Yuka doesn't seem to understand that true friends help to prevent those kinds of embarrassing moments, not help to creat them. Perhaps, after the 2nd cup of special fruit punch, Kagome should have been told that it had alcohol in it. Then, if Kagome kept drinking it, then maybe one of her friends should have taken it away from her. Sometimes alcohol isn't the only route to having a good time, if it means throwing up on a dance partner or landing in jail!!! If this happened to her friends, would they want it recorded, much less splayed out all over a social media site??? Enjoyment at another persons misery is horrible! Especially since they know how Kagome would feel about it...........please continue this story! It would be a great laugh if Kagome's friends got a bit of the same treatment! Even if they are trying to get Kagome to come out of her shell, public humiliation isn't the way to go!
Yay an update! I'm so happy~! Poor Kags~ what will happen! Will she ever forgive her friends? Will Sesshomaru forgive her? Lol I can't wait for more~!
Those girls are the worst type of friends ever....
Keep them coming.
congratulations!!! Babies are a blessing & a joy! I hope you enjoy motherhood!
Now onto the review: I completely love this...I (once) had friends like this, the operative word being 'HAD', it turned out the instigator hated that out of all her friends, her parents liked her hanging out with me, because I didn't do crazy stuff like she did. Which is take things to the extreme like Yuka has. That girl needs to be put in her place. First she got her drunk & she was man-handled by Kouga. Then Yuka knowingly gave her a drink she (meaning Yuka) knew had alcohol in it. It really sound like Yuka is doing this deliberately to Kagome. I think Sango should be the one to smooth thing over with Sesshoumaru and put little miss Yuka in her place before it goes to far & Kagome almost gets raped. Because, if she pulls another 'Let's take Kagome out & get her drunk' plans that is exactly what will happen. Poor Kags, I hope she & Sesshoumaru make their way to each other soon.
Again, love the story keep up the great work. Oh, sorry if some of this doesn't make sense, I am writing this review from my iPhone & it keeps auto-correcting everything :=)
Yay update! These girls need to do a lot better than that. It's not like they ruined her best shoes, they gave her a rap sheet for pete's sake! Thanks for the update. Hope you're enjoying motherhood :)
Well atleast there trying to help lol. Thanks for the update looking foward to more whenever you can~! Take your time!
Awww how nice of them!
See! They are good friends with a bad judgement. Lol
Congrats on the baby!! I know how tiresome that can be because everyone around me is having a baby lol (and I have 4 little sisters, the youngest being 7 months old), so take your time and rest and, don't worry, we'll be here. :D
Patiently waiting for your next installment!! <3
The guilt lies heavily upon you, girls...actions have concequenses after all xD
Congrats on the birth of your beautiful baby girl!
Keep it coming.
Keep it coming, Happy Easter Sunday.
too short :(
Lol An I-hate-people day it is for poor Kags. It was a wise decision to call Yuka. She seems like the most level headed of the bunch. And Sess...traumatized?? This brings to mind aliens and probing Bahahahahaha I'm dying to read his take on the incident!
Thank you for the fast update!
Lol Kags is so funny! Please update more when you can! I love this story so much!
Go Kagome! You bite her head off! YES!
It's good to know Kagome wouldn't just let that one slide. :P
Keep updating! Pleaseeeeeee
Yay, thanks for the speedy update. Poor Kagome.. she didn't even get a chance to meet with Sesshomaru properly.
This made a turn for the bad!
I'm not liking where Kagome's friends are putting her :( Where are they? Why haven't they already paid and bailed her out???
Really 37,652 yen ($400) for bail and a court case then u say " I know it seems like Kagome's friends are evil and mean but that's the humor of it lol. They aren't intentionally being mean". Please try putting yourself in her shoes and give her a break from her friends from hell, after flashing herself in her birthday suit i don't think even those friends of her will have the cofidence to go out in public (if they had been the one's who had flashed themselves) by the way for which she needed her friends for u know to get confidence so that she can get a guy now all she'll get are perverts.
Well i am waiting for her train wreck of a life to come on track. i feel reeeaallly bad for kagome n want to send assassins after her so called friends.
(ps: though i like ur writting keep updating ;P)
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