter. :)
an update! I'm so happy right now! XD
this chapter was very cute. except the part about Naraku. What the hell is he planning?!?! lol can't wait to read more! ^-^
Sometimes we cannot help the one our heart falls in love with and even if it's wrong, sometimes...it just can't be ignored no matter how hard you try. I can't feel diapponitment here. Neither actually planned this...they fought their emotions for so long but it happened anyway. I don't understand why people call a girl/woman a whore just because she follows her heart and makes love and a new life with a man. They don't call him a man whore or any other degrading name...just the girl/woman. It's quite sad really. She never had sex with any other male but she's labeled. I can understand their parents anger but not the way they handled it. Not the degrading names they were called. With all my heart, I hope all works out well for them. Kagome and Sesshoumaru were half siblings and she was half human not mothered by another Inuyoukai. I think the child will have a good chance at being born healthy. They were sure to get the best medical help they could. If the family cannot come to an agreeable understanding and love their children and grandchild without predudice, I say they should move on without them. Give their love and child/children a happy and loving environment to grow in and when or if the family comes around to seeing the error of their decisions then just live and love showing their children that though their grandparents were good people they were raised to have their beliefs but no matter they are loved and wanted more then whatever people deem as right and wrong. This is a good fic, no matter how many typos or spelling errors, it didn't take away from the beauty and love of this fic. It's been a good and entertaining fic and I await more. JEN
i seriously would not worry about what anybody thinks about how you spell follow. i do agree that it does piss off the writer when they get lectured about how they spell one simple word. maybe they should look at themselves before the judge others. your story is good so far. keep it up
nursalina ng, malaysia (Chapter 14) - Wed 28 Oct 2009
Dear Haiden, Thank you. I'm so happy you won't leave your story hanging. I sincerely hope to be able to read further chapters from you in the soonest forseable future. Best wishes and warmest regards.
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